Next: 5 hours, 19 minutes (10:38 PM UTC)
South China Sea-2
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 2003, Diplomacy
South China Sea, Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
This is a moderated game. Gamedirector: Fake Al (1673 D).
SCS Variant Test.

NoMoves Toggle moves
Big map

Tip: Failed orders are usually only displayed on the largemap ().

Ready Malaysia
han-shahanshah (1671 D) - Delays left: 1 of 1

11 supply-centers, 11 units
Ready Vietnam
BlueDog4Peace (1280 D) - Delays left: 1 of 1

9 supply-centers, 9 units
Ready Taiwan
Zebulon Zirbou (935 D) - Delays left: 1 of 1

6 supply-centers, 6 units
Completed China
rrrr77 (1200 D) - Delays left: 1 of 1

5 supply-centers, 5 units
Ready Philippines
Lucadic (915 D) - Delays left: 1 of 1

3 supply-centers, 2 units
Ready Indonesia
thebeing (864 D) - Delays left: 1 of 1

2 supply-centers, 2 units
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages