A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
31 Oct 18 UTC
Diplomacy World needs a hand!
The quarterly mag needs a few good Dippers. Find out more at and give a hand for the hobby!
9 replies
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
11 Oct 18 UTC
Grey Fog of War
So I have just discovered variants for both Grey Press and Fog of War. I have no idea how to code so can't make this happen, but if someone was able to combine these two variants, it would make for a very very interesting game, especially in Public Press
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Chumbles (1380 D)
07 Oct 18 UTC
Smelly stand-ins/replacements
We have a situation, a 'metagaming' tactic which thoroughly distorts gunboat games' outcomes. Replacement players don't have to have the same RRas the game originally required. Thus we can get a replacement whose sole purpose is to recover their own RR by suiciding - moving their own units out of their centres in so another player can move in entirely uncontested.
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Bismark (985 D)
05 Oct 18 UTC
Can't build in a free SC?
I'm playing World War II and I've got 2 SC's free for example, but I can only build in one of them, I think it might have something to do with units bounced on the other SC in Autumn? Is this some rule somewhere that I've missed or an error?
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ingebot (2014 D)
30 Sep 18 UTC
Hidden orders?
I'm recently back from a year and a half hiatus, and have noticed for a while that for anonymous games it no longer shows who has saved their orders, readied, or not entered orders yet. I can understand why this was done (I've exploited the old system extensively), just curious at to when this change was made, whether there was any discussion on the potential change, and why I haven't seen any information on the change in the rules/feature sections?
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ingebot (2014 D)
28 Sep 18 UTC
IA map issue with English Channel
In the variant World War II, I never seem to be able to move to the English Channel using the IA interface, when I press the space it simply says something about the North Sea being not adjacent to the original position of the unit. It's never came up with any other location. Is this a common issue, or is it just me (I'll message the mods either way, just to get a sense of what might be going on here)?
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This is likely to be my last forum post.
I'm sure the mods are pissed and I don't give a fuck. I could use a break anyhow. So silence or banhammer away.
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What's the point in muting a nation in non-anon if the mods will let the player PM you?
A player PMed me after I muted his nation and the mods said it's not against the rules. It would seem to me to violate the intent of the press rules if not the letter. I have since muted the player for the rest of the game but that was not my desire.
4 replies
Known World Tournament
Awhile back, kaner proposed a Known World gunboat tournament in which 15 participants would play 15 games, one with each nation. I searched back for the thread, then just decided to start a new one. I want to see if there would be sufficient interest in this to try to get it off the ground.
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mouse (1825 D)
06 Dec 16 UTC
kaner, RUFFHAUS - why did we agree to splitting 150 D rather than something like 15.000 then?

Mapu - you don't think the method of distributing points should be the same across all games? That hardly seems fair.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
06 Dec 16 UTC
"Surviving in a draw, yes. But surviving in a solo, no."

Agreed 100%, Mapu. The only survival in a solo is the victor.

"or multiply all final outcomes by 100 to get rid of that decimal and give us whole numbers that are reflective of the real final score"

Good suggestion, Kaner. Whole numbers are much cleaner.
bozo (2302 D)
06 Dec 16 UTC
Multiplying the result by 100 has the same effect as starting with each game worth 15000. I do not think the scoring for a solo was ever specifically stated in the discussions before the tournament started, but I think the consensus was WTA, so it should be 15000 for the solo, 0 for everyone else.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
06 Dec 16 UTC
"Mapu - you don't think the method of distributing points should be the same across all games? That hardly seems fair."

Some of the ultra veteran players can correct me and add to this, but my understanding is that surviving a solo is actually worse than being defeated (and thus worse than surviving in a draw) because you failed to stop the solo. I think some scoring systems even take this into account.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
07 Dec 16 UTC
I don't think any veteran player would say surviving to a solo is worse than being eliminated - the eliminated powers 'lost' in the same way and their actions would also have had an impact in setting the solo up. I know some people who say that to make themselves look better after being eliminated, but I don't think anyone seriously believes it.

Someone throwing the game is often *less* likely to survive than other players.

That said, I don't know many veteran players who would say surviving to a solo is better than an elimination, either. Both cases are losses, both are worth the same.
mouse (1825 D)
07 Dec 16 UTC
In the post on pg5 of this thread where Dr Recommended officially launched the torunament, and the first game, he posted "We will use SoS scoring to distribute points for the tournament."

Nowhere do I see that being limited to draws. I would disagree heavily with any push to change the rules, part-way through the tourney, to have solos split WTA rather than SoS.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
07 Dec 16 UTC
The official scoring system Sum of Squares (SoS) is a WTA system, SoS is a way of scoring the draws.
bozo (2302 D)
07 Dec 16 UTC

Although I agree the post you referenced does not state that SoS does not apply to solos, the post on page 1 by kaner, which suggests the SoS scoring, reference a webDip link:

He also copied part of the information in the link, and it states:

"This is a centre-based scoring system. In a draw, each player gets a proportion of the pot scaled by their centre count:

(SC_count^2) / (sum of all players (SC_count^2))"

Additional information at the webDip link that is not copied to the post states:

"WebDiplomacy has three scoring systems enabled: Draw-Size Scoring, Sum of Squares and Unranked.
In the first two systems, if you win this game by capturing the required supply centres (18 on the Classic map) then you win the entire pot for the game, and receive all those points."

It was my interpretation that when Dr. Recommended used the term SoS scoring, he is referring to this definition, which I think clearly states that solos are scored WTA.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 Dec 16 UTC
Why is it that Diplomacy players of all people cannot comprehend that "solo" means one?
Maucat (1834 D)
07 Dec 16 UTC
I'm still waiting an answer to my question: can I play this tournament, please?
Maucat, the tournament is well underway and the games are not open. I will add your name to the list of potential replacements.

Good discussion on scoring, I'll have to catch up and add my thoughts later today.
Bump. Games waiting on two players.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
09 Dec 16 UTC
Who are the two donks not signing up? We have eager players begging to play. If you cannot continue, please speak up.
I'm a donk. In less than 4 days I'm away with zero internet access for a week. I flagged this with Doc and instead of having to start a game and put everyone through a pause a day later, thought it made far more sense to just wait on starting the next game when I got back on 20 Dec.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
09 Dec 16 UTC
*cough* game sitter feature *cough

Surely a silver level developer knows about this? :)
They hand out silver medallions for just turning up. You should know that RUFFHAUS ;-)
Leif_Syverson (1400 D Mod)
17 Dec 16 UTC
Amby is back and will join the games shortly. That leaves one player still not joined. Who is it? I'm in.
I've PM'd the remaining holdout (thanks Cap!)
Mapu (2086 D (B))
21 Dec 16 UTC
Are the countries already shuffled?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
21 Dec 16 UTC
On it now - please do not enter orders in the meantime.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
21 Dec 16 UTC
Done! Have fun all :)
I've asked Captainmeme to PM the player that NMRd. I'll give a day or so more and then pull a player from the substitute list. Is this agreeable?
Game 2 scoring:

Dr. Rec: (30^2)0.0414 = 37.26
bozo: (27^2)0.0414 = 30.1806
Desert Fox: (27^2)0.0414 = 30.1806
Eki83: (25^2)0.0414 = 25.875

Scoring after 2 games:

Hirnsaege: 80.15
Eki83: 76.595
Dr. Rec: 37.26
bozo: 34.3206
Desert Fox: 30.1806
RUFF 8: 14.95
mouse: 0.04
I'm still not convinced we've got the right scoring system, but I don't have a better idea. For example, it seems that bozo reaching the draw in both games, with 10 and 25 centers respectively, should be above me (1 draw, 30 centers) in the scoring. I guess it just shows the value of grabbing any extra centers you can as the game winds down.
*bozo 10 and 27, not 25
Two possible tweaks. First, I calculated the scores the same way, and simply added the number of centers to them:

Eki83: 136.595
Hirnsaege: 124.15
bozo: 71.3206
Dr. Rec: 67.26
Desert Fox: 57.1806
RUFFHAUS 8: 33.95
mouse: 1.4

This gives more weight to bozo and Eki reaching the draw in both games.

The next one is admittedly arbitrary. I awarded 10 D across the board for reaching the draw. This again adds weight to bozo & Eki drawing both games, and smooths out the huge range generated by squaring. I don't know if it will work as we get deeper into the tournament, but I think this one gives the fairest representation:

Eki83: 96.595
Hirnsaege: 90.15
bozo: 54.3206
Dr. Rec: 47.26
Desert Fox: 40.1806
RUFFHAUS 8: 24.95
mouse: 10.04

I rather doubt we'll find complete consensus on this, and I hope I'm not starting any arguments. Just want to look at our options before we get further along.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
23 Dec 16 UTC
voice from the off, not really knowing what was discussed so far:

does it have to be ^2 ?
any other exponent between 1 and 2 would tone down the differences and still scale to some extent.

something like ^1.2 would still favour the larger size in a draw, but far less drastically.
i.E. if we have someone having 10 centers, some other 11 centers, another one 20 centers, we'd get:
10^1.2 = 15.85
11^1.2 = 17.77
20^1.2 = 36.41
bases difference (for 10,11,20) is 110% and 200%
with exponent 1.2 applied we get a difference of 120% and 230%

So it scales and favours the larger winner – but not so much as a ^2 which favours those who once manage to have a huge victory, even if they fail in all the other games.

1.2 is still an arbitrary factor of course ... but ^2 actually is too.
with expontent 2.0 applied to (10,11,20), we get a difference of 121% and 400%
--> having double centers is worth four times in scoring. having 3 times centers would be 9 times already ...
Players ready for next game:

1. Amby
1. Amby
2. Desert Fox

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Kaiser Heide (901 D)
15 Sep 18 UTC
Looking for a group.
Looking for a group of people that play pretty consistently if y’all want to add another to your group lmk. I’m interested.
13 replies
The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
16 Aug 18 UTC
Obscure group of vDip folks who love History podcasts
Ok I was just starting to pull together the files for the latest Diplomacy Games episode and was chilling to the theme song from the podcast History on Fire: ...
27 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
07 Sep 18 UTC
finding replacement for game 34637
Due to outside circumstances, I find I am not able to continue to fully participate in the Embassy Cable game (Gobble Earth variant). The game is currently on an extend phase for another day, so if anyone is willing to take over for Mexico (solid position) please let me know so we can have the mods put you into the game. Thanks!
9 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
05 Sep 18 UTC
[New Variant] East Indies
Hello again diplomats,

New variant coming up on vDip, taking place in a quite familiar setting for some of us.
26 replies
Mercy (2131 D)
08 Sep 18 UTC
Variant Creation Guide
I have written a guide on variant creation:
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Enriador (1507 D)
04 Sep 18 UTC
Diplomacy Tournament
Come check a new tournament! Played on Conspiracy/Backstabbr.
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rannjohnson (1763 D)
24 Aug 18 UTC
Unique convoy situation question
I never thought this was possible until someone suggested it, but I have yet to try it. Say you have an army in Spain, a fleet in Marseilles, and a fleet in Gulf of Lyon. The fleet in Marseilles moves to Spain and the army in Spain moves to Marseilles via convoy of Gulf of Lyon. I know in normal Diplomacy rules that two units can't switch locations like that, but does the convoy change the route the army takes at all to allow this?
52 replies
Al Wulf (933 D)
01 Sep 18 UTC
Diplomacy 2.0
Needing help for redevelopment
1 reply
MyDip (973 D)
01 Sep 18 UTC
I need a replacement for a full press game for some real-life reasons. Note: The game is not a classic game.

Please PM me if interested.
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ubercacher16 (2196 D)
28 Aug 18 UTC
I have decided to take an indefinite hiatus from Diplomacy for IRL reasons.

I need a permanent replacement for four gunboat games three full press games and two public press games. PM if interested.
17 replies
Mercy (2131 D)
19 Aug 18 UTC
[New Variant] World Diplomacy X
I am in the process of creating my first variant: World Diplomacy 10 (
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Enriador (1507 D)
20 Jul 18 UTC
[New Variant] Edwardian 3rd Edition
An updated version of 'Edwardian' is coming to vDiplomacy! Check it out:
19 replies
The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
27 Aug 18 UTC
Amby needs a sitter
Hi folks - I'll be away from Saturday in zero cell phone service land and need a sitter to cover me for approx 5-6 days. PM me if you're interested. I have 4 active games and waiting for 2 KW901 tourney games to start.
2 replies
mfontecilla (1100 D)
23 Aug 18 UTC
"An invalid aniti-script code was given, please try again"?
A friend of mine is trying to create an account and he is receiving "An invalid anti-script code was given, please try again" text, how do we fix it?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
21 Aug 18 UTC
Pick up a game as the world leader
Someone really should pick up Pennsylvania in this one: He's only the world leader on the map - talk about picking up a nice CD position.
4 replies
tassa (2177 D)
18 Aug 18 UTC
Interactive Map - Memory-easting Monster
Is it possible that the interactive map doesn't handle big maps well once you have a certain amount of units?
2 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
18 Aug 18 UTC
Sitter needed
I am traveling from August 20th to 30th and it turned out that my initially planned sitter takes part in one game, as well. Now I need your help to manage that game.
2 replies
d-ice (1969 D)
17 Aug 18 UTC
FoW padlocks
FoW variant has padlocks on all powers that have orders to give. This gives other players information about who has a retreat/build etc. I propose that these are removed so that this information isn’t revealed.
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Aug 18 UTC
Quick Rules Question
In Classic, I am confident if an army in Portugal Attacks Spain while an Army in Spain attacks Portugal, both will fail. Would this rule still apply if the it were instead a fleet on the northern coast attacking Portugal and a fleet in Portugal moving to the southern coast?

Random Game link for Anon: gameID=35642
4 replies
Docsy (981 D)
13 Aug 18 UTC
Our game bugged out, and mods are looking at it. What do we do and what will happen?
So basically, We were playing World War IV 6.2. It was the first time we got our community of players, both on a subreddit and a discord, to play a big 36 player game. Didn't start 100% the best the first year, some players didn't get the rules and ended up starting with 2 units instead of 3.
7 replies
Strider (1604 D)
09 Aug 18 UTC
Civil Disorders listed at bottom of game
I have a game that is telling me the country, it's size and who is CDing. Why is that a thing now? It's gunboat, fog of war and anonymous!
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