Finished: 08 PM Tue 18 Feb 14 UTC
Imma get deez beans
1 day /phase
Pot: 168 D - Spring, 1915, Finished
Classic, PPSC
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game drawn
NoMoves Toggle moves
Big map

Tip: Failed orders are usually only displayed on the largemap ().

Rancher (1128 D)
Drawn. Bet: 17 D, won: 56 D
1081 D -> 1148 D (+67 D)
13 supply-centers, 13 units
McDrops (1658 D)
Drawn. Bet: 11 D, won: 56 D
1327 D -> 1399 D (+72 D)
12 supply-centers, 12 units
Dirty Harry (1201 D)
Drawn. Bet: 12 D, won: 56 D
997 D -> 1101 D (+104 D)
9 supply-centers, 9 units
Gekko (1815 D)
Defeated. Bet: 6 D
936 D -> 951 D (+15 D)
GunLoader85 (1051 D)
Defeated. Bet: 6 D
1028 D -> 1039 D (+11 D)
Stercus (994 D)
Defeated. Bet: 3 D
1039 D -> 1044 D (+5 D)
ellibear (1016 D)
Defeated. Bet: 10 D
995 D -> 1016 D (+21 D)
Civil Disorders
DancingWithTheCzars (90 D)Austria (Spring, 1903) with 7 centres.
Sandyshu47 (18 D)France (Autumn, 1907) with 4 centres.
Gamoosa (93 D)Russia (Autumn, 1905) with 5 centres.
deal with it (90 D)Turkey (Spring, 1903) with 3 centres.
keseyj96 (120 D)France (Spring, 1903) with 7 centres.
ellibear (99 D)Germany (Spring, 1905) with 1 centres.
Rommel (90 D)England (Spring, 1904) with 3 centres.
jaegermister (90 D)Italy (Spring, 1903) with 5 centres.
hmcclain (182 D)Italy (Spring, 1911) with 1 centres.
spamsam (79 D)France (Autumn, 1904) with 5 centres.
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages - Graph