31 Aug 14 UTC | Autumn, 1903: Sorry guys I missed it by so little! |
02 Sep 14 UTC | Autumn, 1903: haaaaaaaa shiiiit again!! I'm so so so sorry for that!! I think I filled in my orders while the phase changes so I couldn't ready up... |
16 Sep 14 UTC | Autumn, 1906: Russia will go for the solo |
16 Sep 14 UTC | Autumn, 1906: First off, Italy, I'd be shocked if everyone hasn't discussed that long before your observation. Second, there are 21 needed to win this variant. France and Turkey are far too smart to let me get close to that by fighting each other, so my only path to 8 more centers is through Germany and/or England. England has the fleets to hold me in the north. There is absolutely no chance I could solo this game. Recognizing that, why would I waste my time trying to do that? It only makes sense for me to work towards the smallest draw possible. That might be 3, 4, or 5, Italy, but I'm afraid crying wolf in Global will not be enough to save you either way. |
17 Sep 14 UTC | Autumn, 1906: I know I'm going to die, but the English fleets are not enough to stop you. Going on in conquering Germany, you will build fleets in StP. And I'm not so sure Turkey is safe. Whenever you want you could take Serbia and then pushing down into the Balkans |
17 Sep 14 UTC | Autumn, 1906: Yeah....no. Not unless France and Germany decide they want to help me win. Do you see that happening? Me either. |
21 Sep 14 UTC | Spring, 1907: Sorry for the delay folks. My bad. |
18 Oct 14 UTC | GameMaster: England voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has. |
20 Oct 14 UTC | Good game all.... |
20 Oct 14 UTC | Fun game. Utom, hahahaha.....that was a surprise. Sorry for my tone early on :) allanxo, very nicely played. johnny, way to hang in. |
20 Oct 14 UTC | gg all! |
21 Oct 14 UTC | Good game folks. |