Finished: 05 PM Tue 04 Nov 14 UTC
Classic crowded
1 day /phase
Pot: 139 D - Autumn, 1913, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by i7evil (975 D)

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Chat archive


21 Sep 14 UTC Spring, 1901: (PTTG): Hi! I'm fairly new, I hope that's OK.
22 Sep 14 UTC Spring, 1901: (lemon10): No worries, just play the best that you can.
23 Sep 14 UTC Spring, 1901: (nirja): If anybody wanna play, go ask someone else to join the game!
24 Sep 14 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: NMR from Norway. Send the country in CD.
24 Sep 14 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Missing orders for Spring, 1901 (Diplomacy) from a country with 2 or more SCs. Extending phase.The game will continue after this phase even if you do not find a replacement.
24 Sep 14 UTC Spring, 1901: Bah!
24 Sep 14 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Halt has taken over Norway replacing "AlmightyEpsilon". Reconsider your alliances.
05 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1904: GameMaster: mma has taken over France replacing "nirja". Reconsider your alliances.
06 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1904: Amazing how much Norway, Spain and the Balkans have had to do to stay exactly the same as the beginning of the game.
06 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1904: Fear us.
09 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1905: GG all.
09 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1905: Predictions for the game:
Russia Italy beats Turkey/Balkans, but Turkey will survive somewhat until the I/R turn on each other. Spain likely to head north at some point to counter the British Juggernaut. Germany heading west and north on me, may coordinate with Spain to try and limit England (will likely fail).

A Win will probably go to England-Russia-Italy. If a Draw, we're seeing England-Italy-Turkey-Spain (maybe Germany, but I don't bet on it).

12 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1906: Alright. Assuming the deal hasn't altered, come spring, you will support Serbia into Bulgaria, and me and Spain will handle Greece. Then we work togther against the turks, huh?
12 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1906: Alright. Assuming the deal hasn't altered, come spring, you will support Serbia into Bulgaria, and me and Spain will handle Greece. Then we work togther against the turks, huh?
12 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1906: Oh god, why did the chat reset XD
12 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1906: Honestly, like it's going to change the outcome at this point
31 Oct 14 UTC Autumn, 1911: GameMaster: Kalazar has taken over Germany replacing "lemon10". Reconsider your alliances.