Finished: 08 PM Mon 25 Sep 17 UTC
Gott Mit Uns
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 100 D - Spring, 1963, Finished
World War II, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game drawn

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22 May 17 UTC Spring, 1938: GameMaster: NMR from Soviet Russia. Send the country in CD.
22 May 17 UTC Spring, 1938: GameMaster: Missing orders for Spring, 1938 (Diplomacy) from a country with 2 or more SCs. Extending phase.The game will continue after this phase even if you do not find a replacement.
22 May 17 UTC Spring, 1938: Apologies. I had a long day out. Catching up on press and will have orders issued.
01 Jun 17 UTC Spring, 1940: Sorry guys, I think I missed a phase.
I had connection issues.
I think that it is fixed now.
02 Jun 17 UTC Spring, 1940: Can ready up please? Its just a retreat phase...
05 Jun 17 UTC Autumn, 1940: Apologies for the miss all. Except for Germany, and for you, you're welcome. ;-)

Won't happen again.
22 Jun 17 UTC Spring, 1944: Oops, it happened again.
06 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1947: For the record, I think its pretty poor sportsmanship to hand the game to the player you tried to get me to attack for most of the game, just because I wouldn't attack him. I've remained loyal to Italy the whole game, as he remained loyal to me. Hopefully that will continue.
07 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1947: Well there it is, as everyone warned me. So far I have been attacked and stabbed by everyone and I've stabbed no one. Again. Nice to Russia to help Italy the whole game.
09 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 1947: GameMaster: Britain voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
13 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 1948: Lol, Russia supporting Italy into Kiev and all out fighting germany while allowing Italy into his own capital. Never seen that before.
13 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 1948: The move to moscow was meant to bounce Smo of course, and was decided by Russia.
14 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 1948: Of course it was. Russia has been single-minded in a no-compromise, all attack position on me since the very start. Why wouldn't he be ok with you in Moscow while he keeps attacking me in support of your win?
19 Jul 17 UTC Autumn, 1949: Little woofs... the sounds a poodle makes when being thrown a bone by its master...
20 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1950: You should be honest enough to be silent.
You've been telling me that Britain is a noob all the game long and now he is saving your a..
and you crushed len just because of a misorder by soviet
20 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1950: Misorders happen and we all make them sometimes. Even you. You still think that all your stabbings and dirty play is going to get your so desperately desired solo win?
20 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1950: Desperately desired? Ahahahah
neither in life I have desperate desires!
Of course misorders happen by everybody.
But I don't feel proud when my opponent does one.
I don't care a s... about soloing.
Circumstances had me forced to try.
A 4 way draw will be good enough as far as I'm concerned.
20 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1950: Yes, desperately desired... do you not recall your bland apologies to me when stabbing, saying that the win was all important and that I should understand?

I didn't notice the misorder until you pointed it out. I accept the benefits of an opponents misorder as equanimously as I accept the setbacks of my own. Russia has done nothing but attack me all this game, even from the very start refusing any fair division of neutrals likely with the intention of starting a war. Since then he has been rabid, even while losing territories to you, even his own capital. He has been terrier-like even in decline, so I can only wonder why.

A 4-way draw does no-one any credit at all, however suggests that you stabbed too often and too early. You need 6 centres to win, which means 3 really, as you have Iraq, Georgia and Stalingrad in the bank when you're ready.
20 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1950: Germany, I have absolutely no problem with you or the way you're playing, but that's the grossest mischaracterization I've ever heard. I made a proposal that I thought was fair. You didn't. You responded so sarcastically and hostilely that there was never any possibility of even discussing a fair split of any territory. You certainly never made a non-sarcastic proposal. Even once. You also did the same thing with me that Italy claims you did with him about calling Britain a noob the entire game. And my personal favorite, you said "I can see you're a good player, but you're not a particularly moral one."

I expect this will be my only public statement about this, as I'm inclined toward the observation of Abraham Lincoln when he said that one should never argue with a fool as a bystander can't tell the difference. I simply wouldn't have Britain or Italy, who have both been civil and the sorts of opponents I enjoy playing with, take my silence as in any way accepting of your nonsense as you stamp your feet and hold your breath until you turn blue because the game isn't going as you wish.
20 Jul 17 UTC Spring, 1950: Lol, I responded sarcastically to your initial proposal ("Dear Germany, I propose I take all between us and you take none, ok?") as you clearly had no intention to find middle ground. Since then you've done nothing but attack, attack, attack me even as it became clear it wasn't working out for you. Even as you allowed Italy to eat you from your south, you continued your frenzied attacks on me. Even now. You convinced Britain to join you, then attacked him in a pretty cavalier fashion.

I'm not at all worried that this game "isn't going as I wish" as it became clear fairly early, as you and Britain gave Italy an early pass while focusing all on me that I was not going to be a contender for a solo win. At best I was only ever going to get a draw, so given that, the game is working out perfectly.

I accept that these games promote lying and deception, but I generally try to avoid doing this - certainly its not something I enjoy to do, even to anonymous strangers I'll never meet in RL. But some can stab with such evident and casual, cold-blooded pleasure that I admit robs me of enjoyment in these games. Such was the case in this game.