01 Dec 19 UTC | Spring, 2020: Good game all! |
01 Dec 19 UTC | Spring, 2020: No messaging! Uh oh! |
01 Dec 19 UTC | Spring, 2020: No messaging! Uh oh! |
03 Dec 19 UTC | Spring, 2020: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
19 Dec 19 UTC | Autumn, 2021: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
21 Dec 19 UTC | Autumn, 2021: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
23 Dec 19 UTC | Autumn, 2021: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders. |
24 Dec 19 UTC | Autumn, 2021: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Sweden replacing "gazul". Reconsider your alliances. |
24 Jan 20 UTC | Spring, 2025: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Lithuania replacing "Kurt". Reconsider your alliances. |
01 Feb 20 UTC | Autumn, 2025: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Romania replacing "Korwenten". Reconsider your alliances. |
17 Mar 20 UTC | Autumn, 2031: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Czechia replacing "tillersch". Reconsider your alliances. |
05 May 20 UTC | [Russia]:Sorry Serbia, I shouldn't have fallen back against you when I did. Good win France, you're lucky Italy trusted you so much. |
05 May 20 UTC | [Turkey]:Well played, France. |
05 May 20 UTC | [Sweden]:And for some reason Ireland decided to keep attacking me instead of turning against the invading French. It was a wtf moment for me, but oh we... GG, France! |
05 May 20 UTC | [Ireland]:I’m sorry Sweden! I realized I was going to be crushed, and decided I wanted to help France on the path to victory |
05 May 20 UTC | [Sweden]:That's ok. However, usually you can count on other people seeing the huge push from an enemy and if that enemy is too strong, can usually count on them being reasonable and either stop attacking you or actually helping you. I would have, but you just didn't stop hitting me ;d Btw, the stupidest thing I did was attack Russia. I'm not sure why I decided to do that. Sorry, brother! :D |
05 May 20 UTC | [Russia]:That's alright |
06 May 20 UTC | [France]:Good game all! Yeah I gotta say I won mostly because of luck (and also tactics). Spain really bungled their defense but in a way that specifically advantaged me over Portugal, then I was able to fight and win against both Netherlands and Portugal because the distribution of SCs in the low countries naturally favored me the attacking power, while Italy did not use the chance to attack me (although I wasn't ahead yet). Ireland after launching what seemed to be a probing attack immediately pulled back and basically did not defend against my very obvious counter-attack. I actually could and should have kept Ireland alive for much longer, but I just didn't even think about anything other than grabbing as many SCs as possible initially. The decision to attack Ireland was taken only in light of the war between Russia and Sweden, which Russia seemed to be winning, so I wanted to help Sweden by lessening the pressure of Ireland a bit to prolong their war, while I set up position to attack them both at the same time. At this point I steadily built up a 6 SC reserve of builds, to use in case of an attack, and to act as a strong deterrence against attack. I guess given how late the attack from Italy came it kinda worked? I was quite surprised that even after I landed in northeast Russia and was clearly on the way to soloing nobody at all put their full focus into stopping me. Sweden and Russia continued fighting, Serbia attacked Russia, and a war even seemed to be starting between Serbia and Turkey (kudos to Turkey for being the first to try to organize a coalition against me!) Eventually Italy did attack me, but strategically I could see it from a mile away, the only reason I didn't use my builds in anticipation was because I wanted to kick the can as far down the road as I could, and tactically it was quite poorly carried out, I didn't lose a single SC to Italy, nor did I lose any strategic positions. I actually thought of attacking Italy at multiple points in the game, but their ongoing acquiescence to my growth convinced me each time to keep them around, since I'd rather border them than Serbia, plus keeping them around gave me a pool of a "potential" SCs that doesn't show up yet on my SC count, making me look less formidable than I was, or so I thought. At one point I thought I might be forced into a draw by the lack of progress in Russia and against Serbia, but ultimately the lack of coordination (not that it's possible in gunboat) between the hodgepodge of Serbian, Italian and Turkish fleets allowed me to push through when I likely would have been forced into a draw had there been press. There were other minor things, like Serbia taking Russia's SCs even while rushing forwards to fight me, thereby removing some of Russia's armies against me on the frontline (same mistake I made vis-a-vis Ireland), which may or may not have made a difference. |
06 May 20 UTC | [Netherlands]:Good Game. Congrats, France. |
06 May 20 UTC | [Serbia]:Good game to all in particular FR. It would be interesting to hear from IT his view on why the attack on France came when it came. Again heads up to Ingebot who put a lot of thinking into this game. Thanks for sharing. |