Finished: 05 PM Fri 13 Oct 23 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 95 D - Autumn, 14, Finished
Haven, WTA, ChooseYourCountry, noProcess:Sat,Sun
2 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game drawn

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Chat archive


03 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
05 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Knights]:(ibuprofen): One of the first maps I ever played on vdip, hobbits I believe, just barely made it out! Good luck all
05 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Faeries]:(Alhena): I just hope this game will come together. This my second attempt to get a Haven game running
05 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Knights]:(ibuprofen): If you message the mods a few days before the deadline they're usually good about making an extension
05 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Faeries]:(Alhena): Thanks for the tip.
I was also thinking about creating a game that draws more players; I'm still pretty new here and maybe there are ways to make the game more appealing to players? Like different rules or parameters.
05 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Ogres]:(folie): There's not much extra you can do IMO, people either want to play the map or they don't. I've tried unsuccessfully to get 2 or 3 Haven games up but it seems like there's not a huge amount of people who want to play it.
WTA/PPSC doesn't really matter since the games usually draw anyway. Gunboat/messaging is probably the most consequential parameter; some people prefer gunboat, others don't. I'm not a big fan of gunboat.
05 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Knights]:(ibuprofen): Finally someone who prefers talking, I dont get the majority gunboat appeal. Diplomacy is, well, part of diplomacy
05 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Ogres]:(folie): Exactly! Gunboat just feels random.
06 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Pirates]:(fitzsimmons.89): I too prefer press games over gunboat
06 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Faeries]:(Alhena): Woooo, A third of the required slots have been filled!
Spread the word people, we may actually pull it off.
06 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Faeries]:(Alhena): Well, I also think Gunboat robs the game of a lot of what makes it special, but I think I can also see why people may like it, since it's easier to get into and juggling multiple games is simpler. It also depends on the map - it wouldn't want to play Classic as a gunboat, but this map is another matter.
If this game doesn't take off, I'll try a gunboat of Haven with public messaging
06 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: GOD (Moderator): Hey guys I just came across this game and extended the join phase preemptively so you can finally get that Haven game started. Its a great map, sadly I don't have the amount of time to join myself right now, but surely and with the proper amount of time, others will.

Good luck!
06 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: GOD (Moderator): *guys and girls, just in case
06 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: GOD (Moderator): Also this thread is dedicated to advertising games:
06 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Pirates]:(fitzsimmons.89): Yes I think its very dependent on the map whether I enjoy a gunboat game or not. Some of the more intricate maps such as Europa lots of countries are diplomacy dependent, so drawing those countries just kinda screws the player unless they get lucky. Anyways Im rambling some maps are certainly more suited for gunboat games to be fun.
07 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Faeries]:(Alhena): Thanks GOD xD
I put it up in thread.
11 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Faeries]:(Alhena): Half filled, wooo! o(≧▽≦)o
12 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Faeries]:(Alhena): 2/3rds filled! \(≧▽≦)/
12 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Samurai]:(CyrusG): I'm looking forward to this one, this fantasy theme looks really fun for sure!
12 Jul 23 UTC Spring, 1: [Hobbits]:(CoffeeAndKeyboards): while I play, I would have the comfort of the fantasy characters in the background, staring at my soul