Finished: 07 AM Fri 26 Jan 24 UTC
Ready when ready gunboat-2
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 105 D - Autumn, 658, Finished
HeptarchyIV, No messaging, Anon, WTA, noProcess:Sat
1 excused NMR / regain after 10 turn(s) / extend never
Game won by tangzhonghe (1987 D)

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17 Dec 23 UTC Spring, 651: By joining this game you are agreeing you will try to ready your orders as soon as you can.

Since this is gunboat, there is no need to wait for another player to respond to you for you to ready your orders.
18 Dec 23 UTC Spring, 651: By joining this game you are agreeing you will try to ready your orders as soon as you can.

Since this is gunboat, there is no need to wait for another player to respond to you for you to ready your orders.
04 Jan 24 UTC Autumn, 654: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Mercia replacing "Heitler". Reconsider your alliances.
11 Jan 24 UTC Autumn, 655: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Northumbria replacing "Seti". Reconsider your alliances.
27 Jan 24 UTC Well done, Anglia. I don’t understand Cornubia’s way of playing though. Why would you keep on helping the biggest player even when they are clearly going for a solo?
27 Jan 24 UTC Damn, I did not think that Anglia was so close of winning. But I share Wales point of view.
Well done to all then
27 Jan 24 UTC I think Cornubia need a chance to make sure that he can hold on to the ending if he turn to the east.
when Wales attacking Cornubia's mother land, how can he know that which time would Wales turn the muzzle to another direction? The initiative is in Wales hand, but Wales has not stop the attacking throughout the game.
If I am Ireland, maybe I would attack Wales to stop the deadlock.
Anglia is lucky in this game. When Wales and Cornubia determined the winner, Anglia's offensive would been restrained.
Hope everyone have fun.
27 Jan 24 UTC From my point of view, attacking Wales would have made it easier for you Anglia. It is true that you benefitted from Mercia's passivity at some point. But you played well going up north early to threaten me.
27 Jan 24 UTC From my point of view, attacking Wales would have made it easier for you Anglia. It is true that you benefitted from Mercia's passivity at some point. But you played well going up north early to threaten me.
27 Jan 24 UTC Because it is PPSC, so I valued (1) a high chance of staying in the game by allying with Anglia higher than (2) bascially guaranteeing my elimination by trying to fight Anglia and Wales.

If Wales had at some point given me the opportunity to flip without losing SC's to them, I would have considered trying to stop the solo. In a gunboat though, communication is hard. That's part of the fun of gunboat! But Wales never gave me any indication they were willing to put stopping the solo above attacking me.

Mercia taking Bristol in the first year really set me back. I knew it was a risk I was taking. But I think if they hadn't, Anglia and I could have marched north in lock step. That was my plan originally.
27 Jan 24 UTC It’s difficult to communicate in gunboat to stop attacking each other and focus on someone who is leading but only with about half the SCs needed for the solo. A different thing is helping someone who is 1/2 years from solo. Anyway, I continued on fighting Cornubia BECAUSE they continued on helping Anglia. But I was trying to fight through their territory to Anglia and eventually get some SCs to build armies to be able to fight Anglia in inland. Nevermind, it’s been fun! GGs.