A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Valis2501 (985 D)
10 Feb 15 UTC
House Game in Cambridge, MA, US
Starting 1 pm on Sat 2/14.
PM me if interested.

Also looking to get regular weekly/monthly games going so contact me even if you can't make it this Saturday.
15 replies
Nescio (1162 D)
13 Feb 15 UTC
"Original Diplomacy"
Is the Original Diplomacy, the first version, Diplomacy (1958) als playable on this site?
8 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
27 Jan 15 UTC
Variants In Development (Spice Islands and East Indies)
This is a followup to a couple of threads back in 2013 ( and )
Due to sizing limitations, the substantive content of this message will appear as a response.

18 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Feb 15 UTC
One more needed for Pure Gunboat!

PM me for PW!
1 reply
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
27 Jan 15 UTC
20 Questions - forum game
I'm thinking of an object. You only have 20 questions to guess what that object is. *IMPORTANT* - put the number your question next to the question. The person who guesses correct answer gets to be the next '20 question master'.
128 replies
headward7 (981 D)
11 Feb 15 UTC
Non-diplomacy semi-adverts allowed in this forum?
Hi all, is it permitted to shamelessly use this site to recruit player-testers for ulterior non-diplomatic purposes?

If not, please close your eyes before clicking "open" :-)
3 replies
Nievski (841 D)
09 Feb 15 UTC
Money Variant?
In this website there is economic variant with money with which to maintain the armies and bribes to other players?
7 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
11 Feb 15 UTC
What Happened
All of my old games seem to have disappeared from the 'my games' bit of the site. When were these removed?
0 replies
game mechanics
stuff about supporting and bouncing
9 replies
MustLoveCats (820 D)
07 Feb 15 UTC
MLC's Live Tournament!

Who is up to the challenge?
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Jan 15 UTC
New variant needs your help.
Hi KHB is developing a new variant that involves some kind of money to pay an upkeep cost your your units.
If you want to help please head to the lab and join some test games.
3 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
03 Feb 15 UTC
Preview mode problems
Does anyone else have problems with the preview mode? For me the color on the map turns White.
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Feb 15 UTC
Just updated to the latest wedDip code.
Please report any problems in the ModForum.
This was a large patch and there might be some problems. I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

Please note: There are some additional (wrong) RR-stats, as webDip installed our RR system on their site too. At the moment there additional stats do nothing and are wrong. I will migrate the data to the new system if it's working on webDip.
0 replies
Luis Aldamiz (1261 D)
29 Jan 15 UTC
Rating system favors draws
Rating system in vDip seems to have made some sort of "poker" out of Diplomacy. I have a suggestion: draws should only give half the points.
31 replies
Zach0805 (811 D)
28 Jan 15 UTC
Super Bowl Pick?
In 1 corner we have The Deflate Gate Patriots!
In The other we have The Almost Completely Hopeless Seahawks For 55 Minutes!
7 replies
Zach0805 (811 D)
28 Jan 15 UTC
Greek World
8 Days (This does not mean be patient) Till gameID=21979 (Let's Get This Over With) Starts!
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nzOne (1017 D)
26 Jan 15 UTC
Closing a Game
there is a game that has been paused for over a month and we can not unpause it, because there are users who are not online anymore.
It would be nice, if some adminstrator could close it and give the coins back to everyone.
8 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
25 Jan 15 UTC
Double save Italy – we need two(!) replacements
Double save Italy – we need two(!) replacements due to bans in a so far so good Rinascimento game ... gameID=21663

it's ferrara in good position, and venezia in very good position ... the game is not spoiled due to the ban at all, so it's a good chance to jump in.
0 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Jan 15 UTC
2 WWIV Sealane games recruiting!!
10 replies
questions cuz I'm noob
is there a way to see troop deployment during pre-game? i really wanna plan the main strategies so i need to know the troop locations...
5 replies
Skylin (815 D)
20 Jan 15 UTC
Replacements for games
I need replacements for 2 games.
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Jan 15 UTC
Replacement Request
Would anyone be interested in replacing Brazil in this WW4 game? gameID=20816
He was the top player when he disappeared and had all of South America. He got weakened a bit, but is still one of the main power players.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
08 Jan 15 UTC
Possible bug in Classic map
Very perplex: convoy failing where it should not.
Details in first reply.
24 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
12 Jan 15 UTC
Bug in Cold War?
In the new Cold War 2-player variant, fleets can move between Yugoslavia and West Germany. Either fix this issue or label it as a canal (such as Egypt or Panama)
3 replies
Quotes of the Game
Leave your best quotes in your games down below!!!
please enter them in the format of:
(quote) (game address) (brief description of the current situation)
0 replies
Jack‘s SRG Tourney
Gentleman, many people have had disputes in 2014 so what better way to start 2015 then with a SRG tourney! Each round will have special rules and/or different victory criteria. What better way to put one over the people you hate by earning bragging rights here!
Note: A reliability Rating of >80 is required
20 replies
Giantslaying tourney (aims to begin by jan)
Jan is my birthday month and what better way than to play. my favourite variant-- imperial diplomacy II! Looking for 6 pros (top 15%) and 6 not so pros to attempt some giant slaying(political puppets and the like). There will be one to three rounds depending on you guys.
96 replies
abgemacht (1027 D)
06 Jan 15 UTC
The Velvet Glove Hobby Info Submissions
Hello all,

As you may have heard, there is a new Diplomacy Zine coming out called the Velvet Glove ( I am the Hobby Info Editor and am currently collecting information on Tournaments, Events, Resources, etc related to Diplomacy. vDip does some really great work in the online Diplomacy world, so if you have anything going on, please let me know. I can be reached at (please include "TVG" in the subject).
4 replies
JacktheGiantSlayer (815 D)
01 May 14 UTC
Survivor Tourney
Hi Guys anyone interested in a survivor competition?
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DoubleCapitals (736 D)
01 May 14 UTC
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 May 14 UTC
Is this like the tv show?
yep spartan, two tribes, but due to map constraints each tribe may be further divided into two
I forgot about that tv show - a few years ago it must be ...
Mind giving some details?
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
03 May 14 UTC
Based on the tv show, I would assume there are two tribes on a given map. The tribes compete in challenges and the losers have to vote someone out (aka eliminate them?) eventually you get to the "merge" and it's every man for himself until the final three where the players who were voted out vote for the victor.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
04 May 14 UTC
I'd consider it if it was anonymous so it wouldn't be a popularity contest -- sounds kind of fun.
Anon would be good but I would like it if phases were at least 2 days!
champ11228 (775 D)
04 May 14 UTC
Sounds cool
ccga4 (1609 D)
04 May 14 UTC
Yes please let me join this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Survivor is my favorite show, haven't missed an episode since I began watching. :D
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
04 May 14 UTC
Guys just keep in mind, this is my speculation, it's actually Jack's idea so let's see his thoughts!

ccga, you would get along well with BRICH94... he's a huge survivor geek too :P
ccga4 (1609 D)
04 May 14 UTC
All this time I've been friends with BRICH and I didn't know he liked survivor. Wow.
spartan is right :) depending on number of players which sign up, i will use different maps. probably each team will have to eliminate a member of the opposing team to win the team challenge. When the tribes merge, will probably have a free for all using the standard diplomacy map
List of players so far
3.Mapu (maybe?)
4.Grand Admiral Thawn (maybe)

I think anon will be a good idea, as for phase length i may put 1day 12 hrs if thats ok
B-RICH94 (1859 D)
04 May 14 UTC
I am interested. And yes, I'm a pretty big survivor geek as well :P
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
05 May 14 UTC
Yes I am interested. So is this going to be a series of maps? Where each map is a challenge? If so, I think it would be extremely entertaining for there to be different goals depending on the map. So on one map you could have eliminate a member of the opposite team, on the another map you could have the winning team must control specific centers or territories, etc.
so something like the king is dead and saboteur as well then? i will consider that
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
05 May 14 UTC
How would you quantify someone's skills in game? I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. you can't take into account a big part of this game....looks :D

No?....Too soon?
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
05 May 14 UTC
@sandgoose you could make alliances within your team like in the survivor series. The games will all be anon-ed so people in the same team (which will be notified before hand) can cut deals, probably based on the team mates playing style. I foresee people getting voted out either due to poor skills or the threat they will pose in the late game. Like the TV series, there will be a panel of judges for the final 3 (so that 2 people dont just gang up on one person)
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
06 May 14 UTC
How about we stop playing group hug games, and play every game like survivor (i.e. to win)? If we did that, then you wouldn't have to have a specific tournament to get that experience.
Darkarus (929 D)
06 May 14 UTC
Ruffhaus it seems sometimes that any draw when a long standing group of allies, ie western triple who has defeated all opponents and they don't want to fight among themselves, is offensive to you.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
06 May 14 UTC
Well, yes, the scenario you just described is offensive to me. The objective of the game is to win, not to draw with two friends. Contrary to popular belief I am not a big stabber, and I struggle myself with betrayal, particularly of a game long ally. At the same time, anyone who doesn't even explore the opportunity to win, and enters a game with an objective of taking a western triple to a three player draw is pretty much cheating. So, yes, that's offensive.

I guess as usual you've missed the point, which was a rather simple one. Maybe your Game of Thrones character can be Ser Dontas.

Diplomacy is a game designed to be won by one person, and there are no points awarded for second place. Understanding this concept is what makes Diplomacy such a great game, and coincidentally what made Survivor a phenomenon. As they say in Highlander, "There can be only one." While draws are a reality of the game, they happen too frequently around here, with far too many players in them, which is probably why so many folks think a survivor tournament would be a great idea. What is the point of playing a game if you're not trying to win? That's like the Massachusetts soccer leagues that don't keep score of the games so no one's feelings are hurt.

Now if you made a survivor tournament of solo-only games, then you're capturing the essence of Diplomacy inside a Diplomacy tournament.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
07 May 14 UTC
So are you in or out or are you just going to opine about the good old days of Diplomacy and soccer?
champ11228 (775 D)
07 May 14 UTC
I'll join
rexgarum (1960 D)
07 May 14 UTC
I'm interested as well; I'd like to hear more details (how many maps? how many people advance each round etc), but it's an interesting idea.

I've always wondered how an experienced dip player would do on Survivor - some of the same skills involved, but the jury vote at the end makes a big difference. It sounds like in this tourney it'll be similar but not quite the same...
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
07 May 14 UTC
RUFF, I understand your position on draws and that the game is meant to be played to a solo. I agree, in that sense, this tournament is trying to embody the spirit of a solo winner (or Survivor).

However, I think the purpose of the tournament is meant to encompass all aspects (except the wilderness part...) of the Survivor tv show. Such as being on pre-determined tribes and competing in tribal immunity challenges on different maps. It adds significantly more than just the idea that you have to be the lone winner. It makes it more interesting and worth while of a tournament :D
bozo (2302 D)
07 May 14 UTC
I would like to try it.
List of players so far
3.Mapu (maybe?)
4.Grand Admiral Thawn (maybe)
5.B-Rich 94
@rexgarum my idea is a map big enough for both teams to face off, each trying to eliminate one member of the opposing team. So the map must be big enough to fit all members of both tribes. I will probably cap the number of participants at 14. Maps will include Gobble Earth, Imperial diplomacy II, Classic Crowded, Colonial 1885, Indians of the Great Lake, Viking Diplomacy or Africa, Classic - 7 Islands, Greek Diplomacy or American Conflict,The Ancient Mediterranean or The Dutch Revolt and lastly a Rat Wars or South America (Four people variation)
one person from the losing tribe will be eliminated after each map based on votes within the losing tribes. the two tribes will merge when there is a final 7 (this creates an additional strategic part of the game as one tribe will definitely outnumber the other). In case of an overwhelming majority, ie one tribe has 6 while the other tribe has 4, the tribe with the majority will have to vote to offload one member to the other team

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Valis2501 (985 D)
27 Dec 14 UTC
Podtaku series
Who here would be interested in a slew of Classic, WTA, Gunboat games at ~5 D each?
11 replies
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