A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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BigOtto (1094 D)
06 May 21 UTC
Sitter Needed
Unexpected stuff happened IRL. Can anyone please sit for me in two of my games?
1 reply
leelee.lewie (904 D)
02 May 21 UTC
Dropping out due to life getting too busy/complicated
Hi all, I am not sure how but I have seen it before. How do I drop out of all my games if I just do not have the time for it anymore? I would hate to ruin the ongoing games my fellow players are in and would like to have a way to drop out without a penalty. Would be greatly appreciated!! :)
7 replies
Caustic (827 D)
27 Apr 21 UTC
Cant find a forum post
I can't find the variant development post in forum. Iv looked at every page twice. Idk what my deal is. Can someone past the URL to it or tell me what page its on? Please and thank you
4 replies
Caustic (827 D)
27 Apr 21 UTC
Cant find a forum post
I can't find the variant development post in forum. Iv looked at every page twice. Idk what my deal is. Can someone past the URL to it or tell me what page its on? Please and thank you

On a side note. A search bar to search threw forum would be nice to have
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Tabrith (948 D X)
27 Apr 21 UTC
Suppressive Mods
Cant even air grievances without getting shut down. These mods are unbelievable snow flakes unable to handle even the smallest issue. Pathetic.
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Tabrith (948 D X)
27 Apr 21 UTC
Worthless Mods
Mod Team are a bunch of useless, lying, sub-humans, if you have an issue then just give up and forget about having it be dealt with properly.
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Chaqa (1586 D)
23 Apr 21 UTC
Dark Mode???
y no dark mode
8 replies
Question on retreats
Hello all, I haven't found a satisfying answer on it on this page. So to clarify it ones and for all: If two units bounce into one territory, does this prevent a third unit to retreat into it in the upcoming retreat phase?

Thanks for the answer! I hope this thread helps others too.
6 replies
Interactive map bug
is it just me or does t.he interactive map only work on mobile devices now? I've tried to on my desktop, laptop and phone and it only seems to work on the phone.
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David Hood (976 D)
23 Apr 21 UTC
April 2021 Deadline News is out, from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network
This month's edition includes interviews, a panel discussion on ethics in Diplomacy, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
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ubercacher16 (2126 D)
21 Apr 21 UTC
New Tournament?
Message below:
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JECE (1534 D)
15 Apr 21 UTC
Is the ModForum still being used? I'm in no hurry, but I posted this over two weeks ago:
Subject: Can't create new game with custom phase length

I'm trying to create a game with 42-hour phases, but keep getting this error: "The phase value is too large or small; it must be between 5 minutes and 10 days."
I was able to do this a few years ago without any problem: gameID=32997
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DaveSpermbank (1026 D)
24 Mar 21 UTC
Anyone else having trouble with the interactive map?
When I click on a unit of mine, no buttons show up. I haven't been doing any messing around in the settings for a long time, and my orders are not readied. Anyone else? Help?
11 replies
Halt (2077 D)
17 Apr 21 UTC
Modern Europe Team Game
Inspired by the Divided States Team Game, I think it'd be fun to have a smaller one.
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CYFI (1927 D)
13 Apr 21 UTC
Election variant--Civil war map
See next post for rules
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lechaton (959 D)
21 Jan 21 UTC
Vive la France !
Après le piratage de 18centres et le bug définitif de DOL, les joueurs français de diplomacy sont vraiment à la rue ! Je crée donc un post sur ce site pour se retrouver entre francophones....
24 replies
Flame (1073 D)
02 Apr 21 UTC
Nuclear strike option
In several Diplomacy game variants we have the Nuclear strike rule which allows any player to destroy any (or only foe's - I don't remember exactly) unit once in a game.
See below...
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umbletheheep (1023 D)
01 Apr 21 UTC
Win an Original 1959 Diplomacy Game!
A special giveaway has been sponsored by the Briefing -
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DaveSpermbank (1026 D)
16 Mar 21 UTC
Diplomacy x Among Us
10 players. 7 crewmates. 3 impostors.
84 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Mar 21 UTC
Where is kaner?
We have had to Extend a game because kaner never showed up after joining. Brisbanites might want to check to see whether he may be trapped under a refrigerator as a result of a cookie jar related accident.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Mar 21 UTC
butterhead drawn back as by magic
Shelby returns to us for the first time in ages and arrives just in time to participate in the dawning of the winning thread's second decade.
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Flame (1073 D)
21 Feb 21 UTC
Have you ever teach people to play Diplomacy?
My 8-year-old son knows that I play Diplomacy and sometimes even watches the situation progress in my games, but only today I registered him and explaine the rules of the game. He plays chess well, so I think there will be no problems with that.
18 replies
Flame (1073 D)
29 Mar 21 UTC
Supply Centers aftergame charts
Maybe it's worth to develop Supply Centers countries' amount in aftergame charts via Highcharts:
More info see below...
1 reply
Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
29 Mar 20 UTC
Tournament: Cold War II
Welcome to the sequel to 2018’s Cold War tournament. Has it really been two years? Let’s get started.
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Mittag (1396 D)
05 Jul 20 UTC
I don't like it if someone can play a move which will make them lose the game but in a slow fashion, and this can win them the tournament. If a player has a possibility of winning the game, then the tournament rules should be such that the player will try to win the game, even if doing so risks a faster loss if it backfires.
Mittag (1396 D)
05 Jul 20 UTC
Sometimes you are in positions where you are slowly losing a game because you are losing one center each year. To turn it around you have to make something unexpected, with the risk of an immediate loss of game if your opponent does the right thing. With your rules, the correct decision might be to accept the slow loss, and not even try to turn the game around.
That's a good point. i don't mind such tactics however, especially if it can go both ways. Someone will stall as ussr in my nato game, then I'll stall my ussr in their nato game. It became a race on who can outlast/outfinish someone, and i think that's under my description of an outplay. And who's to say which power has the advantage when there have been instances that ussr is the victor instead of nato, which may play a role. You don't have to agree with me, it's just a thought i have.
Mittag (1396 D)
06 Jul 20 UTC
You wanna play two games of Austria vs. Turkey?

It's a setup where Austria always win. But if Turkey does it right, then the win will be slow. So the game is about who can survive the longest as Turkey. I only tried it a couple of times, but you get quite interesting and tense situations!
CoffeeAndKeyboards (1715 D)
07 Jul 20 UTC
Except in Cold War, NATO doesn't always win. Even between Bsiper and myself
bsiper (1281 D)
08 Jul 20 UTC
It was good while it lasted
bsiper (1281 D)
08 Jul 20 UTC
Umble, your opponent is Coffee
umbletheheep (1023 D)
08 Jul 20 UTC
Ah...and I was looking forward to versing you. Maybe in the Nexus if both make it.
umbletheheep (1023 D)
08 Jul 20 UTC
It's interesting how you knocked him out of Nexus and he knocked you out of vDip's tournament.
bsiper (1281 D)
08 Jul 20 UTC
There's nothing stopping a friendly match! I'm not in enough CW games now
umbletheheep (1023 D)
08 Jul 20 UTC
There's nothing friendly about my matches :)
Umble will face coffee. Feel free to start those games while Superwerty waits for Mittag or Maucat.
I see one Umble v coffee game, but where is the other?
umbletheheep (1023 D)
08 Jul 20 UTC
Hasn't started. Since we have time, I wanted to play the one at a time. I'm also in the Nexus Cold War tournament have multiple ones going on there.
I've lost both games now
Disappointing performance from me
umbletheheep (1023 D)
12 Jul 20 UTC
Good tournament Coffee. Superwerty, Maucat, Mittag...I'm waiting ;)
Mittag leads 12-11, 12-12. This may take a little bit.
umbletheheep (1023 D)
13 Jul 20 UTC
vDip players curiously prefer to not finalize their orders very often...hence a 1v1 tournament that has lasted almost 4 months already with only 16 participants. I'm just hoping I don't get into a car accident before one of them makes it to me...or is that their plan :)
Mittag (1396 D)
13 Jul 20 UTC
Expectations. Always expect a tournament to take a year, at least.
“Keep your expectations high on achievement and low on people.”

(No idea who originally said that, but it wasn’t me)
umbletheheep (1023 D)
14 Jul 20 UTC
This feels like walking by the house with the old man on a front porch who says Come sit down and stay awhile...pretty soon you're trapped in a never-ending tournament and got a vDip tattoo.
Mittag (1396 D)
14 Jul 20 UTC
We don't do infinite replays, unfortunately.
Mittag (1396 D)
14 Jul 20 UTC
But it would be fun to survey _what_ people like about 1v1.

Personally, I consider each position to be a puzzle, where your goal is to find the best set of moves for you and for your opponent. The fun thing about playing is to contemplate over all possible continuations. I mean, there's no reason to delay if the orders are obvious. But submitting orders for the sake of speed just ruins the fun with playing. IMHO.

I assume other people like the rush of betting on what your opponent will play?
bsiper (1281 D)
14 Jul 20 UTC
I'm a fan of the ever-shifting movement in Cold War, specifically. You constantly have to bring troops from different places to defend or attack, weakening others in the process. Even the most casual bounce or support hold can be second-guessed.

I tend to rush my moves because if I obsess over every combination, I second-guess myself and lose the more creative solutions. This does admittedly mean I lose more games than I should though.
umbletheheep (1023 D)
14 Jul 20 UTC
I don't care too much about move sets going long. But retreats and builds going the distance is a little much in my book.
Mittag (1396 D)
14 Jul 20 UTC
But the builds are maybe the most important orders in the game..?
umbletheheep (1023 D)
15 Jul 20 UTC
1v1 requires 0 press. A person doesn't need 2 days to figure out the moves or builds.

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David Hood (976 D)
26 Mar 21 UTC
March 2021 Deadline News is out!
Panel discussion around Diplomacy World magazine, special feature on Irish variant, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
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DaveSpermbank (1026 D)
15 Feb 21 UTC
Country statistics of vdip players
Does anyone know the statistics on where vdip players are situated? I would imagine USA and Australia would be top 2
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umbletheheep (1023 D)
16 Mar 21 UTC
Where are our Variant Creators?
I believe it's coming up on a year since the last new variant came out. The Diplomacy world is thirsty for more :). At least, the Diplomacy Briefing would like to feature some.
9 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Mar 21 UTC
Shep! Shep! Come out, come out where ever you are!
Shep315, your presence is requested.
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Zebulon Zirbou (978 D)
28 Feb 21 UTC
La Diplo-Ligue redémarre !
L’Association Francophone des Joueurs de Diplomacy relance la saison de Printemps 2021 de la Diplo-Ligue, sur le modèle de celle qui existait sur DOL.
2 replies
Flame (1073 D)
05 Mar 21 UTC
How many users are spectating the game?
Maybe it's worth to do the info on the gamepanel - the number of spectators who are spectating the game?...
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