A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Chumbles (1380 D)
25 Dec 18 UTC
Merry Christmas
Enjoy your Christmas festivities and may all good things be yours, now and in 2019
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
10 Dec 18 UTC
Face to Face play in what seems like forever...
So I've finally convinced my gaming group to have a go at Diplomacy, and i have to say I'm looking forward to doing this thing again after what seems like forever. Only problem is they are all newbies to the game. Any advice from folks as to how to introduce Diplomacy to gamers (who haven't played Dip) before?
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nopunin10did (1041 D)
14 Dec 18 UTC
Congratulations to CaptainMeme & Amby!
Just wanted to let you know that the 2018 Tournament Through Time, hosted on the PlayDiplomacy forums, has ended. Amby and CaptainMeme were both a part of the Baratheon Dynasty, a team that won 3rd place.
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mrcharles (1206 D)
14 Dec 18 UTC
Drawing with Civil Disorders
Can the remaining players vote to Draw between themselves or would the players in Civil Disorder be included in the draw?
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
06 Dec 18 UTC
Better country randomization
We need a better country randomization script than just assigning people countries by the order they join. I've started 2 variants of Classic (FoW and Octopus) and I've gotten England both times.
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
29 Nov 18 UTC
Well, here I am.
It's been a long break, and I feel it's time to return, now that the frenzy that made vDiplomacy terrible (I'm sure you remember it) has ended.
Here we go, as I try to regain those vPoints...
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bamzolino (967 D)
06 Dec 18 UTC
Adjucation bug. Can it be fixed?
This move seems to be adjucated wrong. Support shouldn’t be cut from where it is going into if I understand the rules correctly. Armenia supported move from Rumani to Sevastopol, but it was cut even though Sevastopol is the target.
I don’t know how to post pictures, but the link should allow others to see the game. I would like to know if this can be fixed as it wildly changes the game.
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ingebot (1922 D)
04 Oct 18 UTC
Workaround to "forced" ready
In rulebook press, part of the idea is that for retreat and builds it forces you to ready up. However, simply by then pressing "not ready", the order changes to "saved". Is it possible to promote the original idea of this press type by making the state of "not ready" equal to "no orders received"?
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OrdinalSean (998 D)
01 Dec 18 UTC
CountrySwitch gameID=36173 Song-Empire
Diplo is beginning to depress me. As such I'm open to anyone taking over from me. I'm Song-Empire, 23 SCs, currently fourth place. I'll PM details to anyone who replies saying they want to join.
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David E. Cohen (1000 D)
11 Nov 18 UTC
100 years today.
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Pudge (918 D)
26 Nov 18 UTC
I would like to have groups of friends to play games more often here, I hope that if someone wants to participate more actively tell me
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AIShandling (1038 D)
21 Nov 18 UTC
Own Varients
Is it possible on this site, or anywhere online, to upload your own variant to play?
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Pudge (918 D)
24 Nov 18 UTC
Fast Game
hey, good a Saturday for all, anyway want play a fast game today? pls say me! regards!
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Anon (?? D)
24 Nov 18 UTC
Fast Game
If wants to play a fast game today go a
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Just need some Clarification
So I have a fleet ready to attack New Zealand and there's an enemy one ready to do the same. If I use a supported attack from some other troops to attack the enemy fleet (assuming it has no unit supporting it holding) while moving in to New Zealand with my other fleet what happens?
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PTTG (808 D)
16 Nov 18 UTC
Mistakenly dropped from a game?
Re; gameID=36387. My country was put into CD and I was dropped despite playing as normal and checking in every day.
I don't care about getting back in the game, but I would like to fix my reliability score.
1 reply
jmodugno (1397 D)
12 Nov 18 UTC
Can someone explain this move?
Why did Rumania support to budapest from Galicia fail?
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ScubaSteve (1202 D)
08 Nov 18 UTC
Health Problems
I have a couple of games going. One super interesting and one less so. Would anyone be willing to take over?
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Yoshimon (577 D)
11 Nov 18 UTC
I’m going through some mental health issues right now, and would appreciate if someone would be willing to take over 3 games that I’m currently in
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The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
03 Nov 18 UTC
Kaner temporarily offline
Hi everyone - in case you're waiting on Kaner for any games etc, his internet connection at home has died and his ISP are being difficult. Not smart when his ISP contract ends in a week. So he's going to switch providers in a week and will unfortunately have to "go dark" from vDip for that period of time. But he will be back.
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nopunin10did (1041 D)
26 Oct 18 UTC
Recruiting for Dissolution (Play by Slack/Discord/Email)
Next year, starting in Jan or Feb 2019, I will GM a game of Dissolution, a 10-player Diplomacy variant* of my own creation. Dissolution is set in the 1990's, just after the breakup of the Soviet Union. This game is not a vDiplomacy site game; it will be played with most communication handled via IM (either Slack or Discord), with some email too.

More details below.
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The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
31 Oct 18 UTC
Diplomacy World needs a hand!
The quarterly mag needs a few good Dippers. Find out more at and give a hand for the hobby!
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BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
11 Oct 18 UTC
Grey Fog of War
So I have just discovered variants for both Grey Press and Fog of War. I have no idea how to code so can't make this happen, but if someone was able to combine these two variants, it would make for a very very interesting game, especially in Public Press
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Chumbles (1380 D)
07 Oct 18 UTC
Smelly stand-ins/replacements
We have a situation, a 'metagaming' tactic which thoroughly distorts gunboat games' outcomes. Replacement players don't have to have the same RRas the game originally required. Thus we can get a replacement whose sole purpose is to recover their own RR by suiciding - moving their own units out of their centres in so another player can move in entirely uncontested.
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Bismark (985 D)
05 Oct 18 UTC
Can't build in a free SC?
I'm playing World War II and I've got 2 SC's free for example, but I can only build in one of them, I think it might have something to do with units bounced on the other SC in Autumn? Is this some rule somewhere that I've missed or an error?
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ingebot (1922 D)
30 Sep 18 UTC
Hidden orders?
I'm recently back from a year and a half hiatus, and have noticed for a while that for anonymous games it no longer shows who has saved their orders, readied, or not entered orders yet. I can understand why this was done (I've exploited the old system extensively), just curious at to when this change was made, whether there was any discussion on the potential change, and why I haven't seen any information on the change in the rules/feature sections?
3 replies
ingebot (1922 D)
28 Sep 18 UTC
IA map issue with English Channel
In the variant World War II, I never seem to be able to move to the English Channel using the IA interface, when I press the space it simply says something about the North Sea being not adjacent to the original position of the unit. It's never came up with any other location. Is this a common issue, or is it just me (I'll message the mods either way, just to get a sense of what might be going on here)?
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This is likely to be my last forum post.
I'm sure the mods are pissed and I don't give a fuck. I could use a break anyhow. So silence or banhammer away.
19 replies
What's the point in muting a nation in non-anon if the mods will let the player PM you?
A player PMed me after I muted his nation and the mods said it's not against the rules. It would seem to me to violate the intent of the press rules if not the letter. I have since muted the player for the rest of the game but that was not my desire.
4 replies
Known World Tournament
Awhile back, kaner proposed a Known World gunboat tournament in which 15 participants would play 15 games, one with each nation. I searched back for the thread, then just decided to start a new one. I want to see if there would be sufficient interest in this to try to get it off the ground.
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Game 9? I haven't even seen a posting or a PM about 9 and 10 yet.
As a perennial loser, maybe I'm just getting ahead.
Its been awhile but I believe its just kw15x15
Samj (1766 D)
17 Dec 17 UTC
Good thing I don't care about points or positions... These tournaments have killed me, from #34 down to the mid-200s... I must enjoy being a punching bag or something to keep signing up for them
Games through #15 are created for tournament participants to join, none will start until all players are ready.
CoXBoT (1136 D)
21 Feb 18 UTC
Shall we get games 9 & 10 going now that 7 is completed and 8 is nearing and end?
It would be wonderful if the remaining 6 joined for Game 7, and the remaining 7 for Game 8. Reminder that all the games are up and waiting.
BobRoss (1752 D)
21 Feb 18 UTC
My apologies, but i don't think i'll be able to continue. I took over 2 games as it was urgent to swiftly find a replacement for one of the original 15, yet with a few 30+ full press player games and a possible participation in the WC - i won't be able to manage any more games.
CoXBoT (1136 D)
22 Feb 18 UTC
What's the password for remaining games? I have not joined any...and am admittedly to lazy to dig for it.
Hey DocRec, Games 7 and 8 are already done/underway. Don't you mean 9 & 10?
Yes. Been a long tournament.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
22 Feb 18 UTC
i joined 9, 10 and 11 now
We may need to hold a roll call again to see if we need to find replacements. This tourney is losing steam fast, and with the start of other variant tourneys we may find it hard to get substitutes.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
26 Feb 18 UTC
Fox is right. We need are roll call for sign-ups. I am not signed up for games 9 and 10. I am trying to leave this community until such time as it takes the necessary ethical corrections to host healthy Diplomacy games. However, I do not wish to withdraw from my commitments, and since these are unrated and anonymous games, most of my immediate concerns are not at issue here. I am willing to sign up and play out the KW901 tournament if every player in it is willing to stand by the original gentleman's agreement to ready up when possible, specifically retreats and disbands, and not use time as a putative weapon. All previous eight games have suffered from multiple players' selfishness and disrespect in ignoring this agreement. Everyone slips up and has real world interventions, and that's not the problem. It's the repeated and intentional petulant stalling of games. Not everyone is doing it, but it only takes one or two to destroy the game dynamics and momentum. I only agreed to play in this monster event under those conditions. Any player abusing this agreement should be kicked out of the event, and replaced. If this is too rich for you, then replace me, and move on.
This tournament has been difficult throughout -- and I don't mean the game play. What has been consistent through 8 games is likely to remain consistent. That includes players not joining games as well as not readying orders. No amount of forum or in-game posts, or PMs, has impacted this, and expecting that to change will leave us further disappointed. Even if I went through the trouble and managed to fairly and accurately remove players causing unreasonable delays, the result would be a struggle to find replacements, the same problems repeated among a segment of the replacements, and an ongoing frustrating time sink for me. What I propose is that in addition to saying it here, I will also post in the recent two games that the next two are beginning as soon as they fill, and within one week I will open it up to whoever wishes to take any open spots. So if you are not in games 9 & 10, and still want to play, please join soon. Ruff, your complaint regarding readying orders is absolutely valid. I just don't think anything is going to change without disproportional headaches. I fully understand if you choose to leave the tournament. If I hadn't committed to facilitating it, I would have been out a few games ago.
Let me edit that:

If you wish to continue in the tournament, you have one week to join games 9 and 10. If you do not, remaining open spots will be filled by whoever would like to join. Game 9 will begin as soon as it is filled. Game 10 will begin as soon as Game 8 is complete.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
26 Feb 18 UTC
I appreciate the difficulty you have as the facilitator of this event, Doc. I am trying not to be a part of the problem. However this circumstance is in a nutshell why I don't want to play Dip here any more. We tolerate rule breaking, lapses of ethical standards, and irresponsible play while punishing those who speak out against it. We pretend cheating and doesn't exist because we're so afraid that the cheaters will get offended and leave. I'm all for keeping players engaged, but I can no longer cope with the mentality of appeasing those who fail to comply with rules, agreements, and ethical standards.

Since I do not like to be that guy that just drops problems on everyone with no offered solutions I will suggest that Doc as the facilitator of the tournament and a VDip moderator have the authority to remove players from these games if they abuse the rules. Frankly this should be happening across the community, and it would only take once or twice before people saw there was a real sheriff in town. Since we cannot get 15 players to follow the rules I am doubtful that all 15 will reaffirm the pledge to ready up orders where possible and practical. That's why I asked for a roll call vote on this, so those not wanting to comply could be replaced. If we cannot do this, and the moderators will not enforce the laws on which the tourney was created with, then I no longer feel interested nor obligated to play the remaining seven games.

I'll ask nicely one more time. Please Sign up and affirm that will will ready up orders when you can (this means not making 14 people wait for single option or disband only retreats).

1. RUFFHAUS 8 (in for games 9 & 10, reaffirm ready up pledge)
1. RUFFHAUS 8 (in for games 9 & 10, reaffirm ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
ubercacher16 is replacing BobRoss
Korwenten is added to the list of replacements
I'm on my phone but add me to the list. The only time I haven't readied up was when I was travellng.
1. RUFFHAUS 8 (in for games 9 & 10, reaffirm ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
That'll cost you a +1, Truthie ;)
1. RUFFHAUS 8 (in for games 9 & 10, reaffirm ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
4. Amby (already signed up for games 9 & 10)

1. RUFFHAUS 8 ( gm 9-10 , reaffirming ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
4.Desert Fox

Let’s finish this damn thing,

ubercacher16 (2126 D)
28 Feb 18 UTC
1. RUFFHAUS 8 ( gm 9-10 , reaffirming ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
4.Desert Fox
5. ubercacher16

I'm in!
Utom (1288 D)
28 Feb 18 UTC
1. RUFFHAUS 8 ( gm 9-10 , reaffirming ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
4.Desert Fox
5. ubercacher16
6. Utom

Me too..
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
28 Feb 18 UTC
If there are any spots available for any replacements, I'd like to be included.
BobRoss (1752 D)
28 Feb 18 UTC
I think you can take my spot, Scuba. I was a temporary replacement for one of the original 15 (who dropped out definitively), but am not able to play any more games within this tournament.
Eki83 (2150 D)
28 Feb 18 UTC
1. RUFFHAUS 8 ( gm 9-10 , reaffirming ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
4.Desert Fox
5. ubercacher16
6. Utom
7. Eki83
bozo (2302 D)
28 Feb 18 UTC
1. RUFFHAUS 8 (in for games 9 & 10, reaffirm ready up pledge)
2. Dr. Rec
4. Amby (already signed up for games 9 & 10)
5. Desert Fox
6. ubercacher16
7. Utom
8. Eki83
9. bozo

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