A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Nov 13 UTC
response to kaner
I was really tempted to join the first new WWIV game but I figured my return should not be anon. But now I am left thinking that I should hold out for Russian Revolution.
12 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
10 Nov 13 UTC
A Capitalist Plan for a Capitalist Country: Sbyvonomics
I for one am sick and tired of “moderate” and “compassionate conservative” politicians. None of these individuals are willing to make the tough choices necessary for getting America out of the hole. However, I’d like to make a few suggestions in order to stir the pot a bit. Here are five steps the federal government can take to fix the economic situation in the United States right now:
101 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
13 Nov 13 UTC
High quality game with the World War IV (Version 6.2) Variant.
After a three-month break from vdiplomacy, I would like to play Diplomacy again here on this great site. I have just created a new WWIV (V6.2) game.
12 replies
KaiserQuebec (951 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
how about a low stakes series of games?
I have seen the uber big pots come and go for a while but haven't really seen a quality low stakes game series. Maybe I am not looking hard enough?

Any thoughts?
1 reply
Hypoguy (1613 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
New game: Conquer the North Sea
Want to try a small quicky for 4?
NorthSeaWars for 4
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Nov 13 UTC
Try out the brand new earth map.
There's a brand new gigantic earth map for 36 players.
Wanna try it out?
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Nov 13 UTC
Big Ole Game
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Nov 13 UTC
first world war four version 6.2 game!!
10 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
08 Nov 13 UTC
Zeus 5 - Does UK Automatically Beat USA?
Say I'm playing as UK and decide to fight USA.
14 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Nov 13 UTC
need new england
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Enlightenment & Succession
Anonymous Enlightenment Era variant openings
2 replies
shiazure (917 D X)
08 Nov 13 UTC
BUG! SC: 7 Units: 6 No orders for Build phase.
What the subject says. What's up with this?
6 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 13 UTC
Thanks vDippers...
...For being such an easy community to Moderate. Webdip is awful :(
40 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
05 Nov 13 UTC
Bounce question
I really should know this, but thought I'd double check.

Let's say I have an SC that I want to build in. I move a unit out.I then send 2 units to both "attack" that SC. Now let's say one of my opponents attack the SC too, but support it. Now a straight 2 vs 2 results in a bounce, but what about a 2 vs 1 vs 1?
6 replies
Mercy (2131 D)
05 Nov 13 UTC
Question about breaking support
I have a question. Does anyone know what will happen in the following situation:
9 replies
rifo roberto (993 D)
03 Nov 13 UTC
Gunboat (phase 5 minutes)
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
29 Oct 13 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy Variant Broken
Hi all,
7 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
24 Oct 13 UTC
Support Rules and Dislodgings
I'm guessing you guys play by strange rules. I've never seen this not happen outside of here: One, if a force gets dislodged, the move cuts supports/convoys. Two, to cut a support/convoy, it has to get moved towards. The supporting or convoying unit doesn't have to actually get dislodged.
19 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
29 Aug 13 UTC
Fogboat invitational: type your daily memories
Classic - Fog of War gunboats are pretty popular here…
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Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’03 <<<

Spring, 1903: It's now or we go English soil! convoy an army over while i'm at it...hoping to bounce in Wales so I can keep LVP

Spring, 1903: I am now going to try and move all my units back to England in a desperate attempt to stay alive.

Spring, 1903: Defensively I'm set time for me to move up up into the North Sea.

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Spring, 1903: I have positioned myself to attack Russia this year, so hopefully that follows through with some help form Turkey on the other side of him.

Spring, 1903: Let's try this...
Spring, 1903: Ah Bulgaria supporting me to Serbia is very interesting! I'll use this occasion! He clearly doesn't what to move from there...
England withdrawing? Norway is mine unless there's still a pink fleet in NwgS.
I'll lose War... hoping to have Serbia in return...

Spring, 1903: Assuming Italy at 4SCs, they have a single army to patrol the Peninsula and an army trapped in Tunis. Should something strange happen (France from the west, a stab from Austria…) they will suddenly sail away.
Until that moment I need to resist, even if this would force me to give up the Black Sea position in fall03.
It’s not (yet) the moment to make impudent moves towards Serbia.

Spring, 1903: I can hardly assume what's going on in Galicia. Is Budapest open???
The 2 Italian fleets surround the red Greece, not the yellow Smyrna.

>>> Fall ’03 <<<

Autumn, 1903: Germany has 2 fleets and 3 armies on my boder. Let's go for LON and see what happens.

Builds 03: Alright....I can build an army and not provide any supports in case I need to keep it a secret from the german. It's just going to remain solo.

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Autumn, 1903: France is still friendly Austria is attacking Russia from me land. I might run him out nut I'm not sure what to do about England Russia. After Norway.

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Autumn, 1903: Looking to take the guaranteed Warsaw by moving from Galacia. Hopefully Germany doesn't tap Silesia...

Autumn, 1903: Bulgaria cut from Tunis?!?
WTF, this Lepanto is doing well!

Autumn, 1903: It's not the time to do the hero. I need to wait some "incidents" around Serbia&Greece before I can take part in action.

Autumn, 1903: Nothing strange happens in Ser&Gre;
Italy attempts an ambitious convoy Tun-Bul (saving Serbia).
I can't see retreats, nor I can see builds.
The only thing I can assume beyond the fog is a probable NAP between France&Italy.

Autumn, 1903: My opponents are not newbies.
Should I prepare myself to a Tun-Bul + 2Austrian supports?
Conversely, should I keep Syria in position to halt a second attack from Italy on the southern front?
In both cases...possibly I'll be able to rely on a Rum-Ser move.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’04 <<<

Spring, 1904: Spring 04:
Don't want to play my cards outright, I will let paris hold since germany cant see it. going to convoy picardy and hope germany supports the move, if not, maybe I can retaliate.

Spring, 1904: There is not much else I can do at this point. I only have 2 units left.

Spring, 1904: Russia is up in norways business, England is crippled and bottled by France plus it seems Austria took Warsaw time for me to move on Scandinavia.

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Spring, 1904: Looking to keep the peace with Italy for a few more turns at the very least and for now continue pushing into Russia. Hopefully Rumania will be gained this year and maybe Bulgaria.

Spring, 1904: Ah England disbanding NwgS means he lost one more SC than only Nwy, otherwise destroying Finland was enough. Was it taken by F or G?
Time to call some guys back home.

Spring, 1904: Not sure How to use Ukraine, btw.

Spring, 1904: I’m going to bet on Italy still at 4 SCs, without owning Munich, Marseilles, Trieste or whatever.
This way (2 Italian fleets) no convoy+support is possible from Tunis to my southern flank.

>>> Fall ’04 <<<

Autumn, 1904: Atumn 04: Alright, it's pretty darn specific here. Russia moved an offensive against germany, german troops are all hanging out on my line which must mean turkey and russia are allied. Time to mop up the english quick and get some fleets out there before i get in trouble with russians in munich.

Builds 04: well, looks like we are holding out til next year

Autumn, 1904: It looks like there is a glimmer of hope for me. Germany has moved out of the North Sea. (most likely to defend himself from a Russian attack) This may give me a chance to stick around a little bit longer.

Autumn, 1904: Scandinavia is open now to move in hopefully France and England stay bottled up against each other

Autumn, 1904: That went way better than expected. I am now the master of Scandinavia although England is back in the North Sea, but France is in wales so they are more concerned with each other. I'll have to see if Russia disbands before deciding my next move

Autumn, 1904: Time to build fleet Kiel and army Berlin

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Autumn, 1904: It's hard to tell, but Russia and Turkey may have teamed up in response to Italy and I. I am hoping putting three on Rumania will get me in this turn because Russia supported himself last phase.

Autumn, 1904: Ah, Germany needs one more week on the bowl... wtf, I really hope France is going to stab him! But it's likely he's going to go for Italy, instead. If Italy isn't already grabbing France. We're lost.

Autumn, 1904: Shit! No mercy...

Autumn, 1904: Ok, it's 2 out of 6: what to disband? How I wish I knew what France and Italy are doing!
Well, my only hope, aside G & A starting fight each other, is that some Western Power will backing me from the other side against the Kraut Powers. That is to say, gone England, France or Italy annexed the other and starts pushing East. It's rather unlikely, I know, and in any case my best scenario is fighting for a sad "survive" in my personal stats (no D-points, it's a WTA). Barely better than a "defeat", but still too little for me.
So at this point my main goal, according with the ol' "Screw the guy who screwed you" motto, becomes making sure that German Traitor won't win this WTA. Sorry for my Southern ally, I hope he'll be able to withstand until the end, turtling in his corner.
Ukraine & Sevastopol!

Autumn, 1904: No retreats this spring.
Every doubt immediately beyond the fog is reasonably cleared: Austrian armies in Bud&Gal, Russian army in Ukr.
Apparently the A&I block can’t breakthrough the lines of the R&T block.
I don’t feel like we’re actually safe, but if we manage to resist further, time will favor us. They’re constantly exposed to an attack from West&North.

Autumn, 1904: Austria in Rumania… moving from Gal was the only way to take it.
Possibly there’s a Russian army in Gal, but now things are harder than was foreseen.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’05 <<<

Spring 05: Going to see if I can flank the brits here, convoy a couple troops over and see where it goes from there. Germans are trying to hit sil so they might get it.

Spring, 1905: Bad news again, as France has convoyed an army to Wales. It is really just a matter of time until he takes my last two centers. I am going to try and support London to the English Channel and see what happens

Spring, 1905: France probably won't attack before England is defeated and England is going to be concerned with holding out thus I move east Berlin to Prussia Munich to Silesia Sweden to Denmark Kiel to Baltic and Baltic to Sweden

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Spring, 1905: If Italy continues cooperation then I should be set to capture Bulgaria. Then I can support him to Constantinople.

Spring, 1905: So. I can do nothing for Barents but I can cover Finland. Also Silesia, hoping someone will go for it.

Spring, 1905: The disband in Sev makes the whole Ottoman situation embarrassing....

>>> Fall ’05 <<<

Builds 05: Fleet ahoy, I think its time to hit the germans now, moving on italy is stupid as I don't have a good net profit here.

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Autumn, 1905: France and England's war is heating up but I bounced in Silesia. Prussia is probably lost. The baltic is the way to go

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Autumn, 1905: I am hoping to grow strong enough without Italy knowing just how strong I am. I think I could feasibly get a jump start on attacking him should I get builds from Russia in Sev, Warsaw, and Moscow.

Autumn, 1905: Ugh! Turkey voting concede makes me think Italy's healthy and there's not much to hope from France. Ok, I'll die fighting the German.

Autumn, 1905: Ouch, leaving StP open was a bad idea...

Autumn, 1905: The situation is compromised.
Russia did not cover Sev, an hazard which is probably a signal of dramatic shortage of armies.
I was expecting the unit in Ukr, if still on board, to step back.
Absent a conflict between A&I and absent a significant attack from Northwest on them, my position can’t be realistically hold long.

Autumn, 1905: I’m going to put down the Concede vote for a while, I will want to read what the western powers (F,G,E) think about it.
At this time Italy could have the 3 fleets necessary to convoy through the Ionian sea… but I do need a good coin to flip in order to guess their move.

Autumn, 1905: Russia is apparently annihilated. My scouts could not see Russian action around Sev for the whole 1905.
With the fall of the fortress of Sevastopol in Austrian hands, Armenia is an uncovered front.
I think I have reached my ultimate strength in this fall’05. The lucky coin to flip can’t save me anymore.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’06 <<<

Spring 06: Time to head to the german heartland and get some love for the english here. :P I hope germany doesn't move on munich, I am also hoping I can snag belgium or something. here in the future.

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Spring, 1906: With two builds, things are looking good. Moscow should be a given center for next year and hopefully Bulgaria will be as well. I will keep my army in Sev and eventually move it to Armenia to try and grab Ankara at a convenient time. Italy shouldn't have any idea what kind of success I am having, so if I can get Bulgaria and Ankara, hopefully I can take all of Turkey's centers.

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Spring, 1906: My impression (impression cause I’m probably the player with the minimum knowledge of the board due to my corner position) is that Italy is significantly the weaker partner of A&I.
I’d normally make resistance vs him so that they realize that they do not progress, but I don’t think I’ll have the power to do it.
Bulgaria is expected to fall in spring if I am going to cover Arm.

>>> Fall ’06 <<<

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Autumn, 1906: well france is a bit opportunistic, seems like the jig may very well be up, but I think I might be able to work something out

Autumn, 1906: Well I. At not win but on the bright side I got the Norway-Sweden-st. Petersburg area so I might survive up there

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Autumn, 1906: This turn could potentially make or break my game. I am feeling confident that I can make a play for a solo, but I need to get fleets in the Med. With a move to Tyrolia, I'll have Trieste open for a fleet build and hopefully then Venice is guaranteed next year. Also moving to Ionian will give me a glimpse of the western Med and how the France/Italy conflict is evolving. I will be disappointed to find out France is in either Tunis or Tyrrhenian.

Autumn, 1906: Ok, I guessed right what to move to StP. Now, in a regular GB, the odds to see Moscow supporting StP would be good, but this is not a regular GB. I say no more than 10% :(

Autumn, 1906: Great! :D was funny. I'd be up for another one!

Autumn, 1906: I don’t think I have a real chance to take back Bulgaria or Sevastopol without losing something in the motherland.
I think I am going to play the card of the ultimate resistance.
This Lepanto has really been a steamroller.

Autumn, 1906: The most surprising thing is that GRE did not support hold BUL.
Is the Austrian fleet in ION? Or is this just a self-comforting thought?
Italy is in shortage of units, else, they should’ve convoyed that army in my back door long ago.

Autumn, 1906: RIP Russia.
I was expecting your demise in 1908 or so. Surely you’ve been attacked by E or G. Austria haven’t done this alone.
At this point, an ambitious Austria will not help Italy to make progress in my home SCs.
Let’s just hope that Austria is ambitious and not generous. XD
Come on Italy, when is it that you have enough of your failed attacks and lay off me a bit?
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’07 <<<

Spring 07: okay now, I have german fleet in norway, I snagged two builds from germany so hopefully some of his line dissapears.

I have Austria on the doorstep now As I am here in munich...I think I'll be swinging fleets around that way and holding in belgium, Munich is lost unless I can get ruhr. I assume maybe austria is going to shoot for munich. If turkey is conceeding, it's likely that italy is soon headed my way this year. I am moving brest to MAO and Mar to the gulf just to keep tabs on the situation. Maybe I can sneak into silesia to try and get a read on the german troops behind the lines, maybe sneak into warsaw or something. I can hold belgium and ruhr easy.

ENGLAND - defeated

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Spring, 1907: The game is turning tides in the right direction for me. Italy has left himself very open to attacks with his current position, so I will hopefully take full advantage of that. I am going to make peace with France and Germany for the time being and hope they are eventually going to fight each other if they aren't now.

RUSSIA - defeated

Spring, 1907: England off board as well, interesting.
I am seeing now the notice:
Turkey Bet: 20 , worth: 0 / 28
If this notice works well, the player in charge (by SC number should be aware to be the first and the others should be aware to be currently "runners".

>>> Fall ’07 <<<

Autumn, 1907: Autumn 1907: Time to think a little harder here....looks like austria has gotten a good swing of things over here...whoever you are...I applaud you. Germany has someone in st. petersberg, either that or he's supporting austria, I can't tell. Glad I retreated to Silesia to scope out the south. looks like italy is austria's next target, so it's time to mop up the germans as soon as I can. I figure kiel will move to denmark.....I am going to try and help the italian...I sure hope he doesn't take my fleets as hostile, though he probably will. Not sure if I am making any sense, I usually am dead in gunboats by now.

ENGLAND - defeated

Autumn, 1907: things are still bad, but I have munich and austria is friendly, hopefully I can make myself part of a three way draw.

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Autumn, 1907: Based off of the last couple turns around Germany's land, I am assuming France and Germany defeated england and then France stabbed Germany so hopefully they are in a power struggle. If I can snag of of St Pete/Berlin/Munich, then I win with Turkish and Italian centers under my control.

RUSSIA - defeated

Autumn, 1907: Concede vote called back

Autumn, 1907: That’s it.
As I figured, the Austrian fleet was in ION and fortunately the A&I alliance is no more (fortunately for my fate, if France or Germany is significantly in charge this would make a solo at risk).
I’ll probably go for the fleet in AEG, it would give me a fairly better shape for the future.
I am aware that the fleet in BLA (uncontested move) would be a greater threat for Austria, but it would be too risky for me on the western border.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’08 <<<

Spring, 1908: Spring 08: Fleets sailing to the italians to see how it's going. don't want to attack at all, I'm sure it's going to come across wrong.

Spring, 1908: NMR here, 4 people are good to go...I wonder if italy is going to be doing anything....should I go for tunis? Dangit! I don't know....

ENGLAND - defeated

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RUSSIA - defeated

Spring, 1908: Apparently Italy is suffering.
The situation now is thrilling: I can’t tell whether attacking Austria will avoid a solo (Austria) or will favor a solo (France?).

Spring, 1908: I gave a look at the odds at Vdip.
Classic: 50% solo 50% draw
Classic-FoW: 70% solo 30% draw
Nobody voted Draw so far, so I am assuming a substantial balance of powers. My 4 opponents are certainly better informed about the board than I am. Let’s hope they’re not irresponsible.

Spring, 1908: Unfortutately I can't realize what was the support offered by the former Italian fleet in Aeg that I did cut. I was expecting an Aeg-Gre move.
The Turkish fleet in Aeg is still a more flexible move. I’ll go with that.

>>> Fall ’08 <<<

Autumn, 1908: Going to just shoot for tyrrhenian...hit piedmont and go from there. Hope to snag kiel and maybe the austrian will lend a hand into munich? I hope so. :)

ENGLAND - defeated

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Autumn, 1908: It is now to the point where I have to finish off Italy and find a way around Turkey. Turkey has only one fleet, so once I am in the Ionian, it should be doable, but that may be a couple turns depending on how pesky italy is. With Italy/Turkey centers, I would be at 17, so just one more, maybe St Pete's.

RUSSIA - defeated

Autumn, 1908: I can't tell whether the fleet in Napoli is red or green, I would assume green.

Autumn, 1908: After the builds, Ger voted for a draw.
I play under the assumption that votes do matter. My draw vote is in too.
So I would think Austria is arguably the board leader and is attacking Ger and Ita. Ger and Ita are probably buffer forces between A and F.

Autumn, 1908: 2 Austrian fleets around I suppose, and a fight to annex Italy.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’09 <<<

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ENGLAND - defeated

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ITALY - defeated

Spring, 1909: I lost positioning in the Med and France has a couple fleets there, so my only necessity is to get Italy out. To do that, I need Ionian in position sooner rather than later.

RUSSIA - defeated

Spring, 1909: The greater risk now for me is to be the cause of someone else’s solo.
I am inclined to think that Austria is currently the greater power. Should France be the 15SC board leader now, a competent Austria would act to stop him and would not leave those 3 armies in the south for patrolling purposes.
My 3 units keep at least 4 Austrian units busy.

Spring, 1909: What's that??
A supposedly Italian fleet supporting Austrian fleet in Apu to Ion?
A French fleet in Tunis?
A misorder from Austria in Tunis?
In any case, Austria can potentially knock me out... Alone.

>>> Fall ’09 <<<

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ENGLAND - defeated

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ITALY - defeated

Autumn, 1909: Positionally, I need to set up a perimeter against france and maybe get Turkey's fleet to help with that. Then I can slip a fleet behind him and do some damage there. I just need to reclaim Tunis, Turkey's centers, and one other one to reach 18.

RUSSIA - defeated

Autumn, 1909: I'll try to support the "whatever fleet is in Tunis" to Ion

Autumn, 1909: Epic Fail.
I feel like I have just lost my only occasion to see the Italian shores in this game...

Autumn, 1909: "Italy was defeated".
This was expected to happen, one of these years. This power has enterprised a campaign too far from the motherland and too much committing in terms of units.
A risk that can't be taken years-long, especially due to the Fog that doesn't make you see threats coming from afar.
Having the 2nd army trapped in Tunis for years (and Austria knew this) has probably comdemned Italy.
Arguably Tunis is French nowadays.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’10 <<<

Spring, 1910: There hasn't been much to discuss and I didn't want to just leave empty chatter, it wasn't worth it. Now looking at strategy I am at 18 canters. Germany and Austria can't seem to coordinate anything here. Munich being one of the last German centers. I now have four fleets on the med. looking to make my presence well known to the Austrians. They were at least able to see my four army units so they know likely that Munich and Pete's are the two last German strogholds. Turkey still alive works very well in my favor as it means Austria May or will more than likely have no other units in the north besides Moscow... He may be hiding to blitz the line... Which I intend to get Pete's and win the game. I'm hitting Munich and making way with fleet into Sweden instead of army.

ENGLAND - defeated

Spring, 1910: unfortunately I believe a french win is inevitable austria moved away crucial supporting units and my st pete unit is poorly position, sweden and munich are lost my only hope is that austria will help me hold st pete

ITALY - defeated

Spring, 1910: Very interesting last turn with France supporting himself to Berlin. That leads me to believe he is around 13-15 centers strong depending on Scandinavia. I should take St Petersburg while he is not supporting it and try to use Turkey to attack him for now. I think Turkey can be of use up until the point where I can quickly grab a center or two to secure a solo.

RUSSIA - defeated

Spring, 1910: Not much thoughts to add on my diary.
Being the greatest ignorant of what's actually going on in this game is not much encouraging.
I'll try to bounce Austria from Ion, but a 2vs1 is expected.

>>> Fall ’10 <<<

Autumn, 1910: I can't let austria know that I am planning a take over of St. p. I will have sweden move to finland and be out of sight from him. I need to move into position at least.

I will leave enough support on Munich so he has the belief that he can take munich next year, in actuality, I will not show kiel is providing support.

I will make my presence known in the south end of the map by putting full support on tyrr, austria already knows I am in the gulf.

I have no clue if turkey and austria are fighting...if they are, Tyrr is supporting ionian into naples, just for shits and giggles...let's see what happens.

I think I have this game in the bag by the end of next year. As long as I can get into barrents, finland, norway and GOB, it's all over.

ENGLAND - defeated

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ITALY - defeated

Autumn, 1910: France capturing Munich is bad news. That means he has likely 15-16 centers. St Petersburg will be the deciding center in a split, so it looks like the goal has changed from a confident solo to a hopeful draw. It is worriesome not having communication with Turkey regarding Ionian Sea, but hopefully he does as needed. I will claim St Petersburg and from there if I can see him in either Finland or Norway, I will call for a draw. Otherwise, there is still hope!

Autumn, 1910: As I thought, France has Scandinavia and is at 17 centers. I put up my draw vote so after the German disband and elimination, let's hope France draws!

RUSSIA - defeated

Autumn, 1910: mmm... Nice to meet you French!
A lot of traffic jam among Austrian fleets... I'm going to hold my fleet and issue the Convoy order Gre-Apu.
I hope that this message in a bottle reaches destination for future set-up.
I'm not so sure now that Austria is the board leader.

Autumn, 1910: Looks like France is offering support to me towards Napoli.
I won't rise to that bite.
The best I can hope now is to be necessary to hold the balance of powers.

Autumn, 1910: The draw vote from Austria confirms my fears.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
>>> Spring ’11 <<<

Spring, 1911:
Too bad turkey can't see I was lending him some obvious support into Naples. I am hoping that he doesn't get too much of a clue as to what is going on in the north side of things. Granted I've probably won this game this year or next. Just going to hold everything down and let my northern units do something.

I think this is it! :)

Overall conversation on this one,

I felt horrible stabbing Germany, I felt good actually succeeding against england.

ENGLAND - defeated

GERMANY - defeated

ITALY - defeated

Spring, 1911: Dammit, France won. Nothing much can be done at this point other than try for Berlin.

RUSSIA - defeated
Spring, 1911: Ahhhhh... Very good news!! Germany was eliminated!!
I'm glad to learn he'll get the same result (defeated) and the same points (zero) I'll get !!
I'm looking forward to see the whole history and search what could convince Germany that fighting a possible ally like me was better than fighting France.
The yellow is still alive... go Turkey go!!!
Uh... I forgot... Germany made some CD. I wonder how he can be in the top 100. That RS is flawed any side you look at it.
Wow Austria's voting concede! France looks to be winning. Well, I'd be happy.

Spring, 1911: Ok, Germany is gone.
This game can only have 2 outcomes now:
3 way draw A&T vs F or Solo victory by France.
The southern front is relatively safe. Everything will depend on where actually is the northern border among A and F.
I will expect Austria to understand this and use the armies in Bul and Sev for contributing to stop France.
We can't afford to have all those units far from the Stalemate line.

Spring, 1911: Holy Crap!
The Concede vote from Austria makes me feel like France is already over the Solo line.
Austria is (and has indeed been in the last years) the player with the greater knowledge of what's globally going on.
I can't believe that he moved away the southern armies with such a delay while France was breaking his poorly defended western front... But if Votes have a meaning, and if they are used accordingly, this is the natural explanation.
I'm putting my last orders in, with the certainty that they are the last ones before the loss.

>>> Fall ’11 <<<

empty page :-)
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
13 Oct 13 UTC
Very interesting read following the map! Well played France, I definitely should have move into Germany sooner than I did. I should have recognized Germany is a key area to secure 18 centers.

I really enjoyed this and would be up for another any time! :D
Decima Legio (1987 D)
14 Oct 13 UTC
In order to make the thing complete, I should’ve posted 7 different maps with the proper grey areas each phase… but that would require editing images, uploading files and so on…
For now, we shall just watch the map and use some imagination for the 7 foggy points of view :D
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
14 Oct 13 UTC
Really nice game.
Will definitely have a go next time.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
14 Oct 13 UTC
It will take me a bit to type some comments about that wall of text! :P

In the meanwhile, I want to thank DL for his wonderful idea and for his great job.
I also want to thank everyone for typing their notes every phase and expecially for being so damn good gunboaters! Who think that gunboats are only a matter of luck or that there's no diplomacy into them, should try one of these Diary-Gunboats! They'd learn a lot of things!
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
16 Oct 13 UTC
What follows are some thoughts about what I read above. No scientific purpose, just some random notes on some notes I liked the most. Please forgive their obvious Russia-centric tune as well as somewhat anti-German for the way the game went. :)
No worries Shep, no worries anybody. I know it's too easy making comments after the game is over and even more easy on a FoW after the fog is gone. I just want to start a peaceful discussion about how things went, if you wish to join me, just for the pleasure of it.

- - -

GERMANY Spring 1901: "Also have to deny Russia Sweden but that's standard Germany play I guess."
- I thought that stardard play for any Country the first years was to try and gather as many allies as possible.
In the case of Germany I believe that annoying Russia denying Sweden can make sense only if you think that either England or France are with you, plus if you think it can gain you some diplomatic advantage on East (IE, seeking for a long-term alliance with Turkey IF there aren't Lepantoes around).
So, basically, if it's in a full press game. Not in a Gunboat, even less in a Fogboat I believe.

TURKEY Spring, 1901: "I feel like a Lepanto is very unlikely under this settings."
- haha, Famous Last Words! :D

GERMANY Builds 1901: "Russia bounced in Sweden which is what I wanted"
- Shep... were you serious? Pink Belgium shows that France and England are not fighting each other until now and you look happy you're going to gain an enemy from East?

Overall 1901. Diaries show this was an HQ games. Good reasoning were made by all of you, the result is that basically nobody had a bad start.
I can't blame Turkey for Armenia: for some reason it looks an irresistible impulse in Gunboats and even more in FoWs. Perhaps it's because you don't feel like trying a Juggernaut when you know you won't be able to see what Russia is doing North for a long time, or maybe forever.
Also I can't blame that much Germany for Sweden. In every Gunboat I play I see more people making decisions like that than people looking for allies.

- - -

In Spring 1902 again a lot of good thoughts and good tactical guesses. One of the best is surely this one by Turkey:
RUSSIA Spring, 1902: Okay, what I can't lose this spring is Seva.
TURKEY Spring, 1902: Sev is expected to hold and to be defended.

Instead we start reading some strategical assumptions that turns out at least unlucky.
Germany looks convinced that Scandinavia is a priority. That could even be, but he doesn't explain both the "why" and how the involved powers wouldn't turn on him immediately (" then England, then France, before I turn east to hit Russia.").
England doubts "that Russia or Germany will be able to send as many units there as me so I should have the upper hand." Unfortunately he doesn't explain why he doubts it. It would be interesting to know since perhaps this is his first big mistake.

FRANCE Autumn, 1902: (...) Damn my thoughts are just confused.
- LOL Sangoose! You didn't know it, but what you wrote a few seconds before this was absolutely right! :D

ENGLAND Autumn, 1902: Well, that turn couldn't have gone much worse for me. I should have moved to Sweden. Now France, Germany, and Russia are all attacking me. I think I am pretty much screwed.
- Yup, no luck. But I still wonder why you made that assumption in spring.

RUSSIA Autumn, 1902: (...) Germany fighting England is enough for him
- Wrong assumption! :D

RUSSIA Autumn, 1902: Wait. Orders history doesn't work with fog. So they don't know if I supported Ser>Bul or Bul>Ser, right?
- Wrong! Hear Turkey:
TURKEY Autumn, 1902: After scratching my head I've just discovered the tiny difference in the yellow arrow from Rumania between spring and fall '02:
Spring : support Ser to Bul. Fall: support Bul to Ser. A small good new for 1903.
- My congrats DL! I didn't even notice the two yellow arrows had a very little difference in their angle. This is the best guess in the whole game, IMHO.

Spartan, this autumn you look more focused on Italian Strategy than on tactics around Warsaw. Care to add something about it?

- - -

Mostly, tactical thoughts in this 1903. Only strategical exceptions are France "Now or never", Germany saying he's not sure about what to do, and, as usual, Turkey: "Should something strange happen (France from the west, a stab from Austria…) they will suddenly sail away." and "a probable NAP between France&Italy."

- - -

FRANCE Autumn, 1904: Alright, it's pretty darn specific here. Russia moved an offensive against germany, german troops are all hanging out on my line which must mean turkey and russia are allied...
- First France's wrong assumption! Nobody can blame him, Gremany's moves look to be having no other explanation. Luckily for him, it doesn't withstand a good decision:
FRANCE Autumn, 1904 ...Time to mop up the english quick and get some fleets out there
Also: ENGLAND Autumn, 1904: Germany has moved out of the North Sea. (most likely to defend himself from a Russian attack)
No guys. There's no Russia attacking Germany. What tricked you both?...

What really happened? Well Shep, 1904 looks the crucial year for both of us. Reading your Spring notes I'm under the impression you were underestimating France's advantage on England or overestimating English power, that it's basically the same thing. I wonder how it could happen, because this clearly convinced you that you wouldn't be stabbed by France any soon.
The second thing is that I didn't find in your Fall's notes any thoughts about why Russia was retreating "all speed" from Scandinavia to Homeland, leaving open those SCs.
I know it's easy to say it now that the fog has gone and we all can see how the things actually were. I also know that 2 open SCs are an irresistible temptation. But I hoped to find something more explained in the notes of a good player like you. Was it just a bad day, like anyone can have here? C'mon, let us know what was going on!
What went out was 2 medium-little powers (you and I) grabbing each other SCs while 2 big guys (France and Austria) were quickly growing around us.
Last consideration is that "luck" didn't help us two. In Fall 1903 Sweden had to support the move to Norway, so no friendly support hold for Denmark. Next spring 1904 I had to pull back my units from Scandinavia, so, again, no chances to give friendly supports. What I wonder is: would things have gone differently, if only I had had the chance to show my friendly intentions?
I ask because I know that just retreating from our borders might have been not enough for anyone to see a DMZing request beyond it.

GERMANY Spring, 1904: Russia is up in norways business, England is crippled and bottled by France plus it seems Austria took Warsaw time for me to move on Scandinavia.
GERMANY Autumn, 1904: Scandinavia is open now to move in hopefully France and England stay bottled up against each other
Autumn, 1904: That went way better than expected. I am now the master of Scandinavia although England is back in the North Sea, but France is in wales so they are more concerned with each other. I'll have to see if Russia disbands before deciding my next move

... *if* Russia disbands... :-)

- - -

Spring 1905. Some short and generic strategical statements by everyone. On tactics, only Silesia got some attention, by F, G & R.
Fall 1905. Same as above except for Turkey that went deeper into some interesting thoughts. Among them, this gem:
TURKEY Autumn, 1905: I’m going to put down the Concede vote for a while, I will want to read what the western powers (F,G,E) think about it.
- Good idea DL but, alas, we're not reading what F,G,E thought about it. Maybe they wish to type it now? Please.

- - -

Many missing notes this 1906. Very interesting thoughts by Turkey and by Austria, who's starting realize it's time to move West after thinking for a while about an invasion to Turkey.

- - -

Things are getting clear for everyone in 1907. Some relevant (IMO) quotes:

AUSTRIA Spring, 1907: (...) I am going to make peace with France and Germany for the time being and hope they are eventually going to fight each other if they aren't now.
- Awww Spartan! England and Russia are gone and Munich is blue! :)
It's not time to make peace with both, it's time to join a party, ally with one and grab the other's SCs! "Sitting on a fence" never rewards you in Diplomacy, IMHO.

Always-surprising-TURKEY Spring, 1907: England off board as well, interesting.
I am seeing now the notice: Turkey Bet: 20 , worth: 0 / 28
If this notice works well, the player in charge (by SC number should be aware to be the first and the others should be aware to be currently "runners".
- Both France & Austra had 10 SCs, did you notice anything, mates?

Autumn, 1907: Autumn 1907: Time to think a little harder here....looks like (.....) Not sure if I am making any sense, I usually am dead in gunboats by now.
- Ahahahahaha! Thanks Sandgoose for this laughter! :D :D :D

- - -

The whole beauty of a Classic Fogboat into just one sentence:
TURKEY Spring, 1908: The situation now is thrilling: I can’t tell whether attacking Austria will avoid a solo (Austria) or will favor a solo (France?).

TURKEY Autumn, 1908: After the builds, Ger voted for a draw.
I play under the assumption that votes do matter. My draw vote is in too.
So I would think Austria is arguably the board leader and is attacking Ger and Ita.
- Wrong, it wasn't so. I guess that your assumptions would have been much more correct if just Germany had voted "Help! They're killing me!" that is to say: *concede*.
Actually...wait. This makes me think that maybe things could have been a bit different even for *ME*, if at the right time **I** put down a concede vote! WTF! :/
Well, I just learnt something reading Turkey.
- - -

Along with some powers growing, some other being eliminated, things gets even more clear for the active powers, so thoughts gets more obvious now. I mean, you could tell them just watching the maps: France gets realizing he can win, Germany gets feeling lost, Austria realizes too late how fast France was growing and Turkey, stuck in his corner, doesn't realize anything! hahahah! xD. Just joking, DL.
One more relevant quote:

TURKEY Autumn, 1910: The best I can hope now is to be necessary to hold the ****balance of powers.****
- How sad is hearing these keywords for the first time in 1910...the game was basically over already...

- - -

Well, it was a fantastic game, played by players much above average of those I use to meet. Thanks everybody.

I think I got my biggest wondering, Germany attacked me because of an unclear situation about what F & E were doing. Shep... please reply to the thoughts I made about this.
I hope to hear soon your comments on notes as well. It would be making this whole SRG the most useful around, like a Gunboat PhD graduation. I'd like to have some reply to questions I made to some of you.
Also, I'd like to have opinions on my play. I'm sure I made some big mistake at some point, otherwise I wouldn't have been eliminated so soon, but I can tell neither which one it could be nor if it was tactic, strategic or diplomatic. Or maybe was it just a sum of many little mistakes? Please let me know your thoughts about it.

Congrats to Sandgoose, congrats to survivors (aww Spartan: you started so good!) and congrats to everyone for their thoughts. I've learnt many things reading your notes. You don't teach if you're not good, so congrats everyone!

- - -

Last thing, I'd like to suggest (to myself in primis) something about style of notes. I believe that we should not write things you can read on the map, like "I'm going to move A to B" or "I'm going to build a fleet in C". It would be much more interesting to read the tactical or srtategical reasons behind these decisions. Everyone can see I built a fleet in C! what they might not see is the reason why. Not sure I was clear...

- - -

Very last, new more thanks to DL. Looking forward to Diary-2!

Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
16 Oct 13 UTC
Guaroz, love the read, thanks for typing up all your thoughts! I just want to respond to some portions of it that seem pertinent :D

1902: I was a bit more focused on Italy in my diary because his cooperation was key to me doing well. I was over committing myself towards Russia and Warsaw, so I was really trying to reassure myself Italy was working with me still :P

1907: Yes, sitting back and offering supports in German lands did me no good! Looking back at the map, had I moved in, I could easily have either won or forced a draw :[ Also, I did notice I was worth a crap ton of points most of the game so I kind of figured I was in the lead. I didn't think to check down the stretch when France began to grow so I don't think I noticed when he surpassed me.

Lastly, in terms of my interaction with you, my main motivation behind eventually moving towards Warsaw and the likes was because I was feeling confident in my friendship with Italy as well as not very confident I could break into Turkey quickly, so you were a logical choice. It would also be hidden from either of them as they wouldn't know how well I was actually doing!

Thanks a lot everyone for a fun game!
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Oct 13 UTC
Thanks Spartan for your reply.
Actually, I mistook my first question sorry. What I wanted you to add were comments about the battle for Warsaw (being pretty clear why you cared about Italy so much) and your thoughts about how Germany could be involved. Btw, if you look at Shep's comments, he perfectly read that situation so I guess you could easily count on it in a game where all players were from the Top100! (Not that I trust so much HoF2's Top100, I don't trust VDip-Points-System at all, but if someone is into it then he's surely not a noob)
So probably there's not much more to say about Warsaw.

I totally agree with your motivations on attacking Russia so early and this is one of the reasons why I said you did so well in the first part of the game.

Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
17 Oct 13 UTC
If only I could have faired better :[ But in all honesty, DL was bunkered up really well in the corner there :P
Decima Legio (1987 D)
17 Oct 13 UTC
Nah, Spartan, you know it's just Ultimately About Luck ...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Oct 13 UTC
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
18 Oct 13 UTC
haha :D

So is there interest to do another of these in the future?
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Oct 13 UTC
Sure! I'm ready to start anytime!
Unless... do someone else want to comment furtherly? The game ended a week ago and only Spartan and I wrote some EoG stuff :(
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
18 Oct 13 UTC
I'd be up for another anytime as well! But Would like to hear more thoughts from other players. Come on guys, satisfy Guaroz and I!
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Oct 13 UTC
Definitely yes, Spartan, there is interest in round 2.

Not in the immediate, though.
I think most likely in the first week of November
Peanut buyer (939 D)
19 Oct 13 UTC
when did we start this?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
19 Oct 13 UTC
I'd be up for the next one if there's room :)
brettj72 (1673 D)
19 Oct 13 UTC
Well I lost badly so obviously it was all luck. ;) I don't have much to add to the discussion. Overall I tried to pick a fight in scandinavia with Russia because I was assuming he would be tied up down south. This quickly evolved into a battle against Russia, France, and Germany which I had absolutely no chance of winning. GG everyone. I would play again if you need players but if others want to give it a try they can have my spot.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
20 Oct 13 UTC
I’m adding a couple of random thoughts as well:

TURKEY Spring, 1901: "I feel like a Lepanto is very unlikely under this settings."
- haha, Famous Last Words! :D

Indeed if we think on a general A&I alliance. Actually I didn’t expect an I vs F opening. Nor I did rely 100% on an I vs A opening.
What I had in mind in S01 was something like that:
The “Lepanto”, hence the Austrian active cooperation in order to have an Italian army convoyed successfully in Syria (or directly in Smyrna) is very unlikely to happen. I’ll probably be able to withstand a 2 units Italian attack *should* this happen.

The Concede stuff:
Sometimes, during some FoW gunboats, I came through the idea of using/interpreting this Vote like Bengal emergency flares.
I haven’t been able to have feedback on this, so I don’t even know if that was a good idea actually.
We all know where this Vote comes from, so basically it is about a misuse of the Concede vote.

TURKEY Autumn, 1908: After the builds, Ger voted for a draw…
I play under the assumption that votes do matter. My draw vote is in too.
So I would think Austria is arguably the board leader and is attacking Ger and Ita.
- Wrong, it wasn't so. I guess that your assumptions would have been much more correct if just Germany had voted "Help! They're killing me!" that is to say: *concede*.

No, I think not. In that occasion having Germany with a Concede or a Draw vote should have not changed my assumptions.
Consider that I had very limited informations at disposal in 1908, I could not see anything beyond the ION-GRE-BUL-BLA-SEV line… so in that case the term “feeling” would fit better than the term “assumption”.
Battalion (2386 D)
20 Oct 13 UTC
I'll play in the next one if there's room.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
21 Oct 13 UTC
Haha ok DL, now what you meant about Lepanto is more clear. I guess that, when you have to reduce all your phase's thoughts into just 4-5 lines, something might turn out unclear. That is one of the reasons why comments on the Diary are welcome, isn't it?

About Germany voting Draw or Concede, yep, you're right, you probably were not in the best position to make correct assumptions anyway, due to the small portion of the map you were able to see.

I just wonder some "ifs".
What if, in fall 1904, right after Germany took my Scandinavian SCs, I had voted for Cancel. Perhaps France and England would have realized much sooner that it was not *I* attacking Germany. Everybody would have probably realized that there was not a (successful) Juggernaut around. Expecially after your fall 1905 concede vote. Who knows if France would have done something different at that point. Who knows if Italy would have realized that Austria wasn't doing so bad in Russia: that would have been a worrying news for him (infact, later Austria wrote that he was counting on Italy being unaware of his successful Russian campaign).
Same way, a concede vote by Germany at the right time could have helped Austria get much sooner how well France was doing.
Last "if". Since apparently Germany attacked me because he undervalued France's progresses on the pink island, perhaps a Concede vote by England right after he lost Liverpool would have helped Germany getting what was going on on his West.
What I'm talking about is that voting Concede in a gunbaot might help keeping the balance of powers, because player would have more correct "feelings". It looks even indispensible in FOGboats! So I believe it was a good idea by you, putting up a Concede vote.
I've seen this Bengal emergency flare in other Gunboats, tipically when a shortsighted medium power was helping the big guy killing another medium one. It sounded like "Watch the big guy! If you don't help me you're in big danger!". In a Fogboat, it could sound like "Someone is taking my land, so you'll soon have to face a big one if you don't help me!"
That said.... yeah, you don't make history with ifs! :)

Last thing is about your "so basically it is about a *misuse* of the Concede vote."
If with "misuse" you mean that it would not be the original meaning of Concede, I agree. You would be using it like a "diplomatic tool", so not like a serious proposal to give the game to someone else.
If instead you mean "illegit", I don't agree. Only Pause, Extend and Cancel ARE NOT diplomatic tools, so you're allowed to use (at your own risk) Draw and Concede trying to give them different meanings than the original one. Especially in gunboats, this have been done with "Draw" since decades. Concede is just the newest tool and we just have yet to learn how to profitably use it, I believe.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
21 Oct 13 UTC
Yes, I asked to write within 4 rows per phase, else, the Diaries text wall at the endgame would be rather cumbersome. On the other hand, some concepts needs to be summarized and you risk to be unclear with your thoughts.
4 rows in average are not set in stone, I just thought they were a reasonable compromise among the two needs.

About the Concede,
Firstly it is important to say *at your own risk*. The Concede vote passes with unanimity minus one among the active players.
Secondly yes, I used it with a completely different meaning from the original one. It is a legitimate action since it is a Diplomatic tool, but it’s not necessarily a good thing.
Actually, the point is: “did the other players interpret that Vote the way I meant to use it?”
I wonder this because, reading the others Diaries, that vote has been apparently meaningless except for Russia. Instead, according to Russia’s words of fall 1905 “Ok, I'll die fighting the German“, it looks like I have favored an unwanted effect since I wanted Sevastopol to remain guarded and to make resistance against Austria…or I had to take care about that second front alone.

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63 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
Is Diplomacy Ultimately About Luck
Years ago when I first bought the board game for a group of friends, some of them didn't want to play because they saw the game was all about luck. That idea still rings in my mind from time to time.
190 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
17 Oct 13 UTC
Is Norway Undervalued in 1066?
Something I notice when playing 1066 (v2) is that England and Normandy always do battle, and Norway usually has a lot of leeway to mop things up. I guess the larger size of the North Sea spaces give the illusion that Norway is farther away, but in reality, it's just two spaces away just like Normandy.
4 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
17 Oct 13 UTC
Looking For Replacement

Germany still has over 20 SCs, and Italy looks like it's going to overrun. We could use a German player to keep things balanced.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
11 Oct 13 UTC
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin gameID=16203
I am Tecumseh, the great Pawnee warrior and I come to your tribe with an important message. Please read below...
2 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
12 Oct 13 UTC
Rational Moves Test
You guys could really use some sort of test to license people to play games in. It's annoying when irrational players ruin the game for rational players by allowing third players to win after overrunning them.
22 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Oct 13 UTC
0 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
05 Oct 13 UTC
Does Drawing in WTA Backfire?
I was wondering if the logic behind WTA draws isn't necessarily reliable. Draws allow people to make alliances, and instead of drawing against the solo winner, they simply draw among themselves instead of pursuing a solo victory. Is there a way to disable drawing so this doesn't happen?
14 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
07 Oct 13 UTC
Is anyone interested in a CRAZY and HUGE world variant?
17 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
06 Oct 13 UTC
Risk to Diplomacy
Has anyone ever tried converting a Risk board to be a diplomacy board? If so, how did you do this?
10 replies
Snake IV (1154 D)
02 Oct 13 UTC
Variant play testing (Gobble-Earth)
I'm looking for some people to take part in the play test of the variant Gobble-Earth; we have already filled it up halfway.
11 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
02 Oct 13 UTC
Messages tab
It is rather hard to keep track of private messages under the status quo as they are integrated under the Notices tab. Is it possible for our fellow Moderators to create a Messages tab?
2 replies
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