A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
AlphaCopernicus (922 D)
Wed 11 PM UTC
Is it possible to delete your account?
I've had my fun and wish to leave, I have big things coming up and can't afford to be distracted. But I can't find any option to delete an account. Is there any way to do so?
5 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
21 May 12 UTC
Advertise your NON-live games here!
In an effort to compromise the pro-ads versus anti-ads for games: Post here for your non-live games to cut down on the number of ads but still advertise games. Post game link, WTA or PPSC, and the bet. Note: this doesn't count for special rules games.
3391 replies
Seagull_Head (958 D)
Mon 27 May UTC
Applying to be a mod for private games
Hi, I have introduced my colleagues to Diplomacy and we all love it. However, for the next time we play, it would be great to be able to play with faster turns, but pause it over weekends and evenings.
Is there any way to get mod privileges without taking part in dozens of private games?
5 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
12 Mar 11 UTC
Oli won.
On Imperial Civilization's off-topic thread (link inside), there was a brief stint of Second to Last Person to Post Wins. Now that the thread is closed, Oli won.
10374 replies
erikip107 (2584 D)
10 Jan 24 UTC
ER Team Game Revival
Hey Folks! I was recently thinking about the Europa Renevatio Team game we did a couple years ago and I think we can do it again, better this time. Among the improvements, it may be ideal to determine the teams ahead of time and make them public so we can try to come up with a "balanced" set of 9 teams of 4. Would anyone else (err... 35 others?) want to give it a shot?
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Mitomon (2187 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
I prefer D over any other option
Xenon Radon (2112 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
I'd like to choose C if I can be one of the captains :)
mouse (1776 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Strong preference for D, only issue would be agreeing on the team distribution (which iirc was part of the issue with getting started last time).

C is acceptable as a backup to mitigate the issue of determining teams beforehand; very strong preference for the draft process (or at least, the final result) to be public information.
I'd vote for 'highest ranking' as determinant of captains.

B is a last resort if it's the only way to get a game happening. I do *not* want to play with unknown teams, but will suck it up if *everything* is random for the chaos.
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
My vote: CDBAE.

C is what I came up with anyway, and the bidding system needs some more discussion to be informational equal. Also we need to determine how we choose the captains, since this method does not include fairness between captains and members.

D sounds like a Veil of Ignorance and I kinda love it, but we already have Xenon Radon who has stated their desire to be a captain in C.

B may be not fair but should be fun. A sounds like less fun, and E is something we're yet to find out.
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
And here I try to explain and fix C.

After (or before) the countries are assigned, the 9 captains get 3 tokens each to bid for teammates. A country is with the captain who paid the most tokens for them, or remains available if there's no one being the only one to pay the most. After each round of bidding, each captain is given tokens equal to teammates still missing, to use them in the next round, until everyone gets 3 teammates to play with.

During the whole process, everyone knows who the captains are, which countries are still available, which countries are already chosen by who and how every captain uses their tokens every round.
Mitomon (2187 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
In a bid to further support D, I've run the countries through a random team generator and come up with this:

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group 7

Group 8

Group 9

Groups 7 and 8 are somewhat close to their teammates but are also very close to each other so it might cancel out.
2 and 7 seem to be basically eating each other.
mouse (1776 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Possibility for C: captains as highest rating, snake pick their allies once the game has started (so, publicly drafting both country and player), captains seeded on ascending rating order (ie. 8th ranked gets picks 1, 18, 19; top ranked gets picks 9, 10 and 27).

Saves the need for both fancy bidding mechanisms or arguing a 'balanced' layout beforehand.
halfasleep (1676 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
I like D over C because I do like the random element but really up to everyone else, I could go for either. Also I feel like the whole obfuscating who’s on what team isn’t really that important
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Mouse has the point. This really solves both two major problems of C at once. But actually it's the 9th ranked player who gets the 1st, 18th and 19th picks. Minor mistake.

Or we can allow the high ranking players to give up the right to pick allies and leave it to the 10th and so on.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Won't picking of allies just end up with people aiming to gather up the Muslim powers in the South or in some way monopolize some other advantageous corner/border position?
I think attempts to that end will probably be foiled because it’s detrimental to the performance of everyone else.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
11 Jan 24 UTC
@gopher - Yes almost assuredly. Especially when one captain would have 2 picks in a row, you'd probably see a bloc of powers that work well together to establish almost unassailable positions. Imagine QQ/Mamluks/Ottomans or something like that from the start. They'd lock up so many good positions it would require extreme coordination to break it up given the 100% trust they could have.

My biggest concern though would be the known teams. I feel like this game would just lock up in the early mid-game as everyone rallies to stop 1 or 2 known groups from getting too big. Especially with how many stalemate lines are on the map, it's destined for failure if you have known teams IMO.
erikip107 (2584 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
I like Drano's idea for a modified C in terms of information given and such! Makes sense to me. I think I'll start calling Drano's modified C "E" to differentiate it with the known draft/bidding (A and B were supposed to be unknown teams, C and D known teams).

For an actual draft (so, C) - I do not think snake draft would be a good idea; the double-pick for anybody is really, really strong. Especially so for the first captain - they will get the first pick of the lot, and then additionally a double pick! Massive advantage in my opinion. Maybe something where each round is a randomized order (re-shuffling if it results in a double pick), and generated at the beginning of each draft round, would be better if we chose C.

To Re-iterate:

A. Third party generates the teams mostly at random with rules attached. (unknown teams) This seems to be the least popular option at the moment.

B. True random. Not the most popular option, but I think it's also not anyone's last preference. (Unknown teams)

C. Draft/Bidding (Known teams) - most of our discussion seems centered around this, which is good! Several good ideas, which we will eventually need to narrow down.

D. We agree on 4 "fair" teams before hand (Known teams). Might be difficult to come up with something we all truly agree on, but I can make up something as a placeholder maybe.

E. Drano's Modified C where a third-party facilitates a limited-information bid for the 9 captains. (Unknown teams)

So far from a quick scroll, it seems to me that C and D are the most popular options, with E not having much of a chance to be voted on really since I am defining it now lol.

We...also need more players. Current list:

1. erikip107
2. MagicalSand
3. han-shahanshah
4. Xenon Radon
5. hakureimarisa
6. Lei Saarlainen
7. ingebot
8. drano019
9. MiraiNikkiSan
10. Orange
11. Mitomon
12. mouse (maybe)
13. Samj
14. DungDefender
15. halfasleep
16. gopher27 (commented but I don't think has explicitly said in?)
17. folie
erikip107 (2584 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Placeholder for option D (a bit more intentional than the random generated one posted by Mitomon)

1. Morocco, Scotland, Genoa, Bavaria
2. Tlemcen, England, Muscovy, Teutonic Order
3. Tunis, Novgorod, Austria, Brandenburg
4. Mamluks, Burgundy, Lithuania, Milan
5. QQ, France, Papacy, Saxony
6. Ottomans, Norway, Bohemia, Savoy
7. Portugal, Naples, Livnonian Order, Switzerland
8. Aragon, Denmark, Venice, Poland
9. Castille, Sweden, Hungary, Great Horde

Not perfect by any means, but I think it's reasonably ok (to be improved upon later if we decide to go with D)
Mitomon (2187 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Wait, D is 4 fair teams? I thought it was 9 teams of 4 hahaha. Anyways, yes, my random team assignment may or may not be the most balanced, but it allows for more flexibility and unique situations. What's not to say teams 2 and 7 decide to work together since they're so close?
erikip107 (2584 D)
11 Jan 24 UTC
Typo, whoops. 9 teams of 4
mouse (1776 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
Mostly suggested snake pick for the simplicity (because over-complicating things just means we argue in circles for 6 months rather than getting a game started); however I would note that given the first double pick is 9th and the captains (and thus who they're knowing) are known at time of draft, preventing the double pick from being 'overpowered' would just be part of the draft process. And then in-game diplomacising afterwards, given a known good position can still be ganked by everyone else neighbouring them.

I am very strongly against unknown teams and would only consider joining an unknown teams game under scenario B, true random. (This is most of why I'm only down as a 'maybe')
mouse (1776 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
and thus who they're playing*
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
12 Jan 24 UTC
Not to make this a choice between players or anything, but I'd likely bow out of any known teams game. I simply feel it'd end up a large draw that doesn't live up to it's potential.
mouse (1776 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
I'd definitely say go with drano over me if it comes down to that :p

But, I actually feel the same way about unknown teams (that it'd end up in a large draw). From my recollection of the previous game (which was unknown teams), part of why it was called was because every team had lost multiple players so it wasn't really a 'team' game any more. Unknown teams *weakens* teams in the long run, because it makes it harder to save teammates diplomatically in the short run. While public teams is likely to have slower start than most games (as opportunistic ganks need to be balanced against retaliation against your teammates), I believe that it's more likely to result in several teams reaching the midgame with 3-4 people alive and this able to keep playing for a win *as a team*.
erikip107 (2584 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
If the game was played on a different map (I suspect it may be difficult to reach 36 players anyhow), would your sentiment change on known versus unknown teams, mouse and drano?
DungDefender (1467 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
TBH, I think drano's option E sounds best. We:

1. Get the option of bordering a teammate in the early game, which will probably make it more fun in my opinion. Keeping the whole team from starting in the same area might be a little tricky though.

2. Get more interesting diplomacy going since you get the chance to both conceal your teammates and declare it in diplomatic necessities like mouse described. Just a bunch of interesting mechanics that you don't get when you know who's on what team.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
12 Jan 24 UTC
The smaller the map, the more critical unknown teams are IMO. There's less flexibility of map spaces and less opportunities to prevent teams from rushing stalemates on smaller maps.
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
My new vote: ECDBA.

So E works like this right? This is what I understand from Drano.

We choose the 9 captains(by rank or by election). After the game starts, all captains submit an ranked list of three picks to a third-party to decide what they get for the first round of bidding. If possible, they are all assigned their first choice. If not, multiple picks crash, they get second, or third. If someone end up with nothing then this round is redone. We do it for three times.

Each round, every captain only knows which countries are still available, while others know nothing. This way the captains all know who the other captains are, and in which round a country was picked, equally, while others all know everything their captain know, which is all the same, so all 36 players are informational equal.

And for D I get another teaming. You get a bloc to start from but everyone else does too. Compared to Mitomon's this is even more intentional. Everyone can have someone covering their back and it's easier to help your teammates. However it may sound like a game of 9 countries, each with four parliament members.

1 Genoa, Papacy, Naples, Ottomans.
2 Mamluk, Tunis, Tlemcen, Morocco.
3 Portugal, Castille, Scotland, England.
4 France, Burgundy, Aragon, Savoy.
5 Venice, Milan, Austria, Switzerland.
6 Bavaria, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland.
7 Brandenburg, Saxony, Denmark, Teutonic-Order.
8 Norway, Sweden, Novgorod, Livonian-Order.
9 Qara-Qoyunlu, Great-Horde, Muscovy, Lithuania.
alarix (1686 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
Add me
Battalion (2386 D)
12 Jan 24 UTC
I'm potentially keen, but I don't have the time to build a strong opinion about game type so I'll leave it to those thinking harder about it than I am.

Though perhaps drano and mouse should just play 1v1 to decide it.
BDECA. I like hakureimarisa's team scheme, but I think that edge coalitions such as #2 should be avoided.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
12 Jan 24 UTC

You've got the gist of it right. My ideal plan is as follows:

Anyone who wants to be a captain puts their name on a list. Ideally we have more than 9. An outside helper who is NOT playing then picks 9 people, PMs them that they are a captain, gives them their power (only the individual player knows what power they are assigned), and asks them to submit a list of 3 choices.

Then we do the 3 rounds as you noted.

After teams are set, the outside person PMs everyone playing the game what power they are.

That way, no one knows exactly who the captains are. They know it's 9 out of a list of players, but not exactly who. They also don't know what power the captains are, or what the teams are. Everyone is blind and the only information that's out there are the lists of what powers remain to be picked in rounds 1, 2, and 3, which can be shared by the captains to everyone on their team.
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
13 Jan 24 UTC
This way the game is also fair too, and with less information given there's more freedom as there's more that can be decided to share or hide.

@han-shahanshah, yeah you're right. I tried to break three corners: the southern 4, the southeastern 3 and the eastern 3. But I only succeeded with two. I do have another one but it may be even more unbalanced.

1 Genoa, Papacy, Naples, Ottomans.
2 Mamluk, Tunis, Tlemcen, Aragon.
3 Portugal, Castille, Scotland, Morocco. (This one may be too weak)
4 France, Burgundy, England, Savoy. (This one may be too strong)
5 Venice, Milan, Austria, Switzerland.
6 Bavaria, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland.
7 Brandenburg, Saxony, Denmark, Teutonic-Order.
8 Norway, Sweden, Novgorod, Livonian-Order.
9 Qara-Qoyunlu, Great-Horde, Muscovy, Lithuania.

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161 replies
hakureimarisa (2277 D)
Mon 27 May UTC
So how ranking changes are calculated?
I soloed two times in Classic, and each gave me about 200 points, and this variant has 17 players, so I thought it'll be about 450 points or so. Now I get 861 points and reach #21. So how ranking changes are calculated?
0 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
Sun 26 May UTC
VDippers going to WDC?
Hi folks, as listeners of the podcast know I'll be attending WDC when it kicks off in less than a week...
1 reply
David Hood (976 D)
Thu 23 May UTC
May 2024 Deadline News is Out!
May Deadline News just released - preview of summer cons, interview with DBN's Bryan Pravel, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy.
0 replies
MariTheAlien (1000 D)
11 May 24 UTC
Any SEA Players? Newbie here looking to find some community!
Hey! I'm Alien, a player based in the Philippines (GMT+8). I got introduced to Diplomacy around this time last year, and I'm finally getting back into the hobby since summer is just around the corner. It's been a struggle finding people to talk to or play with since this hobby isn't the *most* accessible, and most of the players seem to be from the US and EU. Is there anyone from in and around the SEA region looking to link up and organize some games?
4 replies
bache (1106 D)
27 Apr 24 UTC
need more players for this map
3 replies
Chrimol (980 D)
10 May 24 UTC
Greek Diplomacy, need Athens and Sparta
0 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
09 May 24 UTC
IA Map Bugs with New Variant
I've got a variant I'm adding called Incensed. In the playtesting, there are issues with the interactive map. Certain regions work just fine. But there are some regions that don't get highlighted or can't really be clicked on. I'm not sure what the issue is. Seems like it also depends on what browser is being used, too. Any variant creators run into similar issues or know what might be the cause/solution?
1 reply
Kusiag (1000 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need players for 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
Need to fill: 1800 - Empires and Coalitions, Unranked
6 replies
Seagull_Head (958 D)
28 Apr 24 UTC
Private game, players want to concede
Hi we are playing a private game at our workplace, two players wish to resign. However, it is not clear how this works. Any advice appreciated! Thanks
4 replies
PeterStretch (1053 D)
25 Apr 24 UTC
Need one more for "WWVI Brawl" Join Code: Start
Gunboat, fog of war game. Classic map.

One more to start!
0 replies
Mitomon’s Gobble Earth Team Game!
Here we will start taking names for whoever wants to play Mitomon’s version of Gobble Earth Teams. The game will be anonymous and have random country assignments. These are the teams:
29 replies
bache (1106 D)
22 Apr 24 UTC
any 1-1 game variant?
(except Coldwar Classic E-T,G-R)
3 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
22 Apr 24 UTC
Colombia Solo'd in Gobble Earth?
When did this happen, how do I find the game, and was this a real game or a set up?
6 replies
erikip107 (2584 D)
18 Apr 24 UTC
Vdip Local Meta
Hey guys! I'm curious what you guys think of the local meta here on Vdip, especially compared to other places (i.e. live-person tournaments, webdip, personal friend groups, other & etc.). I've never played anywhere outside of Vdip, having learned the game here and never expanding elsewhere, and I'm curious!
9 replies
David Hood (976 D)
21 Apr 24 UTC
April 2024 Deadline News Is Out
April 2024 edition of Deadline just released on DBN. Includes interview with recent tournament winner Steve Hogue, a feature on a new virtual Backstabbr league with TD Tyler Francis, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
mc3639708 (1000 D X)
18 Apr 24 UTC
WHERE CAN I BUY COUNTERFEIT MONEY, (‪whatsapp +447436442801)
Buy high-quality undetectable grade AA+ counterfeit money Online, real fake passports,id cards,drivers license WhatsApp: ‪+447436442801

0 replies
MagicalSand (1822 D)
30 Mar 24 UTC
The Sandquest
So I've seen some players here go on some grand "quests" I'll say to play every variant on the site. I've decided I want to join the club and do so aswell, but I want to do so with some sort of cool "twist". Trying to solo every variant is a little impractical, and I'm not certain about something super simple like making them all gunboats. So anyone got some ideas?
18 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Sep 18 UTC
Variant Development Thread
This thread is made for the express purpose of cutting down of multiple threads that deal with new variants, ideas, concepts etc...
1134 replies
How to Upload a Variant?
How do I create a variant and upload it to vDip? Do I ask a mod?
Here’s the variant:
2 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
21 Mar 24 UTC
What do you NOT like about Diplomacy?
Are there some things you wish were a little different about Classic Diplomacy or do you think it's a perfect game?
33 replies
Inherent Balance
I was thinking about my past games today, and I noticed a pattern: when I played or fought against a (mostly) sea power that started in the corner, that power tended to have the advantage because of their spawn place and unit composition on the map. Does anyone else feel like this is the case, or do you think that these types of powers are balanced?
For reference, I was thinking of Italy--Balkans 1860, Srivijaya--Known World 901, Madagascar--Africa, and Japan--Youngstown WWII.
1 reply
Potential New Variant
Hello everyone! I have a variant idea that I designed!
The image is here!
20 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Mar 24 UTC
Help finding a vdiplomacy variant name
What was the name of the East Asian map, that I believe was being playtested(?), where the countries were: China, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam(?), Indonesia, and Brunei?

Can’t remember what it was called and I can’t find it on my matches played for some reason
25 replies
Too Many Variants!
Here are some variant ideas. feel free to use em if yall like
3 replies
Grandsavaldo55 (1000 D X)
26 Mar 24 UTC
(+2347046335241) I want to join occult for money ritual

1 reply
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