A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Snake IV (1154 D)
02 Oct 13 UTC
Variant play testing (Gobble-Earth)
I'm looking for some people to take part in the play test of the variant Gobble-Earth; we have already filled it up halfway.
11 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
02 Oct 13 UTC
Messages tab
It is rather hard to keep track of private messages under the status quo as they are integrated under the Notices tab. Is it possible for our fellow Moderators to create a Messages tab?
2 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
27 Sep 13 UTC
East Indies and Spice Islands Variants in Development
To separate this from the "New Variants in Development" thread, I am starting this one. The link to both maps: .
As mentioned in the other thread, I am starting this one because I have made changes to East Indies in response to comments here and elsewhere. The changes were made primarily to increase contact between the eastern and western Powers, and are as follows:

1. Arabian Sea and Yemen are now adjacent.
2. Laccadive Sea no longer borders Jaffna, Kandy or Nicobar Sea.
3. Southern Ocean has been combined with Maldive Sea, and also borders Tinnevelly and Pulicat.
4. Andaman Sea has been combined with Nicobar Sea (Tinnevelly no longer borders the combined province).
5. Changmai borders Arakan (Shan no longer borders Pegu).
6. Shan Borders Assam.
7. Ava has been made a Supply Center.
8. Jabalpur border Bengal (Sambalpur no longer borders Benares).

Comments are welcome.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
27 Sep 13 UTC
Is connecting the Arabian Sea and Yemen a good idea? I ask because the Arabian Sea (already a strategic space) is now all the more important adjacent to 7 sc's, the greatest of any space in the game and the nearby Southern Ocean is next to 6. While I like how the fewer spaces allows for fast interaction, it feels like there needs to be a FEW more sea spaces (not a slew more but a strategic few here and there, including the islands)

And the only other "concern" I have is in India where it seems like there needs to be a BIT more empty spaces between centers. (or maybe one less power?) People are really on top of one another there, strategic "empty" spaces allow fewer stalemates later in the game. I did not take the time to really think through the comments, the way i usually evaluate is just like this, a quick perusal and what jumps out to me. If something jumps out it usually needs further evaluation? That's just me, but it seems to work for me and I don't want to seem overly critical by any means!
carpenter (871 D)
27 Sep 13 UTC
Yes, maybe it's an idea to move the South Indian (Vijayanagar) partially or completely to Sri Lanka (Kandy) and make provinces accordingly if necessary. However, this makes this nation insanely overpowered, (so maybe undo 3?). But, it creates more space, something India really needs and at the same time forces players across the board to talk/involve each other in their own game.
Regarding the latest comments...

Tomahaha, going from 6 bordering dots to 7 isn't *that* big a deal, especially since there are 66 dots total, rather than 34. That said, I'll think about adding a water province or two, but enlarging southern Ocean was done specifically to foster east-west interaction, and Arabian Sea was extended to Yemen specifically to compensate Bahmana for the increased competition it may have on Seylac. By the way, realism-wise, since Madagascar was first settled from Indonesia, I don't feel bad extending the Southern Ocean to Somalia. While the Supply Center provinces in the west are somewhat close, overall the density there is barely greater than Standard. There are a lot of non-Supply Center edge provinces. I can't see removing a Power or making significant changes in the heart of the western half of the map. There has been a lot of play in that half of the map (in the Maharajah's variant, or I should say subvariant, at this point), and the Powers are quite well balanced.

Carpenter, moving Vijayanagar that way would be totally non-historical. In fact, the capital was located in the non-Supply Cent Honavar province, so that won't be happening. I actually think Vijayanagar is more vulnerable on the combined map than in the Maharajah's subvariant.

P.S. I am thinking about putting the navigable rivers (but not river convoys, which are very complicated) back in, adding the Mekong as a fourth navigable river, giving Gondwana back its fleet in Sambalpur, and giving Rajputana back its fleet in Jaisalmer.
Regarding the latest comments...

Tomahaha, going from 6 bordering dots to 7 isn't *that* big a deal, especially since there are 66 dots total, rather than 34. That said, I'll think about adding a water province or two, but enlarging southern Ocean was done specifically to foster east-west interaction, and Arabian Sea was extended to Yemen specifically to compensate Bahmana for the increased competition it may have on Seylac. By the way, realism-wise, since Madagascar was first settled from Indonesia, I don't feel bad extending the Southern Ocean to Somalia. While the Supply Center provinces in the west are somewhat close, overall the density there is barely greater than Standard. There are a lot of non-Supply Center edge provinces. I can't see removing a Power or making significant changes in the heart of the western half of the map. There has been a lot of play in that half of the map (in the Maharajah's variant, or I should say subvariant, at this point), and the Powers are quite well balanced.

Carpenter, moving Vijayanagar that way would be totally non-historical. In fact, the capital was located in the non-Supply Cent Honavar province, so that won't be happening. I actually think Vijayanagar is more vulnerable on the combined map than in the Maharajah's subvariant.

P.S. I am thinking about putting the navigable rivers (but not river convoys, which are very complicated) back in, adding the Mekong as a fourth navigable river, giving Gondwana back its fleet in Sambalpur, and giving Rajputana back its fleet in Jaisalmer.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
28 Sep 13 UTC
fyi, I really hate being critical please do not take my observations as criticism, you asked for comments and I tell you what I see. I am NOT going to tell you anything is wrong or you don't understand things, far from it, I am the one not understanding as much as you do. My comments are intended to simply point some stuff out that MIGHT need to be looked at. I have asked for comment son my games as well and it can be a fine line I know!
Criticism is fine! That's why I am putting these maps out there. I like to think that I am pretty good at variant design, and have my own personal preferences with regard to variants. That doesn't mean I know everything, or that someone else can't make good suggestions. The previous revisions to the Spice Islands map, and now the revisions East Indies map, are mostly in response to suggestions made here and elsewhere.

P.S. I have apparently double-posted. Is there any way i can remove that, or does a moderator need to do it?
Tomahaha (1170 D)
28 Sep 13 UTC
If you are anything like me, sometimes even ideas you do not agree with get you to thinking about things in a different way so even "bad" ideas will sometimes result in good change that had nothing to do with the suggestion.
carpenter (871 D)
28 Sep 13 UTC
@DEC, wow, wow, I didn't mean to force you to displace the Vijayanagar outside of their respective habitual zones. I meant that instead of the South Indian you create a new one at approx. the same site (e.g. Portuguese Ceylon). But, you're the expert, see Toma's response.
Carpenter, I didn't mean to sound harsh. I try to balance historical accuracy and playability when designing variants, and while your suggestion might improve playability, it just strays too far from history for my taste.

10 replies
tiger (1653 D)
27 Sep 13 UTC
Diplomacy Logic
In the WWIV variant, there is a territory called EBR (East Britain) which is in the west of England. wtf????
11 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
28 Sep 13 UTC
Does Anyone Want to Play a Live Classic?
It's the weekend, so I figured maybe there's a handful of several people who want to play a classic game with 10 minute turns.

Please post here if you're interested. I'll check in regularly over the new few hours in case there's interest.
0 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Sep 13 UTC
out of interest - what variant would you like to see as FoW?
This is purely out of interest. Add your variant of choice below, or if it is already on the list add a +1 to it. For me it would be:

Known World 901: 1
30 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
03 Jul 12 UTC
Whittle down
So we do not forget about this.
238 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
25 Sep 13 UTC
sitter(s) needed!
I will leave country on 4th October and can't guarantee internet connection for the following ten days.
10 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Sep 13 UTC
Classic Cataclysm New game
with "Chat" gameID=16002
0 replies
General Cool (978 D)
24 Sep 13 UTC
Replacements needed!

Great positions for Russia and china.
15 replies
Saiteron (1009 D)
23 Sep 13 UTC
Issues with Viking Diplomacy
two of them:
7 replies
Halt (2077 D)
23 Sep 13 UTC
VDip Rating
How do I know what my VDip rating is if I'm not in the HoF? Not the Points mind you, the VDip rating based on the elo-algorithm.
11 replies
DEFIANT (1311 D)
24 Sep 13 UTC
Being Blocked in Autumn & Empire
I am trying to join the WWIV game "Autumn & Empire, but I cannot, because one of you are blocking me. At least have the guts and tell me which one you are and why.
9 replies
Russia vs Germany
Does any side hold an advantage? What is the best play for Russia?
12 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
23 Sep 13 UTC
Dexter..the end
one of my favourite series ended last night. the ending was real and true to the character but for the first time I found my self actually wanting the cheesy happy end...
13 replies
Halt (2077 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Halt's Other Challenge - Classic Layered
See below:
11 replies
Lord Skyblade (1886 D)
21 Sep 13 UTC
Lab Diplomacy
I cannot get onto labdip on my computer, it just says "Error triggered: require_once(variants/Carthage/variant.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory.

This was probably caused by a software bug. The details of this error have been successfully logged and will be attended to by a developer."
Has anyone else had this problem? (I am using google chrome, on IE it always says I'm using an invalid cookie).
4 replies
Classified (923 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Diplomatic Strategy
I am somewhat new to this site (although I have been playing Diplomacy for several years now) and I noticed diplomatic relations were conducted a bit differently then what I am accustomed to.
So I guess I'm wondering how you conduct yours. What you except from your neighbors within the first turn, what you expect of your allies, how and why you conduct stabs, and the like.
31 replies
diasmon2 (927 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
Live Game Thread Join now
2 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Is There a Cheating Report Thread
I'm playing a 3 player game with winner take all where the guy in second is cooperating with the guy in first despite how the guy in first is on the verge of victory and I'm nearly eliminated.

It's highly suspicious and looks like cheating. Can I report this anywhere?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Quick Question gameID=15941
The link is not a real game, nor has anything to do with my question, I just wanted to be anon so no one knows who is asking the question. please read below and help if you know the answer...
3 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Heptarchy iv
Anyone interested here is the link: gameID=15943 need 5 more players. please join
0 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
11 Sep 13 UTC
Syria Discussion
Your guys' thoughts on what's going on in Syria?
64 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
14 Aug 13 UTC
0 Missed Phases
I am impressed with those who have never missed a phase despite thousands of moves.
17 replies
MustLoveCats (820 D)
14 Sep 13 UTC
The War for Britain
I need players to join my new game, The War for Britain. Please join, I need people! It takes forever to fill up games and it takes a lot of work to fill those empty seats, so I need some help here and some cooperation! Please join this game and invite all your friends, I promise it will be very fun.
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
27 Aug 13 UTC
Your favorite alcoholic drink
So, as some of you may know. My birthday is coming up (September 5). I was looking to add some alcoholic beverages to my list. What is your favorite drink? I plan on drinking them all day on my birthday so keep the list coming!
65 replies
Devonian (1887 D)
16 Sep 13 UTC
Background color problem
I am using Chrome, and have been for a long time, but recently, I have had a problem with the background graphics. The background initially displays the normal brown with shading of the diplomacy map, then after a second or two, it disappears, and turns white with no map.

Any suggestions?
9 replies
MustLoveCats (820 D)
15 Sep 13 UTC
Drawing Softwares for Windows 8
I am interested in making a variant or two, and I am using Windows 8, The Worst Computer of All Computers, so basically I have no idea what virus-infested drawing software to download to make a variant, any tips?
4 replies
Dignitary (1028 D)
14 Sep 13 UTC
Question about Known World Map
Hey guys, super noob question, but I wanted to know if I had to keep a unit inside a neutral territory that has been converted into my own in order for that territory to remain mine in the Known World Variant, or can I leave it unoccupied?

Thank you!
2 replies
B-RICH94 (1859 D)
12 Sep 13 UTC
Game listed as "Crashed"

This Known World 901 gunboat game apparently crashed during the most recent phase. Can any of the mods explain what happened in more detail?
3 replies
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