A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
13 Jan 14 UTC
Server error - paused games
See inside.
2 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
13 Jan 14 UTC
Please save our game and replace a multi ...
Almo was left due to a multi-accounter ...
the game just started, so positions are yet good to fill in for anyone who wants to save this game for us.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
10 Jan 14 UTC
Awesome map variant, chaos! Click here to check it out: gameID=17570 please join our game.
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Jan 14 UTC
replacement for excellent position needed
0 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
26 Nov 13 UTC
Fogboat invitational: type your daily memories. Game-2
Classic - Fog of War gunboat, type your notes during the game.
Details inside.
50 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Jan 14 UTC
Need a replacement
1 reply
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
06 Jan 14 UTC
Imperial II question
When a country goes CD and units have to be dibanded in the build phase, usually the units that are furthest away from the own HSCs are being disbanded, right?
But as you can build in every HSC you own. So what happens there?
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Jan 14 UTC
New chaos map! gameID=17570
0 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
14 Dec 13 UTC
Currency/valuta diplomacy game
I know something like this has been done before, but then there were effectively 2 games being played. I want to make it one game. The basic was that next to playing on the board you trade in valuta.
25 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Treaty Game
Hey folks. I'm trying to get a treaty game going. It's WW2 so I just need 4 more players. Rules and link will follow. PM me for password.
8 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
29 Dec 13 UTC
wwIV sealanes
I wanted to ask what people felt about including a transform option in this variant?
27 replies
Andy olla (917 D)
31 Dec 13 UTC
Andy olla
Send out your best vDiplomacy!
Andy olla (917 D)
31 Dec 13 UTC
I am new to the site, but truly I tell you, I have been playing Diplomacy since infancy.
In the future I do believe that this site will recognize Andy olla as the sole source of victory and a symbol of glory.

To those who do not believe in Andy olla, this thread was created.
Andy olla cannot be tested, but a match will be granted to all who request.


drano019 (2710 D Mod)
31 Dec 13 UTC
Love the confidence Andy. Now, how about you play some real Diplomacy instead of the "tactical" Diplomacy that 1 v 1 offers?
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
31 Dec 13 UTC
With drano on this one. I'll be fair game to play one if you create an interesting game.
Andy olla (917 D)
31 Dec 13 UTC
I have never played 1v1 before, and I don't prefer it.
But I didn't think it wise to call out an entire site and play ex:6 v 1.
I will gladly play mutli as long as I remain anon.
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
31 Dec 13 UTC
The games never go 6v1, most players on this site are honorable to a degree, we play each game separate from the other. You have no worries with those in this community. It's you have to worry about. ;)
Mapu (2086 D (B))
31 Dec 13 UTC
Is your brother Ari Olla?
Andy olla (917 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Let's cross our swords in the arena! Host a game and then we shall step in.
Andy olla (917 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
The name of the game is Andy olla. (Classical)
The password will be granted by request.
Take part and be enlightened.
El Cremoso (1728 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Can we award Mapu for comment of the year already? Ari Olla is an inspired tit based pun. Which is just how I like my puns. Inspired and tit based.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
01 Jan 14 UTC
I am glad someone got it!
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
I've requested it
Anon (?? D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
steephie22 (933 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
"(... multi's ...)
It's you have to worry about. ;)"

Not so much since we banned you Sandgoose.

I mean, you, of all, whine about multi's on webdip?
Andy olla (917 D)
02 Jan 14 UTC
I grew up playing Colonial Diplomacy on an actual board; wooden blocks as the armies and fleets. Who of the many can say the same?
Password: lesson2
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
02 Jan 14 UTC
@stephie22, how long ago was that? over a year, so let's not bring up the past shall we? my record here has been damn squeaky.

General Cool (978 D)
02 Jan 14 UTC
Is anyone else thinking there has to be a showdown between the newbie and Ruff in Imperial?
Anon (?? D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
Does no one want to play Diplomacy?
Or does no one want to contribute to my perfect record?
Password: live/learn

You are invited General.
Also tell Ruff that she can join as well.
This match comes with a satisfaction guaranty.
If you are not further enlightened in the art of diplomacy by the end of the match, I will ask a moderator to give you your points back.
Raro (1449 D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
congrats on defeating Lincoln.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
03 Jan 14 UTC
Hey now Raro, let's be nice! Lincoln joined the site 2, whole days ago, and has played a whopping 2 whole games in his storied career here! And Andy beat him every time! Clearly Lincoln was a quality opponent! We should be commending Andy's prowess at defeating quality opponents 1v1.
Anon (?? D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
Seems like y'all have been on this site for a good period.
I would think you would know how to join a match by now.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
03 Jan 14 UTC
I'll make you a deal Andy:

Make a game, non-anon, and send me the password. I'll see if I can round up some of the top players to play in it. Surely if you're used to playing FtF, you should have no issue with non-anon?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
The thing about anonymous games is that you're not supposed to know who's in them. Since you've kinda let the cat out of the bag here by calling the game something along the lines of your user name; and well, you know, that it's you and, wait for it... Lincoln, in this game, most of us are terrified of blemishing out record against this tandem powerful noobs.

If you're serious about playing here, then just calm down. Sometimes it take a few days for a game to fill up. It takes longer to fill them up over holidays, and twice as long if you look desperate, not to mention dubious. Furthermore there are 32 games available for sign up right now, and 17 looking for replacement players. Maybe you can get into one of these games? And then once you've completed a game or two and proved your claims of greatness you will attract the ass-kicking that you've been begging for.
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
^ I am the other player in the game, so there's just Andy and myself. There is such a thing as semi-anon which you all know.

I also agree with ruffles, be patient.
Andy olla (917 D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
Raf's first paragraph should be disregarded by all. It contains neither truth or reason.
Lincoln is not in the game, and the reason for it being anonomous is not so players don't know I'm in the game, it's so they don't know which country I control.

Re: second paragraph
Thanks for the advice.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
03 Jan 14 UTC
Andy -

Why you're so concerned with people knowing which country you are baffles me. Didn't you say you grew up with face to face Diplomacy where everyone knows everyone else's country? And if you really think we're that shallow that we'd gun for you on purpose, perhaps you should look elsewhere to play?
Andy olla (917 D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
Sorry for the repeat message.
Didn't refesh see that Sandgoose already had all the bases covered.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
03 Jan 14 UTC
I think I've been trolled enough by this guy. Time to stop feeding him.

28 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 Dec 13 UTC
The Colonial Fight to the Death

A colonial gunboat game. Full NMR protection, need ALL SCs to win. Let's do this.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Replacement needed. Good position.
0 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
not Wilsonian...or is it?
I know I saw something about it in the forums a long time ago. What is the rules variant where you have to declare war before you can attack a player? I wanna say Wilsonian but I think that's gunboat. Can someone enlighten me?
5 replies
Jonathan (1002 D)
29 Dec 13 UTC
Move tester
Hi guys, does anyone know an applet/website where I can test moves to see the outcome? I am uncertain about some situations in my current game and want to find out what the best move would be.

3 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
13 Sep 13 UTC
New Variants in Development
Since some of my variants are played here, I wanted to let you all know I have another "one and a half" variants in development, the "one" being Spice Islands, (Southeast Asia and the adjacent Islands), and the "half" being East Indies (a combination of my existing Maharajah's variant with Spice Islands). Starting maps can be found at . I'd love to get comments, so I can make improvements before I finalize the maps.
89 replies
Sumner (1001 D)
28 Dec 13 UTC
New Game :1914!
We need four more players to join the 1914 game.
7 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
28 Dec 13 UTC
New Year kickoff
Hey all, to get this new year started, I'd like to invite persons who would like to spend 200+ points on a classic semi-anon diplomacy game. If you are interested, please post within, nothing like a new years resolution to blow money!
1 reply
GunLoader85 (1051 D)
27 Dec 13 UTC
Looking for a sub
I am looking for a sub from tomorrow until tuesday.

1 reply
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Dec 13 UTC
Any one for a live game now?
0 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
23 Dec 13 UTC
merry Christmas all :D
Thanks all vdip players for a wonderful year with lots of fun games! Thanks all and have a good time with your families :D
14 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
23 Dec 13 UTC
Looking for a stand-in
Looking for someone to watch over two of my games for a few days (between Christmas and NewYear). I'm happy to return the favour on another occasion next year. Anyone?
0 replies
sinax (1006 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
it's cool!!!!!!
hey guys! ROMEWARD BOUND is waiting you! it'scool, and you can amuse yourself in a map very dufferent from the classic one!

come in! we need only 6 players more among 12 to start!
3 replies
nesdunk14 (767 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
Imagonnalose second bracket
Hey all, just thought maybe more people wanted to play one on one than were able to fit in the first bracket. For all the rules, see Imagonnalose's post below. Please write here for slot requests.
0 replies
sinax (1006 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
join us!!!!
Palimpsest needs only 2 players more to start!!!!

it's a huge and cool game: join us!!!!!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
fog of war game
Awesome mode: fog of war. Classic map, only 2 coin bet. Still need 4 people, choose your own country. First come, first serve! gameID=17370
0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
18 Dec 13 UTC
Super Bowl 2014
So I've got the Seahawks winning the Super Bowl. (And before you panic, my team is the eagles...I don't predict them making it this year ..... sniff....)
30 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
13 Dec 13 UTC
Mod forced pauses/extends
See below.
86 replies
Wade (1004 D)
17 Dec 13 UTC
Name Change
I joined playing a private game with a few folks I went to High School with. I wasn't really planning on playing anymore after that. But I ended up enjoying the game. Is there a way to edit my profile name?
7 replies
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