A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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fourofswords (968 D)
17 Dec 20 UTC
Coordinating in anonymous games
How is coordinating in anonymous games possible? If I think I am a victim of cheating, what would I do? And for discussion, please enlighten me as to how I can someone to coordinate moves in an anonymous game without cheating? Signed, your friend fourofswords, everyone's favorite player to gang up on and stab. My codename should be Juilus Caesar.
4 replies
Lerone (997 D)
17 Dec 20 UTC
Country Switch in Multiple Anon Games
Hey all, I am having several personal issues that are not allowing me to keep up with my 13 Anon games (I may have an addiction).
Instead of just going into civil order in all of them, I just found out this country switch tool.
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AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Dec 20 UTC
PPSC draws?
how exactly are the points split up for a draw here?
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AJManso4 (2318 D)
16 Dec 20 UTC
PPSC draws?
how exactly are the points split up for a draw here?
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CYFI (1927 D)
04 Dec 20 UTC
No building Game
I am considering putting on a game with one special rule: You may not build. You have to win by force disbanding your opponents units (and then racing to the SC goal)
Would anyone be interested?
20 replies
Wrong initials in "a modern europe" variant
Hey guys minor issue but on "a modern europe" variant the Territory Brest is BRE in the drop down menu but BRS on the map.
Like I said minor but was confusing.
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Printer_McGee (1131 D)
08 Dec 20 UTC
Dark Ages Game
Anyone want to join a Dark Ages Variant game?
The game ID is 46825

Not for points, just for fun.
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The Dirge (1033 D)
30 Nov 20 UTC
Game ID Question,
Dumb question I’m sure, but how do I figure out my games Gamer ID? I want to advertise my game anonymously and whatnot, but I don’t know the how to find the ID. We only need one more person, and I’m super exited to try this map out :):):):) I’d been looking for a map like this for a while and now I’m so stoked!!!!!

Please help :)
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Macca573 (1517 D)
27 Feb 20 UTC
Around the World Tournament
Come one, come all, to the newest tournament to hit V-dip's pages.

The Around the World Tournament!
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David E. Cohen (1000 D)
27 Nov 20 UTC
Hybrid/Archipelago Provinces
Does vDip support these?
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The Dirge (1033 D)
27 Nov 20 UTC
New Canton Diplomacy: Canton Continuity
New game! Please join me! Choose your country! (Except Japan, Japan is taken lol)
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MagicalSand (1822 D)
22 Nov 20 UTC
New server

Regarding the idea in the "idea" thread I posted a few days ago. I created the server. I'll be occasionally hosting vdip games on it to help them start faster if anyone is interested.
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Tener (950 D)
21 Nov 20 UTC
Standards of Acceptable Kibitzing
Are there any defined standards of acceptable vs unacceptable kibitzing/commentary by players during a vDiplomacy game? For example, no rascist or sexist comments? Is there a code of conduct?
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David Hood (976 D)
21 Nov 20 UTC
November 2020 Deadline News is out!
Here is the link. In addition to headlines about tournaments, variants, league play, we have a panel discussion about how to adapt your play under different scoring systems.
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FlamingEyeball (869 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
How do you surrender in a game? I cannot find the option to do so
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The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
15 Nov 20 UTC
Dip stuff I never knew
Creating a thread for stuff I didn’t know eg adjudication rules where us didn’t go as I hoped. I’ll start...
Got kicked out of a territory. Checked my retreat options on the map and there was a vacant SC... but as two units had just bounced there I wasn’t allowed to retreat there.
I suppose the idea is that since recent conflict had occurred there, it is unsafe for your weak, defeated, retreating army.
Mercy (2131 D)
16 Nov 20 UTC
The idea is that you can only retreat to territories you could've entered with a move action without help from other units. Since there was a bounce in the SC, a move to the SC would have been blocked, and hence you cannot retreat there, either.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 20 UTC
Amby's strategic depth grows - gives a new value to self bouncing a territory! I swear I've covered that scenario with you in at least one podcast - lol!
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
16 Nov 20 UTC
Yeah and I never drink on those podcasts. So no idea how I could’ve forgot
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
16 Nov 20 UTC
The logic behind this is that it is one Spring or Fall turn, which is separated into different phases, including a movement phase and if necessary a retreat phase. That is why, in the actual rule and in much of the FTF community, there are no negotiations prior to retreats.

This rule is countermanded by adjudication or house rule in much/most of the online community, since the retreat phase often has a deadline of hours or days, and regulating player communication for that length of time can be both difficult, and possibly deleterious to gameplay.
Oh I thought we are trying to look at the realistic basis behind these rules (strategy aside, units of equal strength are unlikely to overcome each other in a battle of brute force) instead of explaining these rules with other rules! Or at least this will be a fun thing to do?
Mittag (1396 D)
16 Nov 20 UTC
I think there's a clear divide in each rule discussion between the people that care about rules being 'realistic' and the people that care about good game dynamics.
That is not always the case. Realism is not relevant in relation to a number of rules issues.
Mercy (2131 D)
17 Nov 20 UTC
I find all the rules to be realistic and intuitive.
CYFI (1927 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
One thing that took me totally by surprise when I switched to webdip from playdip was you cannot support another nation's unit into a territory where you have a unit.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
19 Nov 20 UTC
Playdip lets you self-dislodge/support others to dislodge your own units? That's blatantly against the written rules of Dip.
CYFI (1927 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
No, you cannot self dislodge but you can support another into your territory
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
19 Nov 20 UTC
I'm not sure I follow what you're saying the difference is. Can you use an example specifically laying out the difference and how it affects game play?
Mittag (1396 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
You can support another unit into your own territory on webDip as well. It can serve as a defense by bouncing a second attack by a third power. However, your support will not count towards dislodging your own unit. But as drano said, that's just the official rules.
I kinda wish you could support to dislodge your own units since it would allow for more flexibility with builds, but at the same time it wouldn't be realistic plus it's against the Dip rules.
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
Pretty sure a fleet in Gascony can support a fleet from Portugal into the south coast of Spain.
CYFI (1927 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
Also moving from Spain nc to Portugal and Portugal to spain sc will cause a bounce
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
19 Nov 20 UTC
I think this thread is showing that we should all probably reread the rules very carefully, as it can offer important tidbits of knowledge that can give us the upper hand. It appears that all these things noted are mentioned in the official Wizards of the Coast Dip rules:

CYFI - the bounce between Spain and Portugal:

"A Fleet entering one of these provinces enters along one coast and can then move to a province adjacent to that coast only. The Fleet, nevertheless, is considered to be occupying the entire province" - Therefore Spain (nc) occupies the entire province of Spain, therefore Spain (nc) - Portugal and Portugal - Spain (sc) are a bounce, since Spain is occupied and Portugal cannot dislodge it.

Sky Hopper - Gascony fleet support to South Coast of Spain:

"A Fleet that can move to a province with two separate coasts (a Fleet in the Mid-Atlantic, for example) can support another Army or Fleet into that province (in this case Spain), without regard to separate coastlines" - Mid-Atlantic mentioned, but Gascony has the same situation. Gascony can move to a province with two separate coasts (Spain) therefore it can support another army or fleet into that province (Spain) without regard to separate coastlines.

Amby - Retreating to a territory where a bounce took place:

"A unit can’t retreat to:
• a province that is occupied;
• the province from which the attacker came; or
• a province that was left vacant by a standoff during
the same turn."
Thanks @drano

21 replies
Player5 (2203 D)
14 Mar 20 UTC
Variant development questions (Pits of Horror)
Hello! I'm trying to develop a new variant and would like some help debugging some things. If anyone wants to help I would be very happy!!

I have uploaded a map.png, and a mapNames.png but I still can't see anything in the "Map" interface (some error gets thrown)?
56 replies
MagicalSand (1822 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
i suppose i could ask this here. im thinking of creating a diplomacy discord server. one of the games on it will be vDIp along with conspiracy, web dip, and diplicity. would you guys be interested in joining for the vdip section? it certainly would not be anything like a full fledged Vdip server. just something to help set up fun games and fill games like these. i just want to gauge the interest of the community first.
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The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
11 Apr 20 UTC
Big Hitters vDip game
I'm interested in creating a new game for players with 2000+ vDip points. Password protected.

If you meet this criteria let me know here that you're interested. Once we know how many players, we can decide which variant etc.
175 replies
An issue with the interactive map
I note that in the interactive map it's not uncommon for the icon that cancels the order to hide the territory I'd like to select. I think this reduces interactive map usability especially in maps with smaller territories (Imperial Dip is a clear example). A simple solution would be to move the icon further away from the selected unit. I don't know how complicated it would be to implement this change tho.
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The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
10 Nov 20 UTC
Who will be chosen?
Read on...
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Nov 20 UTC
Is this metagaming?
Let's say that through experience of playing in the same game as someone, I have noticed that a player has been very untrustworthy and deceiving. Am I allowed to use that knowledge in another game, and remember to be cautious around that player? Or is it metagaming?

gameID=45898 <---- that is unrelated. Just want to keep this anonymous.
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aaronmx2 (1333 D)
10 Nov 20 UTC
Voteing to Concede to a Team
I'm just wondering if it would be possible for the DRAW votes and CONCEDE votes to be used together. If two people have been working together and will clearly win, right now, if everyone else wants to concede, only one of the victors can get the points. If DRAW could be used in conjunction, then the points could be split between DRAW voters. Obviously this would require good faith of those conceding to not choose DRAW.
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micahbales (1190 D)
08 Nov 20 UTC
Illegal Move Allowed in Sengoku Nagashino (V6)
Hi folks, Not sure where to take this question, but we had a player illegally retreat from Mino to 10 in this game:

Can a moderator please look into this?
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ghostronin (2320 D)
07 Nov 20 UTC
RSS Feed for New Games?
Does the site support RSS feeds for new games? If not via the site, is there a way to do it via 3rd party?

I'm aware of the RSS feed for notices specific to myself. I like this feature. However, if I'm looking for new games I'd like to be able to apply filters and create an RSS feed for myself - for example if I was only interested in WTA games...whenever there was new posted WTA game it would go to my feed. Thoughts, workarounds?
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DeanDude (888 D)
06 Nov 20 UTC
Email notifications.
Hi I’m new here. Are there email notifications that will alert me to turns or in game messages. I’m sorry if this has been asked before I’m just trying to get a better feel of the game. Thank you
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Mittag (1396 D)
06 Nov 20 UTC
FvA Opening Database
I was convinced that I should learn some Tableau. So I put together an opening database for FvA
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Chris McEwan (626 D)
25 Oct 20 UTC
Tees valley
Hi - anybody living in Tees Valley in the UK
1 reply
You don't want to see this map

I was wondering if anyone knew where I could play this map? I figured it would probably be here but can't find it in the variants. (I didn't make this but I'm a big fan of it).
28 replies
What is the point of concede?
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