Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 06 PM Mon 18 May 15 UTC
Alex the Great
2 days /phase
Pot: 10 D - Autumn, 8, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Luis Aldamiz 1081 -> 1126 Won (22 SC) 58% 100% 45
GarettJaX 975 -> 980 Survived (7 SC) 51% 75% 5
mwangik 907 -> 896 Survived (3 SC) 46% 50% -11
ebconvoyking 891 -> 876 Survived (2 SC) 45% 25% -15
Snufulufuguz 959 -> 934 Defeated 50% 0% -25

Luis Aldamiz (Won / 22SCs / 1081->1126) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
GarettJaX (Survived / 7 SC ) 56% 100% 44% 37% 54.74 8.82
mwangik (Survived / 3 SC ) 60% 100% 40% 50% 54.74 10.98
ebconvoyking (Survived / 2 SC ) 61% 100% 39% 53% 54.74 11.46
Snufulufuguz (Defeated) 57% 100% 43% 60% 54.74 14.13

GarettJaX (Survived / 7SCs / 975->980) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Luis Aldamiz (Won / 22 SC ) 44% 0% -44% 37% 54.74 -8.82
mwangik (Survived / 3 SC ) 54% 100% 46% 13% 54.74 3.36
ebconvoyking (Survived / 2 SC ) 55% 100% 45% 17% 54.74 4.12
Snufulufuguz (Defeated) 51% 100% 49% 23% 54.74 6.27

mwangik (Survived / 3SCs / 907->896) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Luis Aldamiz (Won / 22 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 50% 54.74 -10.98
GarettJaX (Survived / 7 SC ) 46% 0% -46% 13% 54.74 -3.36
ebconvoyking (Survived / 2 SC ) 51% 100% 49% 3% 54.74 0.9
Snufulufuguz (Defeated) 47% 100% 53% 10% 54.74 2.9

ebconvoyking (Survived / 2SCs / 891->876) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Luis Aldamiz (Won / 22 SC ) 39% 0% -39% 53% 54.74 -11.46
GarettJaX (Survived / 7 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 17% 54.74 -4.12
mwangik (Survived / 3 SC ) 49% 0% -49% 3% 54.74 -0.9
Snufulufuguz (Defeated) 46% 100% 54% 7% 54.74 1.97

Snufulufuguz (Defeated / 0SCs / 959->934) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Luis Aldamiz (Won / 22 SC ) 43% 0% -43% 60% 54.74 -14.13
GarettJaX (Survived / 7 SC ) 49% 0% -49% 23% 54.74 -6.27
mwangik (Survived / 3 SC ) 53% 0% -53% 10% 54.74 -2.9
ebconvoyking (Survived / 2 SC ) 54% 0% -54% 7% 54.74 -1.97
