Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 10 PM Tue 01 Dec 15 UTC
2 days /phase
Pot: 139 D - Autumn, 1874, Finished
Imperial Diplomacy II, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Leif_Syverson 1616 -> 1642 Drawn (40 SC) 69% 82% 26
Gumers 1978 -> 1991 Drawn (39 SC) 84% 82% 13
sverige 1370 -> 1408 Drawn (36 SC) 56% 82% 38
bigrob 1691 -> 1713 Drawn (23 SC) 72% 82% 22
Darkarus 903 -> 952 Drawn (18 SC) 31% 82% 49
DEFIANT 1573 -> 1601 Drawn (16 SC) 67% 82% 28
flarkis 944 -> 933 Defeated 33% 14% -11
JMB22 1126 -> 1109 Defeated 43% 14% -17
Gate 1150 -> 1132 Defeated 44% 14% -18
OwlButts 1127 -> 1110 Defeated 43% 14% -17
Imagonnalose 1183 -> 1183 (loss-prevention) Defeated 46% 14% 0
Chevalier Mal Fet 1179 -> 1160 Defeated 45% 14% -19
Skylin 1282 -> 1258 Defeated 51% 14% -24
zekling 904 -> 874 CD 31% 0% -30
rodgersd09 1026 -> 990 CD 37% 0% -36

Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40SCs / 1616->1642) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 30% 50% 20% 0% 80.56 0
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 64% 50% -14% 0% 80.56 0
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 46% 50% 4% 0% 80.56 0
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 84% 50% -34% 0% 80.56 0
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 52% 50% -2% 0% 80.56 0
flarkis (Defeated) 82% 100% 18% 17% 80.56 2.36
JMB22 (Defeated) 76% 100% 24% 17% 80.56 3.28
Gate (Defeated) 75% 100% 25% 17% 80.56 3.42
OwlButts (Defeated) 76% 100% 24% 17% 80.56 3.29
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 73% 100% 27% 3% 80.56 0.55
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 73% 100% 27% 17% 80.56 3.59
Skylin (Defeated) 68% 100% 32% 17% 80.56 4.25
zekling (CD) 84% 100% 16% 17% 80.56 2.18
rodgersd09 (CD) 80% 100% 20% 17% 80.56 2.75

Gumers (Drawn / 39SCs / 1978->1991) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 70% 50% -20% 0% 80.56 0
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 80% 50% -30% 0% 80.56 0
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 66% 50% -16% 0% 80.56 0
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 92% 50% -42% 0% 80.56 0
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 72% 50% -22% 0% 80.56 0
flarkis (Defeated) 92% 100% 8% 17% 80.56 1.14
JMB22 (Defeated) 88% 100% 12% 17% 80.56 1.66
Gate (Defeated) 87% 100% 13% 17% 80.56 1.74
OwlButts (Defeated) 88% 100% 12% 17% 80.56 1.66
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 86% 100% 14% 3% 80.56 0.28
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 86% 100% 14% 17% 80.56 1.84
Skylin (Defeated) 83% 100% 17% 17% 80.56 2.25
zekling (CD) 92% 100% 8% 17% 80.56 1.04
rodgersd09 (CD) 90% 100% 10% 17% 80.56 1.35

sverige (Drawn / 36SCs / 1370->1408) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 36% 50% 14% 0% 80.56 0
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 20% 50% 30% 0% 80.56 0
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 32% 50% 18% 0% 80.56 0
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 75% 50% -25% 0% 80.56 0
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 39% 50% 11% 0% 80.56 0
flarkis (Defeated) 73% 100% 27% 17% 80.56 3.66
JMB22 (Defeated) 64% 100% 36% 17% 80.56 4.88
Gate (Defeated) 62% 100% 38% 17% 80.56 5.05
OwlButts (Defeated) 64% 100% 36% 17% 80.56 4.88
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 61% 100% 39% 3% 80.56 0.8
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 61% 100% 39% 17% 80.56 5.26
Skylin (Defeated) 55% 100% 45% 17% 80.56 6.04
zekling (CD) 75% 100% 25% 17% 80.56 3.42
rodgersd09 (CD) 69% 100% 31% 17% 80.56 4.19

bigrob (Drawn / 23SCs / 1691->1713) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 54% 50% -4% 0% 80.56 0
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 34% 50% 16% 0% 80.56 0
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 68% 50% -18% 0% 80.56 0
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 86% 50% -36% 0% 80.56 0
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 57% 50% -7% 0% 80.56 0
flarkis (Defeated) 85% 100% 15% 17% 80.56 2.04
JMB22 (Defeated) 79% 100% 21% 17% 80.56 2.87
Gate (Defeated) 78% 100% 22% 17% 80.56 3
OwlButts (Defeated) 79% 100% 21% 17% 80.56 2.88
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 76% 100% 24% 3% 80.56 0.48
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 76% 100% 24% 17% 80.56 3.16
Skylin (Defeated) 72% 100% 28% 17% 80.56 3.77
zekling (CD) 86% 100% 14% 17% 80.56 1.88
rodgersd09 (CD) 82% 100% 18% 17% 80.56 2.39

Darkarus (Drawn / 18SCs / 903->952) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 16% 50% 34% 0% 80.56 0
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 8% 50% 42% 0% 80.56 0
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 25% 50% 25% 0% 80.56 0
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 14% 50% 36% 0% 80.56 0
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 18% 50% 32% 0% 80.56 0
flarkis (Defeated) 48% 100% 52% 12% 80.56 5.17
JMB22 (Defeated) 37% 100% 63% 12% 80.56 6.17
Gate (Defeated) 36% 100% 64% 12% 80.56 6.3
OwlButts (Defeated) 37% 100% 63% 12% 80.56 6.18
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 34% 100% 66% 2% 80.56 0.98
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 35% 100% 65% 12% 80.56 6.45
Skylin (Defeated) 29% 100% 71% 12% 80.56 6.96
zekling (CD) 50% 100% 50% 12% 80.56 4.94
rodgersd09 (CD) 43% 100% 57% 12% 80.56 5.63

DEFIANT (Drawn / 16SCs / 1573->1601) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 48% 50% 2% 0% 80.56 0
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 28% 50% 22% 0% 80.56 0
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 61% 50% -11% 0% 80.56 0
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 43% 50% 7% 0% 80.56 0
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 82% 50% -32% 0% 80.56 0
flarkis (Defeated) 81% 100% 19% 17% 80.56 2.55
JMB22 (Defeated) 74% 100% 26% 17% 80.56 3.53
Gate (Defeated) 73% 100% 27% 17% 80.56 3.68
OwlButts (Defeated) 74% 100% 26% 17% 80.56 3.54
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 71% 100% 29% 3% 80.56 0.59
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 71% 100% 29% 17% 80.56 3.86
Skylin (Defeated) 66% 100% 34% 17% 80.56 4.54
zekling (CD) 82% 100% 18% 17% 80.56 2.37
rodgersd09 (CD) 78% 100% 22% 17% 80.56 2.97

flarkis (Defeated / 0SCs / 944->933) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 18% 0% -18% 17% 80.56 -2.36
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 8% 0% -8% 17% 80.56 -1.14
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 27% 0% -27% 17% 80.56 -3.66
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 15% 0% -15% 17% 80.56 -2.04
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 12% 80.56 -5.17
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 19% 0% -19% 17% 80.56 -2.55
JMB22 (Defeated) 40% 0% -40% 0% 80.56 0
Gate (Defeated) 38% 0% -38% 0% 80.56 0
OwlButts (Defeated) 40% 0% -40% 0% 80.56 0
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 0% 80.56 0
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 0% 80.56 0
Skylin (Defeated) 31% 0% -31% 0% 80.56 0
zekling (CD) 52% 100% 48% 8% 80.56 2.96
rodgersd09 (CD) 45% 100% 55% 8% 80.56 3.39

JMB22 (Defeated / 0SCs / 1126->1109) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 24% 0% -24% 17% 80.56 -3.28
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 12% 0% -12% 17% 80.56 -1.66
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 36% 0% -36% 17% 80.56 -4.88
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 21% 0% -21% 17% 80.56 -2.87
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 63% 0% -63% 12% 80.56 -6.17
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 26% 0% -26% 17% 80.56 -3.53
flarkis (Defeated) 60% 0% -60% 0% 80.56 0
Gate (Defeated) 49% 0% -49% 0% 80.56 0
OwlButts (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 80.56 0
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 80.56 0
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 80.56 0
Skylin (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 0% 80.56 0
zekling (CD) 63% 100% 37% 8% 80.56 2.32
rodgersd09 (CD) 56% 100% 44% 8% 80.56 2.74

Gate (Defeated / 0SCs / 1150->1132) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 25% 0% -25% 17% 80.56 -3.42
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 13% 0% -13% 17% 80.56 -1.74
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 38% 0% -38% 17% 80.56 -5.05
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 22% 0% -22% 17% 80.56 -3
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 64% 0% -64% 12% 80.56 -6.3
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 27% 0% -27% 17% 80.56 -3.68
flarkis (Defeated) 62% 0% -62% 0% 80.56 0
JMB22 (Defeated) 51% 0% -51% 0% 80.56 0
OwlButts (Defeated) 51% 0% -51% 0% 80.56 0
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 80.56 0
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 80.56 0
Skylin (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 80.56 0
zekling (CD) 64% 100% 36% 8% 80.56 2.24
rodgersd09 (CD) 57% 100% 43% 8% 80.56 2.66

OwlButts (Defeated / 0SCs / 1127->1110) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 24% 0% -24% 17% 80.56 -3.29
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 12% 0% -12% 17% 80.56 -1.66
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 36% 0% -36% 17% 80.56 -4.88
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 21% 0% -21% 17% 80.56 -2.88
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 63% 0% -63% 12% 80.56 -6.18
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 26% 0% -26% 17% 80.56 -3.54
flarkis (Defeated) 60% 0% -60% 0% 80.56 0
JMB22 (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 80.56 0
Gate (Defeated) 49% 0% -49% 0% 80.56 0
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 80.56 0
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 80.56 0
Skylin (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 0% 80.56 0
zekling (CD) 63% 100% 37% 8% 80.56 2.32
rodgersd09 (CD) 56% 100% 44% 8% 80.56 2.74

Imagonnalose (Defeated / 0SCs / 1183->1183) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 27% 0% -27% 3% 80.56 -0.55
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 14% 0% -14% 3% 80.56 -0.28
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 39% 0% -39% 3% 80.56 -0.8
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 24% 0% -24% 3% 80.56 -0.48
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 66% 0% -66% 2% 80.56 -0.98
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 29% 0% -29% 3% 80.56 -0.59
flarkis (Defeated) 63% 0% -63% 0% 80.56 0
JMB22 (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 80.56 0
Gate (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 80.56 0
OwlButts (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 80.56 0
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 80.56 0
Skylin (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 0% 80.56 0
zekling (CD) 66% 100% 34% 1% 80.56 0.32
rodgersd09 (CD) 59% 100% 41% 1% 80.56 0.38

Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated / 0SCs / 1179->1160) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 27% 0% -27% 17% 80.56 -3.59
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 14% 0% -14% 17% 80.56 -1.84
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 39% 0% -39% 17% 80.56 -5.26
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 24% 0% -24% 17% 80.56 -3.16
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 65% 0% -65% 12% 80.56 -6.45
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 29% 0% -29% 17% 80.56 -3.86
flarkis (Defeated) 63% 0% -63% 0% 80.56 0
JMB22 (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 80.56 0
Gate (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 80.56 0
OwlButts (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 80.56 0
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 80.56 0
Skylin (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 0% 80.56 0
zekling (CD) 65% 100% 35% 8% 80.56 2.15
rodgersd09 (CD) 59% 100% 41% 8% 80.56 2.56

Skylin (Defeated / 0SCs / 1282->1258) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 32% 0% -32% 17% 80.56 -4.25
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 17% 0% -17% 17% 80.56 -2.25
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 17% 80.56 -6.04
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 28% 0% -28% 17% 80.56 -3.77
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 71% 0% -71% 12% 80.56 -6.96
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 34% 0% -34% 17% 80.56 -4.54
flarkis (Defeated) 69% 0% -69% 0% 80.56 0
JMB22 (Defeated) 59% 0% -59% 0% 80.56 0
Gate (Defeated) 58% 0% -58% 0% 80.56 0
OwlButts (Defeated) 59% 0% -59% 0% 80.56 0
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 0% 80.56 0
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 0% 80.56 0
zekling (CD) 70% 100% 30% 8% 80.56 1.83
rodgersd09 (CD) 64% 100% 36% 8% 80.56 2.21

zekling (CD / 0SCs / 904->874) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 16% 0% -16% 17% 80.56 -2.18
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 8% 0% -8% 17% 80.56 -1.04
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 25% 0% -25% 17% 80.56 -3.42
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 14% 0% -14% 17% 80.56 -1.88
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 12% 80.56 -4.94
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 18% 0% -18% 17% 80.56 -2.37
flarkis (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 8% 80.56 -2.96
JMB22 (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 8% 80.56 -2.32
Gate (Defeated) 36% 0% -36% 8% 80.56 -2.24
OwlButts (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 8% 80.56 -2.32
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 34% 0% -34% 1% 80.56 -0.32
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 35% 0% -35% 8% 80.56 -2.15
Skylin (Defeated) 30% 0% -30% 8% 80.56 -1.83
rodgersd09 (CD) 43% 0% -43% 0% 80.56 0

rodgersd09 (CD / 0SCs / 1026->990) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Leif_Syverson (Drawn / 40 SC ) 20% 0% -20% 17% 80.56 -2.75
Gumers (Drawn / 39 SC ) 10% 0% -10% 17% 80.56 -1.35
sverige (Drawn / 36 SC ) 31% 0% -31% 17% 80.56 -4.19
bigrob (Drawn / 23 SC ) 18% 0% -18% 17% 80.56 -2.39
Darkarus (Drawn / 18 SC ) 57% 0% -57% 12% 80.56 -5.63
DEFIANT (Drawn / 16 SC ) 22% 0% -22% 17% 80.56 -2.97
flarkis (Defeated) 55% 0% -55% 8% 80.56 -3.39
JMB22 (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 8% 80.56 -2.74
Gate (Defeated) 43% 0% -43% 8% 80.56 -2.66
OwlButts (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 8% 80.56 -2.74
Imagonnalose (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 1% 80.56 -0.38
Chevalier Mal Fet (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 8% 80.56 -2.56
Skylin (Defeated) 36% 0% -36% 8% 80.56 -2.21
zekling (CD) 57% 0% -57% 0% 80.56 0
