Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 04 PM Fri 13 Nov 15 UTC
Immortal Classic
2 days /phase
Pot: 45 D - Autumn, 1911, Finished
Classic, Anon, PPSC, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Mr. Asimov 982 -> 1076 Won (19 SC) 51% 100% 94
rragnarrok 1082 -> 1130 Survived (12 SC) 58% 89% 48
TheatreVarus 1159 -> 1144 Survived (2 SC) 62% 78% -15
bugzduck 805 -> 805 (loss-prevention) Survived (1 SC) 40% 67% 0
AvengedSevenfold 972 -> 955 Survived 51% 33% -17
kkk101 995 -> 976 Resigned 52% 33% -19
nkasper 856 -> 856 (loss-prevention) Defeated 43% 33% 0
trollorollo 974 -> 945 CD 51% 0% -29
TOEmato 873 -> 847 CD 45% 0% -26
csinger 899 -> 872 CD 46% 0% -27

Mr. Asimov (Won / 19SCs / 982->1076) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 44% 100% 56% 18% 65.95 6.68
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 40% 100% 60% 48% 65.95 19.2
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 60% 100% 40% 36% 65.95 9.42
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 51% 100% 49% 55% 65.95 17.78
kkk101 (Resigned) 49% 100% 51% 55% 65.95 18.26
nkasper (Defeated) 57% 100% 43% 34% 65.95 9.51
trollorollo (CD) 50% 100% 50% 14% 65.95 4.67
TOEmato (CD) 56% 100% 44% 14% 65.95 4.12
csinger (CD) 55% 100% 45% 14% 65.95 4.26

rragnarrok (Survived / 12SCs / 1082->1130) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 56% 0% -56% 18% 65.95 -6.68
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 46% 100% 54% 30% 65.95 10.88
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 65% 100% 35% 23% 65.95 5.27
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 56% 100% 44% 36% 65.95 10.48
kkk101 (Resigned) 55% 100% 45% 36% 65.95 10.79
nkasper (Defeated) 63% 100% 37% 22% 65.95 5.52
trollorollo (CD) 56% 100% 44% 14% 65.95 4.13
TOEmato (CD) 62% 100% 38% 14% 65.95 3.6
csinger (CD) 60% 100% 40% 14% 65.95 3.73

TheatreVarus (Survived / 2SCs / 1159->1144) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 60% 0% -60% 48% 65.95 -19.2
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 54% 0% -54% 30% 65.95 -10.88
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 69% 100% 31% 2% 65.95 0.43
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 61% 100% 39% 6% 65.95 1.57
kkk101 (Resigned) 59% 100% 41% 6% 65.95 1.63
nkasper (Defeated) 67% 100% 33% 4% 65.95 0.82
trollorollo (CD) 60% 100% 40% 14% 65.95 3.72
TOEmato (CD) 66% 100% 34% 14% 65.95 3.21
csinger (CD) 65% 100% 35% 14% 65.95 3.34

bugzduck (Survived / 1SCs / 805->805) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 36% 65.95 -9.42
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 35% 0% -35% 23% 65.95 -5.27
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 31% 0% -31% 2% 65.95 -0.43
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 41% 100% 59% 2% 65.95 0.83
kkk101 (Resigned) 39% 100% 61% 2% 65.95 0.84
nkasper (Defeated) 47% 100% 53% 1% 65.95 0.45
trollorollo (CD) 40% 100% 60% 10% 65.95 3.9
TOEmato (CD) 46% 100% 54% 10% 65.95 3.52
csinger (CD) 45% 100% 55% 10% 65.95 3.62

AvengedSevenfold (Survived / 0SCs / 972->955) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 49% 0% -49% 55% 65.95 -17.78
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 44% 0% -44% 36% 65.95 -10.48
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 39% 0% -39% 6% 65.95 -1.57
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 59% 0% -59% 2% 65.95 -0.83
kkk101 (Resigned) 49% 0% -49% 0% 65.95 0
nkasper (Defeated) 57% 0% -57% 0% 65.95 0
trollorollo (CD) 50% 100% 50% 14% 65.95 4.72
TOEmato (CD) 56% 100% 44% 14% 65.95 4.18
csinger (CD) 54% 100% 46% 14% 65.95 4.32

kkk101 (Resigned / 0SCs / 995->976) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 51% 0% -51% 55% 65.95 -18.26
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 36% 65.95 -10.79
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 41% 0% -41% 6% 65.95 -1.63
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 61% 0% -61% 2% 65.95 -0.84
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 51% 0% -51% 0% 65.95 0
nkasper (Defeated) 58% 0% -58% 0% 65.95 0
trollorollo (CD) 51% 100% 49% 14% 65.95 4.6
TOEmato (CD) 57% 100% 43% 14% 65.95 4.05
csinger (CD) 56% 100% 44% 14% 65.95 4.19

nkasper (Defeated / 0SCs / 856->856) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 43% 0% -43% 34% 65.95 -9.51
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 37% 0% -37% 22% 65.95 -5.52
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 33% 0% -33% 4% 65.95 -0.82
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 53% 0% -53% 1% 65.95 -0.45
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 43% 0% -43% 0% 65.95 0
kkk101 (Resigned) 42% 0% -42% 0% 65.95 0
trollorollo (CD) 43% 100% 57% 9% 65.95 3.3
TOEmato (CD) 49% 100% 51% 9% 65.95 2.97
csinger (CD) 48% 100% 52% 9% 65.95 3.05

trollorollo (CD / 0SCs / 974->945) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 14% 65.95 -4.67
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 44% 0% -44% 14% 65.95 -4.13
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 14% 65.95 -3.72
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 60% 0% -60% 10% 65.95 -3.9
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 50% 0% -50% 14% 65.95 -4.72
kkk101 (Resigned) 49% 0% -49% 14% 65.95 -4.6
nkasper (Defeated) 57% 0% -57% 9% 65.95 -3.3
TOEmato (CD) 56% 0% -56% 0% 65.95 0
csinger (CD) 54% 0% -54% 0% 65.95 0

TOEmato (CD / 0SCs / 873->847) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 44% 0% -44% 14% 65.95 -4.12
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 38% 0% -38% 14% 65.95 -3.6
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 34% 0% -34% 14% 65.95 -3.21
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 54% 0% -54% 10% 65.95 -3.52
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 44% 0% -44% 14% 65.95 -4.18
kkk101 (Resigned) 43% 0% -43% 14% 65.95 -4.05
nkasper (Defeated) 51% 0% -51% 9% 65.95 -2.97
trollorollo (CD) 44% 0% -44% 0% 65.95 0
csinger (CD) 49% 0% -49% 0% 65.95 0

csinger (CD / 0SCs / 899->872) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Mr. Asimov (Won / 19 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 14% 65.95 -4.26
rragnarrok (Survived / 12 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 14% 65.95 -3.73
TheatreVarus (Survived / 2 SC ) 35% 0% -35% 14% 65.95 -3.34
bugzduck (Survived / 1 SC ) 55% 0% -55% 10% 65.95 -3.62
AvengedSevenfold (Survived) 46% 0% -46% 14% 65.95 -4.32
kkk101 (Resigned) 44% 0% -44% 14% 65.95 -4.19
nkasper (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 9% 65.95 -3.05
trollorollo (CD) 46% 0% -46% 0% 65.95 0
TOEmato (CD) 51% 0% -51% 0% 65.95 0
