Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for G-Man (2460 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
3344 Turn Limit Test Classic Drawn 30 1030
3110 Ultimate Fantasy FantasyWorld Drawn 74 1104
3699 WW4 Team Game! WWIV Defeated -46 1058
3926 Double Gorilla Press Piledriver Modern2 Drawn 84 1142
4132 Known World Second Game KnownWorld_901 Survived 51 1193
5026 Triple Anaconda Press Bodyslam SouthAmerica8 Defeated -27 1166
5244 Viking Winter Viking Survived -7 1159
5474 Abstract Armies Abstraction3 Won 74 1233
6345 Extreme personalities (entertainment value only!) KnownWorld_901 Drawn 15 1248
2855 European Theater Modern2 Drawn 31 1279
7927 Natives* of the Great Lakes GreatLakes Won 94 1373
8065 Rikishi Basho Sengoku5 Drawn 37 1410
8963 Flying Moonsault Dragon Whip Facebreaker KnownWorld_901 Drawn 116 1526
10753 Global only CHAOS! ClassicChaos Defeated -52 1474
11219 The Great Storm Enlightenment Drawn 63 1537
10975 Inverted Cobra Clutch Chickenwing Spinebuster Empire4 Defeated -45 1492
12223 New War in Europe Modern2 Drawn 39 1531
11917 Antica Rabbia 2 KnownWorld_901 Won 142 1673
12670 Barely Legal Reverse Frankensteiner Africa Drawn 16 1689
14147 Revenge of the Gods GreekDip Won 33 1722
15009 The Great Screwjob ClassicCrowded Won 145 1867
15099 Cheap Heat CelticBritain Won 44 1911
15857 Trionfo e Tormento Rinascimento Drawn 0 1911
16131 Cheap Pop AberrationV Drawn 9 1920
17241 Springboard Clothesline Crossbody Facewash DarkAges Drawn 22 1942
17427 Cheap Shot Modern2 Drawn 13 1955
17908 Gods & Heroes GreekDip Drawn 22 1977
18608 Take Me To God FirstCrusade Drawn 13 1990
19613 Elevated Straightjacket Lucha Libre Beatdown FantasyWorld Drawn 39 2029
20582 Scalphunter! GreatLakes Defeated -52 1977
18186 Quadruple Atomic Bypass WWIV_V6 Drawn 150 2127
21249 The Berlin Conference Colonial1885 Drawn 6 2133
21605 Winds of War Europe1939 Drawn 13 2146
22551 Extreme Personalities 2015 edition KnownWorld_901 Drawn 0 2146
22337 Doomsday Tilt-A-Whirl Full-Crucifix Iconoclasm World Defeated -58 2088
23105 The Exploration Game ClassicFog Defeated -46 2042
23406 Room 101 YoungstownRedux Drawn 8 2050
24093 La Grande Illusion ClassicFog Drawn 33 2083
24828 Perestroika Modern2 Drawn 39 2122
23990 Vae victis ! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -59 2063
25166 Monarchy & Deposition Europe1600 Won 122 2185
26536 Glasnost War2020 Defeated -49 2136
27091 Theatre of War AberrationV Defeated -54 2082
27092 Twisted Cross-Kneelock Wishbone Gut-Buster Europe1600 Defeated -50 2032
27356 Race For The Throne HeptarchyIV Drawn 12 2044
27960 8 November 2016 WhoControlsAmerica Drawn 21 2065
28601 The Exploration Game IV ClassicFog Drawn 12 2077
27950 Chaoctopi 2016 ClassicChaoctopi Defeated 0 2077
27887 Rapid Double-Fisted Nine-Mead Faceplanter KnownWorld_901 Drawn 22 2099
29743 Guns, Germs, and Steel-2 Imperial2 Won 268 2367
31104 L'Age de Raison Enlightenment Drawn 25 2392
31134 Dunkel War Again Germany1648 Drawn 5 2397
31679 Spinning Viking Blood Eagle Freefall-2 Viking Drawn 0 2397
32227 The Great Conspiracy CelticBritain Drawn 13 2410
33136 Clash of the Holy Rollers Germany1648 Drawn 8 2418
33780 United States of Insanity Divided_States Drawn 0 2418
33540 Eleven's a Crowd ClassicCrowded Defeated -58 2360
34466 Half-Twist Double-Edged Bayonet Violator Napoleonic Drawn 5 2365
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Defeated -75 2290
35327 Upside Down Crucifix Triple Cranial-Shift Takedown Crusades1201 Defeated -63 2227
36214 The Devil's Favourite EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 7 2234
36415 Newspaper Game - Board ClassicFog Defeated -50 2184
36987 Europe is Not Enough ClassicOctopus Drawn 4 2188
37577 Ridgy-Didge Ratbag Smackdown Walkabout MateAgainstMate Drawn 16 2204
38968 Decompressive Bilateral Backseat Orchidectomy Habelya Drawn 5 2209
39928 Under Siege Imperium Won 50 2259
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States Drawn 34 2293
40212 What If... ? AberrationV Defeated -56 2237
41006 Fake NewsLeak Interference Democalypse World10 Drawn 64 2301
43154 A Humble Low Stakes Match Modern2 Drawn 70 2371
44996 Full-Frontal Scrotal Lobotomy A_Modern_Europe Defeated -68 2303
46539 The Big One WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 40 2343
47989 New Order Modern2 Defeated -52 2291
49090 Dystopian Post-Truth Knockdown-Dragout WhoControlsAmerica Drawn 28 2319
49586 Screaming Jugular Bloodaxe Gusher MongolianEmpire Drawn 44 2363
51266 Dragon-Slayer -2 FantasyWorld Drawn 53 2416
52125 1 Bourbon, 1 Habsburg & 1 Beer AustrianSuccession Drawn 5 2421
52745 Merciless Triple Noogie Indian Burn Europe1939 Drawn 14 2435
53390 Unrelenting Torch & Pitchfork Barrage Classic1898Fog Drawn 3 2438
53764 A Saint Helena Kind of Feeling EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -54 2384
54819 Double Gut-Punch Powerbomb Chokeslam KnownWorld_901 Drawn 44 2428
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 46 2474
56210 Samoan Molly-Go-Round Dropslam Head Drag World10 Defeated -52 2422
57968 Shogun Warrior Sengoku5 Drawn 2 2424
57966 It’s No Game EastIndies Drawn 42 2466
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Drawn 50 2516
60364 Crash, Bang, Smash ‘Em Up ClassicCrowded Defeated -56 2460