Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Venetia (1587 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
3693 America 1v1 Empire1on1 Won 4 1004
3802 Civil War-7 Empire1on1 Won 5 1009
3687 (TFGR) ClassicVS Drawn 8 1017
3820 TOV with Lord of Darkness TreatyOfVerdun Survived -6 1011
3742 Lepanto-10 Lepanto Drawn 0 1011
3844 FvsJ ClassicFGvsRT Won 7 1018
3906 Civil War-8 Empire1on1 Won 9 1027
3950 Just Duo Duo Survived -8 1019
4034 (IE) IE ClassicVS Drawn 0 1019
4098 Lepanto-12 Lepanto Won 6 1025
4122 Duel of fates Duo Survived -8 1017
3741 ItalianJob Rinascimento Drawn 0 1017
4163 Stranger aeons, death may die! ClassicGvI Survived -4 1013
4164 Hybrid children watch the sea... ClassicFvA Survived -4 1009
3615 Modern Gunboat-4 Modern2 Defeated -39 970
4149 (CAESAR) ClassicVS Resigned -10 960
4196 1v1 semi live Germany Italy ClassicGvI Survived -6 954
3739 Why dine in hell when you can have the whole world GreekDip Defeated -27 927
3842 Island Warfare ClassicSevenIslands Resigned -25 902
3683 CalmHussite Hussite Defeated -19 883
3837 SilentDutch DutchRevolt Defeated -20 863
3699 WW4 Team Game! WWIV Defeated -34 829
4543 1v1 semi live Germany Russia ClassicGvR Won 12 841
4534 No Name ClassicFvA Won 6 847
4546 1v1 semi live Germany Russia rematch ClassicGvR Won 11 858
4512 Civil War-10 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 856
4577 1vs1 ClassicEvT Survived -6 850
4513 Trio-3 ClassicFGA Survived 3 853
4635 Civil War-12 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 850
4689 American Empire 1v1 Empire1on1 Survived -6 844
4625 No name-2 Duo Drawn 0 844
4706 intense war(IT) ClassicVS Survived -6 838
4573 I don't have enough imagination to find a cool nam Classic1897 Won 114 952
4618 ok go! GreekDip Won 69 1021
4531 Imperium-3 Imperium Survived -20 1001
4725 Holland-2 DutchRevolt Drawn 4 1005
4852 Rat gunboat-2 RatWars Won 28 1033
4978 Duo-3 Duo Survived -7 1026
5064 Civil War-15 Empire1on1 Won 7 1033
5025 (EA) ClassicVS Won 3 1036
5027 dark wars TenSixtySix Survived -20 1016
5176 France vs Austria-6 ClassicFvA Survived -9 1007
4132 Known World Second Game KnownWorld_901 Defeated -27 980
5198 GOD vs Venetia ClassicGvI Survived -8 972
5255 GOD-VENETIA 2 (GI) ClassicVS Drawn 0 972
5256 GOD-VENETIA 3 (TR) ClassicVS Won 7 979
4638 Economic-2 ClassicEconomic Drawn 15 994
5171 Duo-4 Duo Drawn 0 994
5172 Civil War-18 Empire1on1 Survived -8 986
5313 Two Towers ClassicEvT Won 7 993
5324 Lepanto-13 Lepanto Won 7 1000
4488 Tiki Island Torture ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 14 1014
5073 no name-3 ClassicGvI Won 7 1021
5293 1066-11 TenSixtySix Survived 0 1021
5194 (RIEF) FOUR PARTIES ClassicVS Won 67 1088
3784 Fall of the American Empire Empire4 Defeated -38 1050
5202 The Big Performance Empire4 Defeated -38 1012
4916 That's amore Rinascimento Defeated 0 1012
4966 Haven-2 Haven Defeated -34 978
19362 FrancevsAustria ClassicFvA Defeated -1 977
19386 2-84 ClassicFvA Survived -2 975
19371 1v1-124 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -4 971
19432 Civil War-39 Empire1on1 Won 3 974
19433 Trio-8 ClassicIER Drawn 0 974
19456 Fra v Aus-27 ClassicFvA Won 6 980
19401 EvsT-3 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 980
19397 FUKIN FUBAR Fubar Survived 0 980
19621 Civil War-41 Empire1on1 Won 2 982
19578 Duo-38 Duo Survived -3 979
19619 Civil War-40 Empire1on1 Won 4 983
19509 This isn't Westoros! TenSixtySix_V3 Survived 0 983
19612 1066-16 TenSixtySix_V3 Won 29 1012
19754 1x1 Empire - Civil War semi-live-2 Empire1on1 Survived -4 1008
19753 Someone 1v1 me ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1008
19730 Just for fun-4 Fubar Won 0 1008
19707 AC AtlanticColonies Won 34 1042
19811 Brother against Brother Empire1on1 Drawn 0 1042
19843 Duo-39 Duo Won 3 1045
19616 Joinusordie WWII Drawn 8 1053
19814 (EIA) ClassicVS Defeated -8 1045
19726 The return of fasces AtlanticColonies Defeated -21 1024
19899 1x1 Empire - Civil War semi-live-3 Empire1on1 Survived -3 1021
19363 Aberration AberrationV Drawn 75 1096
19935 ToV gunboat-2 TreatyOfVerdun Drawn 0 1096
19728 Wine and Vinegar Rinascimento Drawn 0 1096
19465 Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Pirates Drawn 139 1235
19725 Creative game name DarkAges Survived 13 1248
19605 PseudoGoT FantasyWorld Won 0 1248
20209 France vs Italy (FI) ClassicVS Won 6 1254
20234 1x1 Random Countries (RI) semi-live ClassicVS Won 0 1254
19896 (RIEFT) ClassicVS Drawn 12 1266
20236 (TE)-2 ClassicVS Drawn 0 1266
19803 Red Alert Europe1939 Drawn 26 1292
20245 (GAT) ClassicVS Drawn 0 1292
20237 Total Domination (AFT) ClassicVS Defeated 0 1292
20372 1x1 civil war semi-live-59 Empire1on1 Won 0 1292
20369 IER-2 ClassicIER Won 0 1292
20437 (TF)-8 ClassicVS Survived -8 1284
20436 AF ClassicFvA Survived -7 1277
20468 Civil War-45 Empire1on1 Survived -7 1270
20481 (AG)-2 ClassicVS Survived -6 1264
20539 (RG)-3 ClassicVS Won 0 1264
20537 (AF) ClassicVS Defeated 0 1264
20538 (TG)-2 ClassicVS Defeated 0 1264
20551 1x1 civil war semi-live-63 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1262
20541 FvA-56 ClassicFvA Survived -10 1252
20528 1066-18 TenSixtySix Won 36 1288
20447 Punic War 4 AncMed Won 33 1321
20690 1 on 1 (ET) ClassicVS Won 5 1326
20759 Eng v Tur-12 ClassicEvT Won 5 1331
20742 1066-19 TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -13 1318
20843 (IT) ClassicVS Won 0 1318
20879 random (FT) ClassicVS Survived -12 1306
20449 Without Italy (FEGATR) ClassicVS Drawn 29 1335
20698 I can't find a cool name ClassicFog Defeated 0 1335
20540 Colonial-5 Colonial Won 60 1395
20303 Idi Amin Africa Drawn 40 1435
20441 America-9 Empire4 Survived -1 1434
20312 World of Empires GobbleEarth Defeated -38 1396
20996 La gentil culla dell'arte Rinascimento Drawn 0 1396
21452 (TG) ClassicVS Won 4 1400
21559 3 way FFA gunboat TenSixtySix_V3 Won 45 1445
21722 Go Go Go ClassicGvR Won 5 1450
21725 Just beat it TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -15 1435
21756 Cold War I ColdWar Survived -7 1428
20945 Empires of the World GobbleEarth Defeated -62 1366
21757 In Soviet Russia, diplmacy plays you. ColdWar Survived -7 1359
21423 Netherland DutchRevolt Survived -23 1336
21422 American Gunboat AmericanConflict Won 53 1389
21480 Italian Job Rinascimento Drawn 0 1389
20946 Known World KnownWorld_901 Drawn 139 1528
22126 quick unrated duel ClassicFvA Won 0 1528
21495 Chaos Chaos Chaos! ClassicChaos Defeated 0 1528
21997 Foggy wars ClassicFog Drawn 0 1528
21802 Italy-3 Rinascimento 0 1528
21235 Gunboat - Sealanes WWIVsealanes Defeated -41 1487
25575 Bayeux Tapestry TenSixtySix_V3 Won 32 1519
24943 James Hunt ClassicFog Defeated -12 1507
25568 Tree of Blindness ClassicFog Defeated 0 1507
25439 Europe 1939-2 Europe1939 Drawn 0 1507
25790 seasider doll Sengoku5 Survived -24 1483
25694 Unholy Actions of Holy Men-2 FirstCrusade Drawn 26 1509
25726 The Borgias Rinascimento Defeated 0 1509
24280 Silent Haven Haven Defeated -9 1500
24701 GobbleEarth GobbleEarth Defeated -8 1492
28275 Huron Wars GreatLakes Drawn 31 1523
28592 Guns, boats, and 901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 120 1643
32043 1vs1AF-14-2 ClassicFvA Defeated -10 1633
32048 Gula TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -12 1621
32112 old gods TenSixtySix_V3 Won 25 1646
32237 MarioKart 2 Empire1on1 Won 3 1649
32154 No chat just fun 2 Classic Survived -34 1615
31972 No chat just fun I Classic Survived -32 1583
32065 ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouCan'tJoinTenPointGames-4 YoungstownWWII Survived -13 1570
32007 1885 WTABoat Colonial1885 Drawn 29 1599
31786 You Win or You Die WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1599
37975 Mortal kombat 3000 ClassicGvI Defeated -12 1587