Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Wiesl (1079 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
6581 fogboat ClassicFog Defeated -27 973
7031 Y U NO HAV NEUTRALS? ClassicNoNeutrals Survived 2 975
6678 2-Continent WAR YoungstownRedux Survived -33 942
6724 Viking power!-2 Viking Survived -14 928
7430 Why not?-2 Europe1939 Drawn 13 941
7849 Smog of War ClassicFog Defeated -30 911
7984 Club Med AncMed Won 53 964
7744 young town YoungstownRedux Survived -21 943
8016 wild things no more :-( Habelya Drawn 32 975
5771 A New World-2 WWIV Defeated -30 945
7273 Fanfare I WWIV Drawn 73 1018
8588 Fanfare II ClassicCrowded Defeated -22 996
8823 Classic Crowded Redux ClassicCrowded Survived 24 1020
8704 Gunboat Chaos ClassicChaos Defeated -8 1012
8711 The European Fog Apocalypse ClassicFog Survived -9 1003
7781 Papist Primacy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1003
9146 Where am I ClassicFog Defeated -23 980
8522 WhyTelltheFool? KnownWorld_901 -25 955
9337 Time again for a F-O-W Gunboat! ClassicFog Survived -16 939
9191 gunboat!!! YoungstownRedux Survived -15 924
9922 The Sex Pistols had it right AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 34 958
9427 el psy congroo Modern2 Drawn 41 999
9258 epic - 901 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -33 966
10316 Fog of Doom !! ClassicFog Survived 14 980
10493 Martian Gunboat-2 Mars Drawn 36 1016
10030 Romney Aftermath Empire4 Drawn 104 1120
10699 beer, bitches, youngstown YoungstownRedux Survived -26 1094
10438 Great Spirit Diplomacy GreatLakes Drawn 10 1104
11032 WW The second Europe1939 Drawn 14 1118
11411 colonial empires Imperial2 Survived -22 1096
12012 Through the fog... it's Ezpickins ClassicFog Drawn 45 1141
12045 mushroommountain Africa Defeated -39 1102
12452 Name:AncMed AncMed Survived -29 1073
12069 Classic Chaos ClassicChaos Defeated -38 1035
10193 Tour of VDip! (Preliminary•1) WWIV Defeated -27 1008
12640 Gunboat Fog-3 ClassicFog Drawn 46 1054
11893 know world KnownWorld_901 Defeated -39 1015
12105 America -3 Empire4 Defeated -28 987
12993 worldwide gunboat! KnownWorld_901 Drawn 116 1103
13673 There Can Only Be One Victor ClassicFog Survived -21 1082
12440 Tomorrow Never Knows WWIV Survived 22 1104
13084 -F8eD- Africa Defeated -17 1087
14038 Amurrca Gunboat USofA Survived 11 1098
14562 Colonial public Colonial1885 Survived 28 1126
14250 Dzer kyanqeen mernem ClassicFog Survived -29 1097
8986 Grab Your Buddy: Two Player Team Game WWIV Defeated -22 1075
14741 Fog of War Series Game 1 ClassicFog Defeated -23 1052
14971 Heart of Darkness-2 Africa Defeated -16 1036
14313 asdf-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -20 1016
15007 Aardvarks Anonymous War2020 Drawn 56 1072
16463 The Best Imperial2 Defeated -2 1070
17653 Austria I Viking Won 54 1124
17566 Crusader gunboat FirstCrusade Defeated -3 1121
18087 TEBOW 4 PRESIDENT AgeOfPericles Drawn 49 1170
18196 FOGGY GUNBOAT-2 ClassicFog Survived 1 1171
18447 Romeward bound - 2 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1171
18650 Ronin Sengoku5 Defeated -19 1152
19259 The sound of silence-10 ClassicCrowded Defeated -23 1129
19145 fantasyworld FantasyWorld Defeated -33 1096
19142 Europe at war Europe1939 Survived -14 1082
19533 3nznjh YoungstownRedux Defeated -21 1061
19542 The Bitter End-3 ClassicFog Defeated -23 1038
15993 Autumn & Empire WWIV Defeated -8 1030
20980 Darkest Africa Africa Defeated -20 1010
19777 Gobbledygook GobbleEarth Drawn 93 1103
22013 ITALY-4 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1103
21503 Ray Charles vs. Stevie Wonder ClassicFog Drawn 55 1158
21891 Fidel gets a tan in Richmond, VA Empire4 Defeated -18 1140
22010 Youngstown-4 YoungstownRedux Drawn 47 1187
19986 Imperialsim anyone? Imperial2 Drawn 69 1256
36887 Christmas Break Classic Defeated -44 1212
37193 A Suffusion of Yellow Germany1648 Defeated -35 1177
36908 Who chooses Austria #hero !! ClassicFog Survived -20 1157
36742 USA divided Divided_States Defeated -29 1128
41954 Europ3-2 Imperial2 -49 1079