Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Nemesis17 (1709 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
6190 Soap's Worst Nightmare, Shepherd Returns Colonial Drawn 0 1000
6599 War, war never changes. Classic Won 98 1098
6320 Classic Diplomacy-3 Classic Drawn 35 1133
7230 This means war! ClassicEvT Won 7 1140
6957 Shotgun Diplomacy. ClassicCrowded Defeated -45 1095
7494 Cheap Live Gunboat TreatyOfVerdun Won 10 1105
6345 Extreme personalities (entertainment value only!) KnownWorld_901 Drawn 17 1122
7067 Its Only War Classic Drawn 38 1160
7686 one ClassicEvT Defeated -5 1155
7244 Imma Little Dutch Boy DutchRevolt Defeated -15 1140
6665 Casualties Expected Colonial Survived 14 1154
7262 Orientale Hussite Defeated -38 1116
7257 Sagas, Caliphs, Franks and Emperors Viking Survived 31 1147
6392 War is [Heaven] Part 2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -37 1110
6670 The Shepherd Invitational YoungstownRedux Survived -44 1066
5916 Soldiers Under Command-2 ClassicCrowded Drawn 16 1082
7326 War of the World II Europe1939 Drawn 50 1132
7680 War is Blind. ClassicFog Survived -23 1109
7987 2-43 ClassicGvI Survived -7 1102
7006 Winning! ClassicChaos Defeated -42 1060
7535 oldgermany Germany1648 Drawn 42 1102
8148 Feed ClassicGvI Won 8 1110
7350 Macchia Nera ClassicFog Won 94 1204
8153 Diplomat and Nemesis ClassicGvI Defeated -9 1195
7741 Classic-al music Classic Survived 5 1200
8268 War of 1066 TenSixtySix Won 37 1237
8079 Another Classic Classic Drawn 11 1248
7800 Mutton Legs, Horn Hats, Axes, and Beards. Viking Survived -25 1223
7933 Chargers AncMed Survived -20 1203
7531 VIKING'S AWAY Viking Drawn 21 1224
8203 Only 12 Classic Won 81 1305
6064 A New World-3 WWIV Survived -17 1288
7966 Classic Variants: game 8 ClassicMilan Defeated -32 1256
7830 Holy's Crusade YoungstownRedux Drawn 55 1311
8300 Smoke on the Water ClassicFog Survived -11 1300
7780 The Opium War Colonial Defeated -38 1262
8359 War for America-2 AmericanConflict Survived -7 1255
8199 Saving Pirate Ryan Pirates Defeated -43 1212
9065 Nemesis V Tyran ClassicGvI Won 6 1218
7228 World War 4 WWIV Defeated -49 1169
8360 The North American Conflict Empire4 Defeated -34 1135
7273 Fanfare I WWIV Defeated -39 1096
9011 Pick your country ClassicSevenIslands Won 79 1175
9048 You can't go wrong with a classic Classic Defeated -39 1136
9088 Kangaroos vs. Koalas MateAgainstMate Survived -7 1129
7781 Papist Primacy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1129
9146 Where am I ClassicFog Drawn 46 1175
8304 WW2 (team game) Modern2 Drawn 28 1203
7883 War is Hell WWIV Defeated -22 1181
9478 Cheap Modern Europe Game Abstraction3 Defeated -38 1143
9272 european dominatio Europe1939 Drawn 36 1179
9941 Holidays in the Sun AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 7 1186
9619 Canada/Upper Midwest GreatLakes Drawn 34 1220
10132 Murcanic vs. Nemesis (just for fun) ClassicGvI Survived -8 1212
9637 USA-3 Empire4 Drawn 70 1282
9145 Destroy this House YoungstownRedux Drawn 42 1324
9004 Colonial Times Colonial Survived 13 1337
9602 Foggy Bottom ClassicFog Drawn 38 1375
10311 Rematch-4 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1375
9714 Classic 7 islands game! JOIN! ClassicSevenIslands Survived -34 1341
10038 Greek Gunny GreekDip Survived -42 1299
8066 War of the World WWIV Defeated -22 1277
9258 epic - 901 KnownWorld_901 Survived 45 1322
10027 Holidays in the Sun II AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 12 1334
9686 We Support States Rights! YoungstownRedux Defeated -34 1300
9077 Where are the Americas? KnownWorld_901 Drawn 63 1363
10595 Rats RatWars Survived -20 1343
10277 Pericles and Phidias AgeOfPericles Defeated -25 1318
10876 south american cup SouthAmerica4 Drawn 5 1323
10742 First game! ClassicCataclysm Drawn 32 1355
10156 USA-4 Empire4 Drawn 11 1366
9131 Modern Diplomacy II-2 Modern2 Defeated -37 1329
11004 Slave Traders Unite Africa Defeated -36 1293
9722 I Hate Losing Haven Defeated -42 1251
10753 Global only CHAOS! ClassicChaos Defeated -39 1212
9759 DnD does make me cool Haven -38 1174
10660 Clockwork Angels WWIV Defeated -41 1133
8986 Grab Your Buddy: Two Player Team Game WWIV Defeated -24 1109
14176 Welcome to Paradise Haven Defeated -27 1082
13369 Just a Classic for busy people Classic Drawn 30 1112
29181 Sixteen Europe1600 Drawn 44 1156
29199 Shinuyama Sengoku5 Drawn 25 1181
29778 Sail Ho... SailHo2 Survived -5 1176
29174 1 8 9 7 Classic1897 Defeated -16 1160
29317 Classic+7 II ClassicSevenIslands Survived -31 1129
29683 DEUS VULT ClassicFog Survived -33 1096
29707 Save Gibraltar! Modern2 Drawn 42 1138
29751 foggy XXV ClassicFog Survived -17 1121
29271 ImperialDiplo(negotiations/treaties encouraged!) Imperial2 Defeated -3 1118
28566 Diplomacy Supreme WWIV Defeated -7 1111
29201 Renzi KnownWorld_901 Defeated -29 1082
30007 I see London, I see Youngstown YoungstownRedux Survived 50 1132
29788 news: Inauguration style SouthAmerica8 Survived -30 1102
30154 Chaos! ClassicChaos Defeated -43 1059
30507 Let's try this one AncMed Survived -15 1044
30112 The sound of silence-15 Modern2 Drawn 24 1068
30468 Diplomacy Dream Europe1600 Defeated -21 1047
29723 Seven Isles ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 17 1064
30712 Otto von Bismark Germany1648 Defeated -12 1052
30436 King Luth vs BattlePope-epic war battles OF HISTOR Enlightenment Defeated -12 1040
30735 Modern Warfare-4 Modern2 Defeated -18 1022
30868 foggy XXXVI ClassicFog Survived -7 1015
31391 F O G G Y ClassicFog Defeated -20 995
31376 The Quick Guns of August Classic Survived -11 984
31397 Reich for the stars YoungstownWWII Drawn 5 989
31521 War ... war is never fair II Colonial1885 Survived -21 968
31673 War is never fair III Colonial1885 Drawn 55 1023
33247 Blood & Iron Classic Survived -29 994
33159 A Storm of Swords AberrationV -22 972
33486 Murder at Sarajevo Classic Drawn 36 1008
33377 Woodrow Wilson is coming to Europe USofA Drawn 39 1047
33437 Something Different - 8 AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 47 1094
33312 No chat just fun 9 Classic1880 Won 111 1205
33867 The Savoyard Connection ClassicMilan Survived -23 1182
33098 Lord Emperor Colonial1885 Survived 25 1207
34007 WW901 WesternWorld_901 Resigned -13 1194
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Defeated -26 1168
31381 Colonial! Imperial2 -7 1161
46821 Gunboat Classic 108 Classic Drawn 25 1186
46866 Why not crowded? WTA ClassicCrowded Won 442 1628
46885 Thank linus Europe1939 Drawn 10 1638
46832 Die happy 12 WTA Classic Defeated -29 1609
46834 Die happy 14 WTA Classic1898 Defeated -23 1586
47602 We were young and wild and free ClassicEgypt Drawn 7 1593
47601 I am only 19 but my mind is old Classic1898 Won 52 1645
46344 Europa Imperotia 2 Electric boogaloo! Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1645
47928 Ikarus Classic1897 Survived -15 1630
47971 FoW WTA - 14 SC for the win ClassicFog Drawn 4 1634
47603 The sun rises in the east. It also sets in the wes Classic Survived -36 1598
48289 Classic Gunboat-27 Classic Drawn 20 1618
48929 Another Game Modern2 Drawn 40 1658
48936 md2 gb Modern2 Drawn 51 1709