Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for JGLikesStratGames (1722 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
53527 Epic game of coolness #2 Enlightenment Drawn 132 1132
53540 Gunboat 20h: Indians GreatLakes Defeated -24 1108
53952 Live-36 ClassicGvR Won 5 1113
53598 Anarchy UK Gunboat-2 AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 39 1152
53673 SPooKy ImpERialiSM!! Classic Survived -16 1136
53704 Gunboat-21 Europe1600 Survived -19 1117
53640 Nuke Dukem WTA Gunboat ManifestDestiny Survived -33 1084
53795 Olden Diplomacy Europe1600 Drawn 64 1148
54008 spice islandussy SpiceIslands Drawn 27 1175
54074 Youngstown Gunboat -9 YoungstownRedux Survived 44 1219
54194 Atlantic Gunboat-8 AtlanticColonies Survived 7 1226
54196 Canton Gunboat-2 Canton Drawn 31 1257
54333 98FOW-GB-WTA #25: Vienna! Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1257
53963 Poltergeist Modern2 Drawn 95 1352
54195 African Gunboat-9 Africa Defeated -39 1313
53637 Not sure about this. WWII Defeated -10 1303
54781 Fuck Colonialism AtlanticColonies Survived -7 1296
53481 Imperial Gunboat-7 Imperial2 Defeated -24 1272
55146 Cold War Gunboat ColdWarRedux Defeated -7 1265
54721 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -6 YoungstownWWII Defeated -17 1248
55422 Civil War-98 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1246
55148 Cold War Gunboat-3 ColdWarRedux Drawn 39 1285
54770 Caribbean Gunboat-8 Karibik Drawn 147 1432
54784 Gunboat 1489-2 Abstraction3 Survived 40 1472
55759 1v1 - Cold War-27 ColdWar Defeated -6 1466
54771 Imperial Gunboat-10 Imperial2 Survived 22 1488
55144 German Wunderkind ClassicCataclysm Defeated -23 1465
53898 1937 Gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 95 1560
55712 Finkelboat-26 TenSixtySix Won 21 1581
54150 Calc A_Modern_Europe Defeated -34 1547
55415 Wakanda wars Africa Defeated -22 1525
54530 Gunboat 1473 Classic1913 Survived 56 1581
55874 Das Gunboat-27 WWII Drawn 12 1593
55633 Cvevapcici Balkans1860 Drawn 20 1613
54682 Choose to loose AberrationV Drawn 42 1655
55948 Slinkygame 3 EmpiresCoalitions Won 89 1744
55776 Press ready when ready -2 Colonial1885 Drawn 15 1759
55361 Colonial Ambitions. Imperial2 Drawn 42 1801
55674 All the Nations MongolianEmpire Defeated -7 1794
55811 Western World 901 Gunboat -2 WesternWorld_901 Survived -33 1761
56043 Conquer or become the Conquered YoungstownRedux Defeated -52 1709
56039 fantasy-4 Habelya Survived -14 1695
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -34 1661
55631 Ekaterina WTA YoungstownRedux Survived -20 1641
56014 Viva Fiorenza! Rinascimento Defeated 0 1641
56275 The Concert Deraveled Edwardian3 Survived 10 1651
56285 ready when ready-4 Colonial Defeated -44 1607
55699 1885 Gunboat-17 Colonial1885 Survived 46 1653
55945 Diplomatic Revolution AustrianSuccession Drawn 26 1679
56492 TREASON 2 AberrationV Won 0 1679
56225 game-44 Karibik Drawn 36 1715
56374 Gobble Up More GobbleEarth Drawn 30 1745
56409 Mars Regular-2 Mars Survived -17 1728
55983 Home of the Brave VII Empire4 Defeated -44 1684
56498 wstsl-3 Zeus5 Drawn 23 1707
56799 3 Way-6 ClassicIER Drawn 0 1707
56401 East Indies Gunboat EastIndies Defeated -46 1661
55996 Grow and Conquer Imperial2 Drawn 42 1703
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -37 1666
57016 Colonial-8 Colonial Defeated -34 1632
57250 Youngstown-redux YoungstownRedux Drawn 24 1656
56642 Known World Gunboat-8 KnownWorld_901 Survived 25 1681
56900 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 674 Colonial1885 Defeated -4 1677
57219 Viking Gunboat-10 Viking Defeated -45 1632
56783 Choose a World to Know a World-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 91 1723
57398 Playing through all the variants: #6: 1800 EmpiresCoalitions Survived -40 1683
57518 This one is better Colonial1885 Defeated -37 1646
57160 Europe 2023 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -49 1597
57584 a-22 Europe1600 Drawn 87 1684
57264 Gobble Gunboat-2 GobbleEarth Defeated -47 1637
58353 1v1 - American Secession War-158 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1634
57901 Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Colonial1885 Drawn 17 1651
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -23 1628
58569 Hundred Funboat 12h #2 Hundred Survived -21 1607
58455 nphxd ClassicFog Survived -21 1586
56975 Eternal Griping Imperial2 Drawn 40 1626
58325 I should be studying WWII Drawn 0 1626
57448 Sussy amogus impostor World10 Defeated -48 1578
58244 Al Brought Explosives SouthSahara Drawn 15 1593
58634 A-23 Colonial1885 Defeated -50 1543
59008 Go on in it's only a fiver Edwardian3 Won 30 1573
59105 Let’s try something new Karibik Drawn 29 1602
58968 We love the Earth Colonial1885 Drawn 31 1633
58524 Asia Gunboat EastIndies Defeated -44 1589
59442 Germanyyy Germany1648 Won 54 1643
59098 Playing through all the variants #13: Africa Africa Defeated -42 1601
58910 High Stakes Gunboat FirstCrusade Drawn 25 1626
58985 We love the Earth Part 2 Colonial1885 Drawn 41 1667
59832 genshin-op-4 PunicWars Survived -31 1636
59641 120 Modern2 Drawn 28 1664
59428 New order-2 Imperial2 Drawn 41 1705
59827 Atlantic Gunboat-37 AtlanticColonies Drawn 7 1712
60029 Das Gunboat-61 WWII Drawn 10 1722