Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for AleChoel (1253 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
53308 world gunboat World10 -34 966
56418 Uncle Sam vs Comrade Misha ColdWar Survived -5 961
56318 Just a regular game, anyone can join! Classic Defeated 0 961
56408 Classic-21 Classic Defeated -21 940
56528 poooooooooooooo Baron1900 -24 916
56610 Hi-24 Colonial Drawn 30 946
56784 MD2 Club-3 V2 Modern2 Defeated -17 929
56417 Silent Spice of Life EastIndies Defeated 0 929
56989 Tour De Force #1 Classic Drawn 16 945
57314 Legends of tutoria Classic Defeated -26 919
57341 Third congo war Africa Defeated -23 896
56900 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 674 Colonial1885 Survived 0 896
57383 Let's try it Rinascimento Defeated 0 896
57828 A very honest game Classic Drawn 59 955
57639 No secrets in Europe Classic Defeated -33 922
57721 Classic gаme Classic Defeated -7 915
57584 a-22 Europe1600 Defeated -11 904
57754 333-2 Edwardian3 Defeated 0 904
58027 Britain is stuck! ClassicBritain Drawn 46 950
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Defeated 0 950
58095 Nothing to hide in Europe Classic Survived -15 935
57737 Sender Unknown ClassicGreyPress Drawn 59 994
58034 The most peaceful continent Classic Drawn 67 1061
58329 Waka waka hey hey SouthSahara Survived 0 1061
58131 Got to try this. SpeedEuropa Defeated 0 1061
58435 Greek City States GreekDip Defeated -32 1029
58291 Happy new year Classic Defeated -36 993
57448 Sussy amogus impostor World10 Defeated -23 970
58541 Wait, ten SCs? Classic Drawn 19 989
58404 War of Austrian Obsessions AustrianSuccession Drawn 82 1071
58598 Gunboat-22 Classic Drawn 36 1107
58683 Nautical Diplo ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 13 1120
57814 World War 2-5 WWII Defeated -22 1098
58610 A lost generation. Classic Defeated -29 1069
58540 Gumboat Classic Defeated -40 1029
56031 The Big Gunboat (Gun Galley?) Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1029
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio Defeated -30 999
59008 Go on in it's only a fiver Edwardian3 Survived -11 988
59051 The end [of the game] is near! Classic Survived -15 973
59086 (Insert Voltaire quote here) Germany1648 Defeated -26 947
58768 No whispers in Europe Classic Won 318 1265
58976 Italy-7 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1265
57875 European Union-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1265
56567 Europa Moderna-3 A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1265
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio Defeated -17 1248
59031 The first world war. GobbleEarth Drawn 18 1266
59187 Classic game-6 Classic Drawn 59 1325
59359 Aոother classic game Classic Defeated -41 1284
59360 Classic game-7 Classic Defeated -42 1242
58082 Playing through all the variants #9: Modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -7 1235
58525 Is this world any better? World10 Defeated 0 1235
59234 Just a classic game. Classic Defeated -29 1206
59410 Machiavelli was an amateur! In the right way Rinascimento Defeated 0 1206
59884 Verdun-42 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -4 1202
59408 Machiavelli was an amateur! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1202
59634 Cוassic game Classic Survived -13 1189
57996 Choose a World to Know a World-3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -20 1169
59768 Why are there so few classic games? Classic Drawn 75 1244
60484 FvA-171 ClassicFvA Survived -5 1239
60172 BritishGunboat ClassicBritain Drawn 34 1273
60031 Unorthodox Opening Classic Defeated -16 1257
60039 Scramble for Europe Classic Drawn 20 1277
60655 Greek-4 GreekDip Survived -29 1248
60414 Toto-5 Africa Defeated 0 1248
60629 Trying Alacavre! Alacavre Defeated -28 1220
60532 World in year 901 gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1220
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -22 1198
60085 Imperial Diplomacy II-2 Imperial2 Drawn 58 1256
60648 buki Classic Drawn 45 1301
60245 Rinascimento-4 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1301
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Defeated -30 1271
59731 Worldwide Gunboat World10 Defeated -37 1234
57451 Gumby the gloomy guillotine Europa_Renovatio Defeated -2 1232
61104 Wasteland Empire4 Defeated 0 1232
61373 Crowded-3 ClassicCrowded Drawn 41 1273
61656 98-fowgb-23: Manchester Classic1898Fog Survived -20 1253