Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Kentock (1074 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
55016 3:17AM Back For More Diplomacy Classic Drawn 43 1043
55437 Greek Diplomacy-8 GreekDip Defeated -18 1025
55473 I don’t have a problem I can quit anytime I Classic Defeated -9 1016
55976 PPP Diplo Classic Survived -36 980
55635 I can see everything Classic1898Fog Survived 26 1006
55361 Colonial Ambitions. Imperial2 Drawn 114 1120
56085 Everyone attack Heartland! Empire4 -19 1101
60650 AgedMadams WWII Drawn 14 1115
60765 The Mist-2 ClassicFog Survived -36 1079
60938 MoreMadams AncMed Won 11 1090
60648 buki Classic Resigned 0 1090
60920 Glasnost-2 Modern2 -16 1074