Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Quandale Dinglarious Dingleton (933 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
56207 Not Scuffed ColdWar Survived -3 997
56224 Not Scuffed v2 ColdWar Survived -3 994
56228 Not Scuffed v3 ColdWar Survived -3 991
56242 Not Scuffed v4 ColdWar Defeated -3 988
56245 Not Scuffed v5 ColdWar Defeated -3 985
56244 bozos AncMed Survived -10 975
56393 not sus TreatyOfVerdun Survived -6 969
56414 goofy ahhhh TreatyOfVerdun Resigned -6 963
56198 Napoleon was actually average height for the time Napoleonic -30 933