Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for PeterStretch (1216 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
58431 Ushankas vs Stetsons ColdWar Defeated -7 993
58956 A New Shogun- Yoshi Torunaga Sengoku6 Survived -7 986
59123 EVT 2/2 random ClassicEvT Defeated -1 985
58955 Gunboats-2 ClassicFog Drawn 55 1040
59340 WWVI Brawl ClassicFog Drawn 13 1053
60060 atlantic colonies gunboat-4 AtlanticColonies Survived -14 1039
60061 Ancient Mediterranean gunboat AncMed -29 1010
60258 WWVII Baron1900 Won 195 1205
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio -22 1183
61041 Modern Diplomacy Club Modern2 Drawn 56 1239
60841 Classic - 7 Islands-4 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -29 1210
61406 98-fowgb-03: Warsaw Classic1898Fog Drawn 6 1216