Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Zephid (1110 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
58519 MG 1/27/25 (7 SCs or 8 turns) SailHo2 Survived 3 1003
58522 MG 1/27/24 Chromatic (10 turns) Chromatic Won 5 1008
58557 MG 1/30/25 A TreatyOfVerdun Won 35 1043
58534 MG 1/28/24 Barbarians Imperium Survived -6 1037
58554 South of Sarah (5p) SouthSahara Survived -23 1014
58558 North Sea 4p NorthSeaWars Won 35 1049
58559 Cold War 4p ColdWarRedux Survived 0 1049
58550 Big Josh Gets Spicy SpiceIslands Won 61 1110