Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Amwidkle (1351 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
11142 The Enlightening Enlightenment Survived -27 973
11091 killergame-3 YoungstownRedux Won 93 1066
11267 How does a swallow carry a coconut? CelticBritain Drawn 19 1085
11055 the know world KnownWorld_901 Drawn 73 1158
11089 Where art thou dear NATO? Modern2 Drawn 53 1211
11242 OTT World!!! WWIV Drawn 52 1263
11951 enjoy yourself Modern2 Defeated -43 1220
12026 Open Classic 2 Classic Survived -23 1197
12539 Politico 'Merica WhoControlsAmerica -17 1180
11051 Flames of War Europe1939 Defeated -31 1149
11898 A Place in the Sun Imperial2 Drawn 17 1166
11399 This was before inflation... Imperial2 Drawn 69 1235
11858 Reign of the Anti-Pope Rinascimento Defeated 0 1235
11998 2112-Overture WWIV Drawn 134 1369
11423 Atom's Educational Fun Ride-11 Imperial2 Survived -20 1349
12944 Roma Rinascimento Survived 0 1349
12993 worldwide gunboat! KnownWorld_901 Drawn 73 1422
13010 World War II-3 WWII Drawn 10 1432
13016 First Try WWII Drawn 12 1444
13737 Colonial Diplomacy Gunbootin Colonial Survived -25 1419
13550 Germany 1648-3 Germany1648 Drawn 46 1465
13115 Imperial Ambitions Imperial2 Survived 15 1480
13352 Game-5 AmericanConflict Drawn 8 1488
14024 WWII Youngstown YoungstownWWII Drawn 16 1504
14038 Amurrca Gunboat USofA Won 58 1562
14168 Spartan's Summer Fun- Balkan Wars VI BalkanWarsVI Defeated -4 1558
14562 Colonial public Colonial1885 Won 66 1624
13272 world wide conflict Imperial2 Drawn 21 1645
13868 Keep on the Borderlands Haven Drawn 108 1753
14162 Barbarian World KnownWorld_901 Defeated -31 1722
14176 Welcome to Paradise Haven Defeated -54 1668
14994 world war gunboat!-2 WWII Drawn 3 1671
13844 Background: Cherry Blossom Girl: Air Colonial Drawn 16 1687
15112 It's Crowded on this Gunboat! ClassicCrowded Won 89 1776
14558 Grover Cleveland's non-consecutive terms Colonial1885 Drawn 48 1824
15192 Where is my Dojo? Sengoku5 Survived -39 1785
15038 pirates! Pirates Survived 53 1838
14313 asdf-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 68 1906
14832 -our empires- Imperial2 Drawn 33 1939
15348 901 gunoat KnownWorld_901 Resigned -58 1881
15330 Implosion KnownWorld_901 -40 1841
15097 My colony... mine!! Colonial1885 Defeated -54 1787
14874 Hillary Clinton on a T-Rex Imperial2 Defeated -62 1725
12977 World on fire WWIV Defeated -38 1687
15205 Like a runestone cowboy DarkAges -17 1670
15134 Giraffe WWIV Defeated -40 1630
14950 Atom's Summer of Love (24/6/13) WWIV -20 1610
14120 Summer of War WWIV -39 1571
21670 New Year Civil War! Empire1on1 Won 3 1574
21765 Mutually Assured Destruction ColdWar Won 3 1577
21771 Cold War Semi-live ColdWar Won 3 1580
21774 Cold War ColdWar Won 5 1585
21778 Going Hot ColdWar Won 3 1588
21804 John F Kennedy ColdWar Won 5 1593
21797 USSR vs. the World!! ColdWar Won 2 1595
21413 Enlighten this! Enlightenment Survived 62 1657
21581 Lets Hit the Eastern Hemishpere Colonial1885 Drawn 9 1666
22062 Commie War ColdWar Won 6 1672
22093 East vs. West-2 ColdWar Won 1 1673
21480 Italian Job Rinascimento Drawn 0 1673
21475 Poison Country MateAgainstMate Drawn 30 1703
21748 Colonies-2 Colonial Defeated -29 1674
22193 100 random gunboats Hundred Survived 2 1676
21948 ARES! Zeus5 Drawn 14 1690
22088 Open Game FirstCrusade Survived -17 1673
21997 Foggy wars ClassicFog Drawn 0 1673
21964 ClassicUSA USofA Survived -24 1649
22057 Let's Go Nuts War2020 Defeated 0 1649
21803 Brrr War ColdWar Defeated -5 1644
22464 1 v. 1-2 ColdWar Won 3 1647
22303 All variants gunboat: Atlantic Colonies AtlanticColonies Won 0 1647
22491 Francis Underwood vs. Viktor Petrov ColdWar Won 10 1657
22063 FREE ICE CREAM YoungstownRedux Won 0 1657
22598 Stars and Stripes vs Hammer and Sickle-22 ColdWar Won 8 1665
22609 Stars and Stripes vs Hammer and Sickle-23 ColdWar Won 6 1671
22116 Into the Nether DutchRevolt Defeated -31 1640
21975 Classic - Crowded ClassicCrowded Won 104 1744
22593 Random 2-For Duo Won 3 1747
22290 All variants gunboat: Abstraction Abstraction3 Survived 0 1747
22684 First Try-7 ColdWar Won 2 1749
22069 Machiavelli Rinascimento Drawn 0 1749
21499 Not Ringing any Bells in 901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 25 1774
21869 Colonial1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 22 1796
22749 Good Ol' Days ColdWar Won 2 1798
21576 Gobble Earth: I wanna play this again!-2 GobbleEarth Defeated -61 1737
22757 Mutually Assured Destruction-2 ColdWar Won 2 1739
22177 Darkest Africa IV Africa Survived -44 1695
22438 World is not enough Imperial2 Survived -7 1688
22283 Modern game-2 Modern2 Drawn 11 1699
22010 Youngstown-4 YoungstownRedux Drawn 20 1719
22936 ICBM Wars ColdWar Won 7 1726
22947 Stalin's Revenge ColdWar Won 7 1733
22437 La gentil culla dell'arte-2 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1733
22965 MAD Men ColdWar Won 2 1735
22973 We Will Bury You! ColdWar Won 3 1738
23030 Russia Today ColdWar Won 3 1741
23060 Babies crying, brothers dying, and brothers gettin ColdWar Won 1 1742
23076 Goooooo ColdWar Won 2 1744
23084 What If? ColdWar Won 9 1753
23104 Snitches Get Stitches ColdWar Won 8 1761
23111 Soviet, Schmoviet ColdWar Won 1 1762
21960 Imperial Imperial2 Drawn 30 1792
21490 imperialism anyone? Imperial2 Drawn 27 1819
21802 Italy-3 Rinascimento Resigned 0 1819
22096 Like no tomorrow Imperial2 Resigned -40 1779
22270 wwiv global press. ppsc. 50 sc WWIV -53 1726
24477 Spectre ColdWar Won 1 1727
24265 For Treachery Europe1939 -24 1703
24701 GobbleEarth GobbleEarth -43 1660
28087 What you got.LIVE-3 ColdWar Won 2 1662
28107 we.live ColdWar Defeated -8 1654
28081 Trump vs. Putin Bromance ColdWar Won 8 1662
28146 Stalin was right ColdWar Won 10 1672
28178 Cuban Missile Crisis if Trump were president ColdWar Won 2 1674
28205 Cap Empire1on1 Won 5 1679
28213 FvA - Ready up ClassicFvA Won 1 1680
28204 Midnight ColdWar Won 4 1684
28243 Midnight-2 ColdWar Defeated -7 1677
28241 "I am the man who arranges the blocks..." ColdWar Defeated -8 1669
28230 Seize the means of production ColdWar Won 3 1672
28295 Trumpocalypse Now ColdWar Won 7 1679
28260 Guns of the South-2 Empire1on1 Won 1 1680
28877 hillary-2 ColdWar Won 6 1686
28267 Master of Silence Imperial2 Drawn 30 1716
29176 Cold War-41 ColdWar Won 5 1721
29192 FvJ-3 ClassicFGvsRT Defeated -6 1715
29145 Just another game TenSixtySix_V3 Won 11 1726
29316 Grab Her By The Brain ColdWar Won 2 1728
28476 please join Africa Defeated -7 1721
29299 2 Cold 2 Furious ColdWar Won 6 1727
29067 Fatflap is actually in a terrible starting positio Fubar Survived 0 1727
29419 pls Empire1on1 Won 0 1727
28624 Kingdom of Heaven FirstCrusade Defeated -18 1709
28889 Headache Migraine Defeated -13 1696
28996 WTF: Winner TakeAll Fog ClassicFog Drawn 12 1708
29181 Sixteen Europe1600 Drawn 20 1728
27828 Imperial 3: The Sick Man of Europe Imperial2 Drawn 15 1743
29197 Greek-2 GreekDip Drawn 27 1770
29174 1 8 9 7 Classic1897 Drawn 52 1822
29391 Hep Cats HeptarchyIV Defeated -27 1795
29393 Mama Harajah Maharajah Survived -28 1767
29198 Conflict-2 AmericanConflict Survived -39 1728
29454 The African Queen Africa Drawn 16 1744
29691 America has fallen! Who will emerge victorious? Empire4 Survived -8 1736
29587 1600Alliancsencouraged Europe1600 Defeated -26 1710
28566 Diplomacy Supreme WWIV Defeated -6 1704
29201 Renzi KnownWorld_901 Drawn 53 1757
28992 Brick by brick Imperial2 Defeated -6 1751
29218 foggy XXI ClassicFog Drawn 23 1774
29640 Easyyy Colonial Resigned -54 1720
30097 As long as I live Imperial2 -41 1679
29240 Politics Empire4 -12 1667
29743 Guns, Germs, and Steel-2 Imperial2 Resigned -22 1645
30322 Germany & Austrias sadness about colonies Colonial1885 -4 1641
29390 1885 Colonial1885 -11 1630
29573 Lorem Ipsum KnownWorld_901 Defeated -38 1592
32904 The Papadopoulos Affair ColdWar Won 5 1597
32938 If Hillary Won ColdWar Won 5 1602
32941 Rambo III ColdWar Defeated -6 1596
32764 North vs.. South Empire1on1 Won 3 1599
32999 Don't Push the Red Button ColdWar Won 4 1603
33015 Don't Push the Red Button-2 ColdWar Won 5 1608
33031 Don't Push the Red Button-3 ColdWar Won 3 1611
33032 Don't Push the Red Button-4 ColdWar Won 3 1614
33033 Don't Push the Red Button-5 ColdWar Won 5 1619
33040 Don’t Push the Red Button-6 ColdWar Won 3 1622
33043 Don't Push the Red Button-7 ColdWar Won 3 1625
32773 We will take Jerusalem! FirstCrusade Defeated -53 1572
32357 No chat just fun 6 Colonial Drawn 10 1582
32964 foggy 54 ClassicFog Survived -22 1560
33058 YTWWII YoungstownWWII Drawn 13 1573
32721 known world 901-4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -45 1528
33036 known world 901-5 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 66 1594
33187 Heart of Darkness-3 Colonial1885 Survived -37 1557
33159 A Storm of Swords AberrationV Survived -62 1495
32834 New WW WWIV Defeated -54 1441
32742 The Many Faced God KnownWorld_901 Drawn 126 1567
32997 1600 with perfectly divisible pot if we don't draw Europe1600 Survived 21 1588
32847 East is east Colonial Survived -13 1575
33362 2018 Colonial1885 -38 1537
32983 World - amazing WWIVsealanes -43 1494
33046 Public WWIV WWIV -90 1404
51099 Cold war-202 ColdWar Won 3 1407
51140 Cold War-204 ColdWar Won 6 1413
51108 Cold War-203 ColdWar Won 3 1416
51093 quick gunboat Classic Survived 0 1416
50876 Mega Gunboat McNapoleone Napoleonic Defeated -41 1375
51111 Crowded Gunboat-3 ClassicCrowded Defeated -29 1346
50998 gunboat-15 YoungstownRedux Survived -20 1326
50919 imperial Gun boat Imperial2 Drawn 49 1375
51231 Colonial 1885-7 Colonial1885 Drawn 23 1398
51790 FUNBOAT FUNBOAT Classic Drawn 44 1442
51463 Imperial Gunboat-4 Imperial2 -59 1383
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -32 1351