Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for screwbonofromU2 (955 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
15677 Buddy vs Mugsy ClassicFGvsRT Survived -8 992
15706 Heads up II ClassicEvT Drawn 0 992
15842 Omicrunk ClassicFvA Won 8 1000
15850 Buddy vs Mugsy II: Paddle in the Potomac Empire1on1 Defeated -3 997
16007 War on the Genesee Empire1on1 Won 7 1004
16029 String Bell vs. Walter White Duo Won 5 1009
16050 Hamsterdam Hop Duo Won 5 1014
16209 Philly blows ClassicFGvsRT Won 7 1021
16626 Boopalini vs "not"-creepy hans, fight for everythi ClassicGvI Drawn 0 1021
16729 science_is_hard Duo Defeated -6 1015
16736 Bad Luck Bill McClean Empire1on1 Won 6 1021
26387 chihi ColdWar Survived -10 1011
26390 literacy is hard Empire1on1 Won 2 1013
26416 still can't read Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1010
26445 Illiteracy? What does that word even mean? ColdWar Won 6 1016
26468 Boats boats boats ColdWar Defeated -8 1008
26470 Ebdbbnb Empire1on1 Won 1 1009
26549 Kevin bottom ClassicEvT Survived -10 999
26548 Pete top Duo Resigned -6 993
26604 i'm pacman jones ClassicFGvsRT Survived -9 984
26881 And there’s no trash pickup until January 3 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -9 975
26879 CharDeeMacDennis ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 983
26880 Dear God, they’ll be killed on our doorstep! TenSixtySix_V3 Drawn 0 983
27068 Nobody steals from Creed Bratton ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 991
27067 Fog of war is weird TenSixtySix Won 30 1021
28947 Studying is over rated ClassicGvI Survived -10 1011
29001 Europe who? Duo Won 4 1015
29341 East vs west-9 Empire1on1 Won 4 1019
29425 Shenanigans ClassicFGvsRT Survived -10 1009
29506 Last of 2016 ColdWar Won 6 1015
33483 recolonization ClassicEvT Survived -11 1004
33507 Rushrooms ClassicEvT Won 5 1009
33536 but emails ColdWar Defeated -10 999
35538 Across the pond ClassicFGvsRT Won 5 1004
35552 Croissants ClassicFvA Won 5 1009
35466 Inflatable diplomacy Classic Defeated -34 975
36306 All work Empire1on1 Drawn 0 975
36308 No play Empire1on1 Defeated -10 965
36985 Something different Duo Defeated -10 955