Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for rongokoa (1507 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
16383 Live FvA ClassicFvA Survived -2 998
16408 GvR 101 ClassicGvR Defeated -7 991
16403 Civil war-34 Empire1on1 Won 4 995
16450 US Civil War-2 Empire1on1 Won 6 1001
16471 1-1-1-1 Duo Won 7 1008
16486 #Yolo ClassicFvA Won 7 1015
16061 Double Day WW2 WWII Defeated -2 1013
16177 The Shady Ages HeptarchyIV Survived -10 1003
16351 You will perish Hundred Survived 7 1010
16449 Mediterranean Warfare AncMed Won 46 1056
16170 Pirates vs. Colonists Pirates Defeated -8 1048
15863 Mate Against Mate MateAgainstMate Defeated -7 1041
16290 SHSID Unicorns Classic Won 56 1097
16166 The sound of silence-2 Africa Defeated 1 1098
15350 Italians, Invaders and Infidels Rinascimento Defeated 0 1098
16445 a whole new level ClassicLayered Survived 7 1105
15853 Gunship Modern2 Defeated -17 1088
16439 World War Z World Defeated -42 1046
16612 Olympus Rage Zeus5 Drawn 26 1072
16431 Storm Clouds WWII Defeated -25 1047
16597 Shanghai'd Imperial2 Survived 42 1089
16405 Imperial Diplomacy - Beginners welcome! Imperial2 Defeated -31 1058
17637 1x1 civil war semi-live-31 Empire1on1 Drawn 0 1058
15795 Africa-7 Africa Survived 8 1066
17057 Amerindian Struggles GreatLakes Drawn 33 1099
18130 let's Build BuildAnywhere Drawn 41 1140
17823 Colonial 1885-2 Colonial1885 Drawn 28 1168
18836 GLIndians GreatLakes Drawn 62 1230
18129 A Sail in the Lakes GreatLakes Won 115 1345
19656 East vs West Europe style ClassicFvA Defeated -10 1335
19345 la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale - Beginners Wel WWII Drawn 12 1347
19605 PseudoGoT FantasyWorld Defeated 0 1347
19640 Hellfire WWII Survived -4 1343
20414 Shaw Festival GreatLakes Drawn 29 1372
20769 Cegpr AncMed Drawn 8 1380
20540 Colonial-5 Colonial Survived -16 1364
20085 Ottawa Longing GreatLakes -35 1329
20288 Thousand Islands War GreatLakes Won 76 1405
20413 WWII-13 WWII Drawn 21 1426
21007 the battle for supremacy WWII Drawn 10 1436
20084 Michigan's Dreams GreatLakes Drawn 65 1501
20584 AEHIKMOOO GreatLakes -29 1472
21353 FRONTIERS Modern2 Drawn 24 1496
21231 Indians of the Great Lakes-2 GreatLakes Drawn 29 1525
21969 clever name goes here Classic Survived 1 1526
21210 WWII-14 WWII Won 34 1560
21376 WWII-15 WWII Drawn 2 1562
22350 Niagara Falls GreatLakes Defeated -48 1514
22437 La gentil culla dell'arte-2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1514
22637 Revival GreatLakes Drawn 15 1529
22906 I'll Finish My Apple GreatLakes -22 1507