Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Manmcmanman (922 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
28060 Austin, noice ColdWar Survived -6 994
28359 Welcome to the Ken Bone Zone ColdWar Survived -8 986
27970 American Africans Africa Defeated -18 968
28705 Berserkers Viking Defeated 0 968
28988 Thankful for the Holy Land FirstCrusade Won 210 1178
29415 Cancerous Fubar Survived 0 1178
29616 Fight me bruh I'm ripped ColdWar Won 6 1184
29629 Laa ClassicGvR Survived -9 1175
29633 Poo-2 ClassicFvA Won 6 1181
29647 Do this bricey ClassicIER Won 27 1208
29758 I'm a massive beta cucc ClassicEvT Won 6 1214
29378 Wealldieintheend WWII Survived -36 1178
29886 Hiya ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1184
29520 The Great War of 1901 ClassicMilan Defeated -3 1181
29926 Vdjs ClassicGvI Survived -10 1171
29933 England vs Austria (EA)-2 ClassicVS Survived -9 1162
29934 Meep Duo Won 0 1162
30083 AUSTin ClassicEvT Survived -5 1157
30105 France v Russia (FR) ClassicVS Won 0 1157
30131 BoysAustinAlex ClassicIER Survived -11 1146
30189 AustinWillWinOneDay ClassicGvR Won 11 1157
30187 BoysAddisonAustin ClassicFGA Survived -11 1146
29683 DEUS VULT ClassicFog -10 1136
29781 Lord of the Flies ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -42 1094
29357 Imperius: German Ambitions Imperial2 Resigned -45 1049
30033 Shrek's Personality ClassicLayered Defeated -17 1032
28566 Diplomacy Supreme WWIV Defeated -29 1003
30401 TheAustin4 ColdWar Resigned 0 1003
29201 Renzi KnownWorld_901 Defeated -24 979
30053 NeTouchePas ClassicTouchy Defeated -26 953
26970 FR ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -18 935
31173 Ol tims ClassicFvA Won 7 942
31869 RinasciRavioli Rinascimento Defeated 0 942
30000 Launching of WWX WWIV -20 922