King Atom
- Rank: Pro (1,186 )
- Position: 955/3862 (top 25%)
- Available points: 185
- Points in play: 0
- Total points: 185
- Game messages: 3,742
- All Game stats:
- Won: 27 ( 18% )
- Drawn: 51 ( 33% )
- Survived: 21 ( 14% )
- Defeated: 54 ( 35% )
- Total (finished): 153
- Civil disorder: 10
- Civil disorders taken over: 8
- Abandoned: 10
- Playing: 0
- Classic:
- Drawn: 1 ( 50% )
- Defeated: 1 ( 50% )
- Total (finished): 2
- Classic Press:
- Drawn: 1 ( 50% )
- Defeated: 1 ( 50% )
- Total (finished): 2
- Classic Ranked:
- Drawn: 1 ( 50% )
- Defeated: 1 ( 50% )
- Total (finished): 2
- Variant stats:
- Won: 27 ( 18% )
- Drawn: 50 ( 32% )
- Survived: 21 ( 14% )
- Defeated: 54 ( 35% )
- Resigned: 2 ( 1% )
- Total (finished): 154
- Reliability:
- Reliability rating: 87%
"Quotes of Mine (ors others peopless's):
"A bird in the hand is shit in the hand"
" 'Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.'
-Benjamin Franklin "
"Knoweledge is power, don't give stupid people power"
"Why should I try to be a straight-A student? If you are, then you think too much"
"I hadn't yet realized that I was a superior being."
"I don't have a life, but I don't have time to do nothing anymore"
" 'The hottest places in hell are reserved for [Switzerland].'
-Dante Alighieri"
"I dislike Pie, and Pi, and Cobbler, and Gravity, and Polysyndetons""
- Last visited:
- Forum posts: 1216
Likes given: 46 / Likes received: 135 - Joined:
- User ID#: 1215
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