- Rank: Member (1,075 )
- Position: 1702/3862 (top 45%)
- Available points: 103
- Points in play: 0
- Total points: 103
- Game messages: 6,620
- All Game stats:
- Won: 32 ( 31% )
- Drawn: 20 ( 20% )
- Survived: 14 ( 14% )
- Defeated: 36 ( 35% )
- Total (finished): 102
- Civil disorder: 5
- Civil disorders taken over: 6
- Abandoned: 5
- Playing: 0
- Classic:
- Survived: 1 ( 33% )
- Defeated: 2 ( 67% )
- Total (finished): 3
- Classic Press:
- Survived: 1 ( 33% )
- Defeated: 2 ( 67% )
- Total (finished): 3
- Classic Ranked:
- Survived: 1 ( 33% )
- Defeated: 2 ( 67% )
- Total (finished): 3
- Variant stats:
- Won: 33 ( 32% )
- Drawn: 20 ( 20% )
- Survived: 14 ( 14% )
- Defeated: 35 ( 34% )
- Total (finished): 102
- Reliability:
- Reliability rating: 88%
"The most endangered species, the honest man. - Rush, Natural Science
A Dauntless Heart
A Righteous Mind
No Sign of Fear"
- Ensiferum, Unsung Heroes
Young Diplomacy player attending college, still learning the nooks and crannies of the game.
Prefer WTA
I play the hockey (D3 ACHA for Indiana University) (My main reason for an NMR)
and work lawns/do odd jobs in the summer as well as during school.
My claim to fame is one solid solo in a Gunboat game!
WWIV is my favorite map- Many a draw! (And defeat...)
And my favorite band is Rush. Enjoy some inspiring lyrics from the great mind of Neil Peart that could relate to diplomacy.
And the meek shall inherit the Earth..."
-Rush, 2112
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. - Rush, Freewill
Begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more. - Rush, Anthem
If the future's looking dark, we're the ones who have to shine. If there's no one in control, we're the ones who draw the line. - Rush, Everyday Glory (A good WTA quote!!)
The things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us. - Rush, The Weapon
We can rise and fall like empires. - Rush, Force Ten
If you enjoy metal, I'm always looking for new bands to listen to. PM me!
- Last visited:
- Forum posts: 154
Likes given: 41 / Likes received: 13 - Joined:
- User ID#: 2574
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