A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
07 Jan 21 UTC
Recruiting for a World Diplomacy IX/X game
I have tried the advertising thread for a few times but was in vain, and I don't want to spam that thread every now and then pushing my game so I am going to do it here.

I haven't made up my mind as to whether it's press or gunboat but once we have 17 people we can then decide. I tend to make the game unrated if that would attract more people.
1 reply
Mittag (1396 D)
02 Jan 21 UTC
Gunboat Statistics
In case you like statistics...
2 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
24 Dec 20 UTC
Merry Christmas everyone!
As it’s already Christmas here in Australia, wishing you all a happy and safe Christmas!
12 replies
CYFI (1927 D)
01 Jan 21 UTC
Draws impact on vdip rating
Do the number of centers a nation has when a draw happens impact the number of vdip-rating points?

Ex: Do I get more points as a 5 center turkey in a draw or a 17 center turkey in a draw? (assuming all other variables in the rating calculation are held constant)
1 reply
CYFI (1927 D)
24 Dec 20 UTC
If you are playing a map such as Imperial Diplomacy II which has a win condition of 70 centers (out of a total 172). What happens if two people get exactly 70 centers in the same year?
1 reply
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
23 Dec 20 UTC
Nexus Gunboat Tournament
We have about 80 registrants so far, games are played on multiple platforms, including vDip. All information about the tournament can be found on the Nexus discord server, here:
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SteveT (1645 D)
19 Dec 20 UTC
V Points
Hi - I just lost 56 V Points but don't see any games that just ended. Is there a way to see a list of your V Points and where they went up or down?
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Flame (1073 D)
19 Dec 20 UTC
Worldwide decline in Dipomacy game
Is it correct to say that Diplomacy game overcomes it's hardest times.
Or it's normal when smth has it's peaks and recessions?
And what happens to Jeremie's
0 replies
David Hood (976 D)
19 Dec 20 UTC
December 2020 Deadline News is out!
Headlines from around the world of Diplomacy, plus a panel discussion about opening alliances:
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fourofswords (941 D)
17 Dec 20 UTC
Coordinating in anonymous games
How is coordinating in anonymous games possible? If I think I am a victim of cheating, what would I do? And for discussion, please enlighten me as to how I can someone to coordinate moves in an anonymous game without cheating? Signed, your friend fourofswords, everyone's favorite player to gang up on and stab. My codename should be Juilus Caesar.
4 replies
Lerone (997 D)
17 Dec 20 UTC
Country Switch in Multiple Anon Games
Hey all, I am having several personal issues that are not allowing me to keep up with my 13 Anon games (I may have an addiction).
Instead of just going into civil order in all of them, I just found out this country switch tool.
6 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Dec 20 UTC
PPSC draws?
how exactly are the points split up for a draw here?
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AJManso4 (2318 D)
16 Dec 20 UTC
PPSC draws?
how exactly are the points split up for a draw here?
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CYFI (1927 D)
04 Dec 20 UTC
No building Game
I am considering putting on a game with one special rule: You may not build. You have to win by force disbanding your opponents units (and then racing to the SC goal)
Would anyone be interested?
20 replies
Wrong initials in "a modern europe" variant
Hey guys minor issue but on "a modern europe" variant the Territory Brest is BRE in the drop down menu but BRS on the map.
Like I said minor but was confusing.
3 replies
Printer_McGee (1131 D)
08 Dec 20 UTC
Dark Ages Game
Anyone want to join a Dark Ages Variant game?
The game ID is 46825

Not for points, just for fun.
8 replies
The Dirge (1033 D)
30 Nov 20 UTC
Game ID Question,
Dumb question I’m sure, but how do I figure out my games Gamer ID? I want to advertise my game anonymously and whatnot, but I don’t know the how to find the ID. We only need one more person, and I’m super exited to try this map out :):):):) I’d been looking for a map like this for a while and now I’m so stoked!!!!!

Please help :)
2 replies
Macca573 (1517 D)
27 Feb 20 UTC
Around the World Tournament
Come one, come all, to the newest tournament to hit V-dip's pages.

The Around the World Tournament!
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Macca573 (1517 D)
27 Feb 20 UTC
This tournament will have players battling it out in maps from all the continents on Earth.

It will be played over 6 rounds with 6 different maps.

1. Africa (Africa)
2. Mate Against Mate (Australia)
3. Sengoku (Asia)
4. South American Supremacy (South Amercia)
5. USA (Europe)
6. Who Controls Amercia (North America)

It will be scored using Carnage-Fibonacci, which awards points as following:
Solo: 5400

Draw: 1st 2100
2nd 1300
3rd 800
4th 500
5th 300
6th 200
7th 100
8th 100

Players are ranked by SC count, then year of elimination (later is better).

Exact Game Specifications:
2 day phases
1 excused delay/person/game
Full Press
Visible Draw votes

I'll take as many participants as I can get. Reply here or DM me to join. If you need any clarification, please don't be afraid to ask questions.

Best of luck!
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
27 Feb 20 UTC
How many games will be played at once?
Macca573 (1517 D)
27 Feb 20 UTC
For the most part, 2. But you may end up with 3 for short period of time.
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
bsiper (1281 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
I'd like to join!
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
You're on the list!
JacobL582 (2315 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Sounds fun, sure!
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Canton might be a better choice for Asia, but... you never know.
BobMcBob (1281 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
Canton isn't eight-player, and it isn't particularly well-balanced either.
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
It needed to be 8-player becuase there is only one Australia map.
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
umbletheheep (1023 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
I'll promote this in the Briefing ( - How many players do you need and when is the cut-off
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
I'm in.
I'm up for it if there's still space, all cool if not.
Macca573 (1517 D)
28 Feb 20 UTC
You're both in.

The number of players I need is any multiple of eight. The cutoff? I'm not sure. When I get enough players? Max a couple of weeks (I hope).
Sounds good to me, I'll keep an eye on this thread to keep up to date.
BobMcBob (1281 D)
01 Mar 20 UTC
Yeah, why not. I'll sign up. You beat me to making a tournament, but we both know I let you. I was ready first :)
Macca573 (1517 D)
01 Mar 20 UTC
You're on the list!
umbletheheep (1023 D)
02 Mar 20 UTC
Ok, it was in the last issue and I'll continue to keep it in:
Is the plan to play 1 game at a time, all games simultaneously or something else?
Swede03 (1517 D)
03 Mar 20 UTC
I would like to join
Macca573 (1517 D)
04 Mar 20 UTC
You're in!

Spaces still available!
Macca573 (1517 D)
05 Mar 20 UTC
Spaces still available, join fast!
Temasek22 (980 D)
06 Mar 20 UTC
Count me in then! :)
Macca573 (1517 D)
06 Mar 20 UTC
You're on the list!
Just out of interest, who's on the current list?
Iamnobody (977 D)
06 Mar 20 UTC
I would like to join.
Macca573 (1517 D)
06 Mar 20 UTC
Here's the current list:

Josafina (1946 D)
07 Mar 20 UTC
Full press I'm assuming?
Macca573 (1517 D)
07 Mar 20 UTC
It's on the details post, but yes.

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David E. Cohen (1000 D)
27 Nov 20 UTC
Hybrid/Archipelago Provinces
Does vDip support these?
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The Dirge (1033 D)
27 Nov 20 UTC
New Canton Diplomacy: Canton Continuity
New game! Please join me! Choose your country! (Except Japan, Japan is taken lol)
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MagicalSand (1966 D)
22 Nov 20 UTC
New server

Regarding the idea in the "idea" thread I posted a few days ago. I created the server. I'll be occasionally hosting vdip games on it to help them start faster if anyone is interested.
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Tener (950 D)
21 Nov 20 UTC
Standards of Acceptable Kibitzing
Are there any defined standards of acceptable vs unacceptable kibitzing/commentary by players during a vDiplomacy game? For example, no rascist or sexist comments? Is there a code of conduct?
2 replies
David Hood (976 D)
21 Nov 20 UTC
November 2020 Deadline News is out!
Here is the link. In addition to headlines about tournaments, variants, league play, we have a panel discussion about how to adapt your play under different scoring systems.
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FlamingEyeball (869 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
How do you surrender in a game? I cannot find the option to do so
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The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
15 Nov 20 UTC
Dip stuff I never knew
Creating a thread for stuff I didn’t know eg adjudication rules where us didn’t go as I hoped. I’ll start...
21 replies
Player5 (2203 D)
14 Mar 20 UTC
Variant development questions (Pits of Horror)
Hello! I'm trying to develop a new variant and would like some help debugging some things. If anyone wants to help I would be very happy!!

I have uploaded a map.png, and a mapNames.png but I still can't see anything in the "Map" interface (some error gets thrown)?
56 replies
MagicalSand (1966 D)
19 Nov 20 UTC
i suppose i could ask this here. im thinking of creating a diplomacy discord server. one of the games on it will be vDIp along with conspiracy, web dip, and diplicity. would you guys be interested in joining for the vdip section? it certainly would not be anything like a full fledged Vdip server. just something to help set up fun games and fill games like these. i just want to gauge the interest of the community first.
7 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
11 Apr 20 UTC
Big Hitters vDip game
I'm interested in creating a new game for players with 2000+ vDip points. Password protected.

If you meet this criteria let me know here that you're interested. Once we know how many players, we can decide which variant etc.
175 replies
An issue with the interactive map
I note that in the interactive map it's not uncommon for the icon that cancels the order to hide the territory I'd like to select. I think this reduces interactive map usability especially in maps with smaller territories (Imperial Dip is a clear example). A simple solution would be to move the icon further away from the selected unit. I don't know how complicated it would be to implement this change tho.
3 replies
The Ambassador (2237 D (B))
10 Nov 20 UTC
Who will be chosen?
Read on...
11 replies
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