A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
04 Mar 23 UTC
Join it!
This is an new Europa! With 4 excuses and extend never!this will allow fluent playing and no worry about an drop out!please come in and enjoy the game!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
26 Feb 23 UTC
Country Switch in this map
Hi, I am Thailand on this map:
I am really busy these days, trying to find a new player to replace me.
I do not want it turns into an open position because I do not want Thailand to miss turns in this game. Is there an experienced player who wants to replace me?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
03 Oct 22 UTC
Putin & your Dip spidey senses
As Diplomacy players I think we’re particular attuned to seeing a geopolitical situation get out of control….
116 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Feb 23 UTC
Europa coming
This is an new Europa! With 4 excuses and extend never!this will allow fluent playing and no worry about an drop out!please come in and enjoy the game!
0 replies
David Hood (976 D)
23 Feb 23 UTC
North American Diplomacy Championship - May 2023
Registration for Dixiecon 37/Dipcon 52 is now up and running. The event will be held in Chapel Hill NC. Last weekend of May - all registration and booking details are now available at, including options to stay in the dorm (tournament location) or in local hotels. Register today! This event will include a face-to-face tournament for the variant Ancient Mediterranean, in addition to the normal Dip tournament and Team Tournament.
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Enriador (1507 D)
12 Feb 23 UTC
To the East Indies we go!
Thanks to the hard work of @tobi1, David E. Cohen's 'East Indies' variant is open for playtesting!
24 replies
Synarus (938 D)
16 Feb 23 UTC
Empire City Variant: The Battle for New York
Has anyone ever played this variant? It looks cool. (pg. 13)
3 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
08 Feb 23 UTC
Message at top of page
Never seen a message at the top of the page. Is this a new addition?
19 replies
Squashywand0 (998 D)
12 Feb 23 UTC
Armistice Diplomacy Alpha 3 Sign ups open!
ADA3 (Armistice Diplomacy Alpha 3) sign ups are officially open for all to join! Armistice diplomacy is a 22 player variant set in 1919 with a vast many nations---all with different sizes, strengths, and weaknesses. Make sure to join up soon, cause the spots will go fast! The community is really a blast, and the ui is just as good as you would expect from any other site.
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bigTVBganggang (1272 D)
07 Feb 23 UTC
Custom Variant
Has there been any progress on resuming allowing people to add custom variants, and if so, what is that process?
4 replies
Nova42_ (1141 D)
01 Feb 23 UTC
diplomacy ranks?
What are all the different ranks and how do you get them?
4 replies
Mitomon (2196 D)
05 Feb 23 UTC
Do any of you play political rp minecraft or some other game?
I joined a political roleplay minecraft server recently where we build nations both physically in the game and on a custom map that looks similar to a diplomacy board. I've had a bit of fun making redstone farms and such to increase our economy, claim more land, and even make alliances with other nations. Does anyone else here have experience with minecraft political rp specifically or perhaps some other online multiplayer game?
2 replies
Xenon Radon (2119 D)
03 Feb 23 UTC
How does game limit work?
Currently I can't join public games. It said, "Due to game limits you cannot join games."
However, when I click into "game limits" to check the details, it told me "=> No game limits apply".
Yet I still can't join games. I wonder how does this limit actually work, or is it a bug?
2 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
03 Oct 22 UTC
We need something to resurrect the forums. Any ideas?
Cars, politics, sports or even Jesus if it comes to it. We need to talk about something. It hurts to see the Winning thread dying. Maybe it is time to replace it with something completely new...
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What about a supplement or alternative, rather than a replacement? Specifically, Why doesn't vDip have its own Discord server?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 22 UTC
Maybe the winning thread needs to die?
As a "newbie" the forum is the weirdest place to be, open to ideas and conversation sometimes, but one look at the winning thread and I have no clue what's going on.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
04 Oct 22 UTC
No one understands the Winning thread. Maybe it does need to die or maybe it needs an alternative.
@eisenhower - you “win” if you’re the third to last (second to last I get that confused) to post.
Strider (1604 D)
05 Oct 22 UTC
Winning thread is the only thing I block on the site!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
05 Oct 22 UTC
Whom do people believe blew up the Nord Stream pipelines?
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
05 Oct 22 UTC
Who wanted it to be blown the most. That is the guy who did it.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
05 Oct 22 UTC
Not necessarily. Ukraine or Poland would have wanted it blown up the most. I am not sure that I can claim to view Ukraine as a reasonable suspect.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
06 Oct 22 UTC
I'm thinking it might be one of the Baltic states, perhaps Sweden itself. Maybe Russia did it, maybe USA. I'm waiting to hear whether or not the hole made in explosion shows signs of being blown-in or blown-out.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Events over the last day or two:

Jeff Sachs (academic at Columbia University) has publicly claimed that radar tracked helicopters flying out of Gdansk hovering in the area before the explosions. He further claimed that the US military has helicopters based in Gdansk.

When the press secretary for the US Defense Department (who generally covers security topics over the White House PS) was asked whether the US or a US proxy sabotaged the pipelines, he responded by saying that the US did not sabotage the pipelines. The journalist did not follow up to ask whether that was an admission that a US proxy did it.

So Poland may be the prime suspect.

Also, the NY Times reported this morning a leak from the CIA confirming that Ukrainian Intelligence did murder Darya Dugina. The leaker went on to assert that they did this without the knowledge or approval of the US and that US had strongly reprimanded them for recklessness in that action and unspecified other unilateral actions. So that may have been designed to establish plausible deniability with the Europeans.

I saw one bit of analysis that the underlying report was distributed much more widely in the last few days within the bureaucracy and that this is in practical terms how targeted leaking is done from above.

Several days before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor a war plan called Rainbow Five was published on the front page of the Chicago Tribune and thus became national news that consumed the country. It explicitly disproved the central promise Roosevelt had made in his re-election campaign the previous year. Rainbow Five was a detailed plan with detailed timetables for the building of a 5 million man army and then deploying that army to Europe to fight Nazi Germany in coordination with the British.

The FBI quickly established that the leaker was Hap Arnold (the father of the US Air Force) who was not disciplined in any way. The war plan, which was certain to anger people associated with air power because of how it proposed allocating resources in a war with Nazi Germany, was made widely available in a seemingly deliberate manner as tensions were escalating with Japan and the US began moving all of our B-17s to the Philippines. The leak got all of the Isolationist politicians to publicly attack Roosevelt as a liar and a war monger right before the Japanese attacked. This neutralized them and enabled their sidelining once the war came. This is all covered in Fleming's The New Dealers' War, which actually goes so far as to claim that another part of the provocation was to induce Hitler to declare war on the US in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Fleming is a well-regarded American historian who conducted extensive interviews with Harry Truman before his death on this and other topics; he also interviewed the German-American army officer who was publicly hung out to dry as a probably leaker and borderline traitor despite knowledge by the government that he was completely innocent.
JECE (1534 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
gopher27: Why would the CIA leak matter? The Russians already believed that Ukraine was responsible.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
I personally would have thought the US were behind it.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@JECE....I can only speculate. My thought would be to shape how European policymakers view events or perhaps to shape future Ukrainian behavior. Leaks are also frequently used to provide justifications for other internal bureaucratic actions.

@Lord Saviour....Why would the US care at all about Alexander Dugin much less his daughter? He is a buffoon who, if anything, helps US propaganda.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@Gopher, the US I am saying has interest in blowing up Nord Stream. It would cut trade for gas between Russia and Europe and the only way to get gas to Europe is though Ukraine. This is immensely bad for Russia as they have lost a soft power in that respect. Good for the US as they can increase support they give Europe. Russia has no interest in blowing it up as they have the power to just turn it off. The only reason why they would blow it up is to escalate tensions with the West. Ukraine have little reason to blow it up. In my opinion it is one of the US' consistent non-sensical power plays.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
The US have always had tensions with Russia and previously the USSR. It is akin to England and France before the 1900s. Although England and France were a lot worse. A war that lasted 100 years, need I say more? They would do as much in their power to paint the other in a bad image.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Or we are all wrong and it was some rogue Russians who did it somehow...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Ukraine has the most interest in cutting Nord Stream. Their existential fear should be Europe defecting and cutting a separate deal with Russia to sell out Ukraine in exchange for getting the gas turned back on. If Russia cannot turn the gas back on and Ukraine can tighten the market further, then the Europeans have no reason to defect in the dynamic game. Once Russia turns off the gas, Ukraine had every reason to want the gas turned off permanently. The entire purpose of Nord Stream from the beginning was to deprive Ukraine and Poland of leverage.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
The argument for Russia would be that Putin or some rogue element within Russia fears defection within the regime to cut a deal with the West to get back to business.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@ Gopher, I can see your point but that seems a bit risky to me. If it was confirmed that Ukraine did it would Europe come to their senses and realise that Ukraine is the reason why Nord Stream was cut off and why so many people are going cold this winter and possibly dying in extreme cases? If they were so desperate to do do that then they better be willing to take that risk because I reckon Europe would revoke support for Ukraine.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Sabotaging Nord Stream closes and locks a door through which Europe and Russia could negotiate a separate peace (think Minsk II). So its primary effect is to dramatically reduce the payoff to Europe of defecting within this multiplayer dynamic game. So Ukraine, Poland and the US have obvious concerns about the Western Europeans being unreliable partners. Now that the Europeans are screwed irrespective of what strategy they follow, they have every incentive to maintain what is called commitment in game theory and follow through with their publicly announced strategy.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
I have never expressed a belief that Ukraine did it. I simply said that they have the most incentive to want it to happen.

Remember that the people who are going to suffer from Nord Stream are in Pakistan and Bangladesh not in Europe. Europeans are going to spend a ton of money and run up debt. The freezing and starving is going to happen in poorer countries that are getting outbid by the Europeans.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
That is fair enough. But regardless, the debt is still an issue.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
With pay-as-you-go public pension schemes and a demographic death spiral, a couple more tons of debt probably don't make that much of a difference. :oP

The bigger danger may be the long term effects on shutting down industrial activity. I worry about a doom loop of de-industrialization across Europe and the possibility that portions of the ruling class are inclined to view it as a benefit from the crisis.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Just to add some more possible info - may be only superficial damage?

JECE (1534 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
gopher27: And speculate you did, but I still don't see the connections that you were trying to draw with your long post.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
I agree
well it looks like it worked
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
11 Oct 22 UTC
Yep, forums are truckin' along nicely now.

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han-shahanshah (1641 D)
22 Jan 23 UTC
Advertising: a public press ER game
gameID=54632, 30 spots left!
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
16 Jan 23 UTC
Classic - With a custom start, No messaging, Anon, PPSC

Three spots left!
2 replies
David Hood (976 D)
19 Jan 23 UTC
January 2023 Deadline News from DBN
Latest episode of Deadline News from DBN was just released - featuring an interview with new NADF President Zachary Moore, a panel discussion about what is hot or not in the Diplomacy hobby, and headlines from around the World of Diplomacy. Panelists include Floridaman (Douglas Rintoul), Christopher Ward, and Tommy "Tombstone" Anderson.
0 replies
Qapoleon (1000 D)
19 Nov 22 UTC
Variant Cataloging
I've been trying to keep track of variants made. Recently Stephen Agar came back on the scene and I am helping him amass variants over the past 20 years or so of his inactivity. I've made a google spreadsheet that contains the ones he's cataloged on his various websites and added a bunch that I knew of. I've also made a form to submit variants to be cataloged.
12 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Nov 22 UTC
To my German friends on here...
...wasting time on the internet today...and came upon a Uniper announcement about gas-to-oil switching at a power station and saw reference the German Federal Government's policy around "Ersatzkraftwerkebereithaltungsgesetz".
11 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
27 Dec 22 UTC
Who is your favourite LOTR character and why?
For LOTR fans.
24 replies
JECE (1534 D)
12 Dec 22 UTC
New Diplomacy tactic?
"North Korean cyber spies deploy new tactic: tricking foreign experts into writing research for them"
5 replies
David Hood (976 D)
09 Dec 22 UTC
December 2022 Deadline News is out!
Deadline Episode for December just released on the Diplomacy Broadcast Network - this month we interview NADF President Siobhan Nolen, talk to Meta team member Noam Brown about their Cicero bot (which plays Diplomacy well enough to have won Blitzcon !), and report on all the other headlines from around the World of Diplomacy.
0 replies
postsbest02 (1000 D X)
09 Dec 22 UTC
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4 replies
Minihugo (797 D)
20 Nov 22 UTC
Post a variant?
Hey guys! Im wondering is I can suggest a variant to be added to the site? and if so how?
13 replies
Tulkas (2491 D)
02 Dec 22 UTC
African gunboat without Canaries
Join this African variant: Game ID:54319
If you join this game, please, accept this rule:
Canary Islands territory is IMPASSABLE.
6 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
25 Aug 22 UTC
Best map variants ever made
Which maps variants are best designed in your opinion. Not necessarily your favorites. I’m thinking those that give fun and interesting gameplay for all players, but you can use your own criteria.
26 replies
Paddy (1156 D)
28 Nov 22 UTC
Phase Swap?
In the "Create a New Game" tab, when you select the "custom phase length" option, a new drop-down menu appears: "Time Until Phase Swap." It has options ranging from "No phase switch" to 6 hours. I can't find any documentation on what this does. Does anyone know? Does it make retreats and builds shorter than movement turns? Any help would be appreciated!
1 reply
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Nov 22 UTC
Artificial Intelligence for Diplomacy has arrived
Check out the author list as well...
14 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
17 Nov 22 UTC
vDip Discord Server?
Why isn't there one? It seems like every other large or small forum or group has its own Discord server.
11 replies
David Hood (976 D)
18 Nov 22 UTC
November 2022 Deadline News is out!
Latest edition of Deadline News is out, from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network. Lots of hobbyist interviews from World Dipcon, a discussion with Ed Sullivan about his experiences arguing a case at the US Supreme Court, and headlines from around the World of Diplomacy.
0 replies
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