A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
04 Mar 23 UTC
Join it!
This is an new Europa! With 4 excuses and extend never!this will allow fluent playing and no worry about an drop out!please come in and enjoy the game!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
26 Feb 23 UTC
Country Switch in this map
Hi, I am Thailand on this map:
I am really busy these days, trying to find a new player to replace me.
I do not want it turns into an open position because I do not want Thailand to miss turns in this game. Is there an experienced player who wants to replace me?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
03 Oct 22 UTC
Putin & your Dip spidey senses
As Diplomacy players I think we’re particular attuned to seeing a geopolitical situation get out of control….
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Is anyone else’s spidey senses going off on Putin’s nuclear threats, likely US/NATO response & Russia’s likely counter response?
JECE (1534 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
What's the biggest warning sign to you?

I live in Washington, so I get to die before I know for sure that the world is ending. Yay!
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
07 Oct 22 UTC
You can rest, JECE, I think that at a maximum we are Talking about bombings of Ukraine here. I really hope that we will Never her there though. I think that the decision-making echelons realise both the danger and the uselessness of sich action.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
It really just shows what Putin can be when he is desperate. He isn't stupid (but in some ways he is) and he is going to try to regain the territory he has partial control of atm. We've seen threats of the nuclear tsunami. Personally, I do not believe he is that mad to send off nukes. Einstein really messed us up here.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Has anyone ever seen the Soviet war plans for fighting in Europe during the 1970s and 1980s? It is really bonkers and actively involved the tactical use of nuclear weapons. Nukes were to be used much as MacArthur wanted to use them in Korea to seal off a battle theater to achieve localized tactical superiority.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
It is all well and good but I think Russians have more cause to be scared of the US than the US and Europe do to be scared of Russia. I mean, what power decides to nuke 2 Japanese cities with children, women, men just going about their day? That is a whole new level of messed up. The British Empire was undoubtedly the best to live under followed by the French, etc. One Empire I would be the most scared to live under if it existed at that time would be the US. There is a story that I heard recently that took place in New Zealand during WW2. American soldiers were stationed there in a capital building (I cannot remember the name), but anyways, they tried to enforce segregation between between the Maori soldiers fighting and the British Empire soldiers from New Zealand. Let us just say that they both fought back with 2 Americans dead and many injured. At the end of the day, Europe is just caught between the US and Russia. In a crossfire zone.
Lord Saviour, would you please remind the forum which allied country was it that pushed the United States to give up daylight precision bombing in favor of nighttime area bombing against civilian populations? There is some quote about Germany sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind, if I recall.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@Lord are living under the US Empire right now and have been your entire life.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@Schlieffen Both Germany and Britain did it to eachother. Japan didn't nuke the US. It is tit for tat. The US's bombings were overkill.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Gopher, not sure about that tbh. But I am not gonna argue. I don't know if I can be bothered as I am busy atm. I am not going to win.
The UK bombing Germany and the US bombing Japan has nothing to do with tit for tat. It was about destroying the capability of the other nation to wage war--a war Germany and Japan started.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@Lord Saviour....The Japanese had several days between the two atomic bomb drops. The Japanese leadership actively decided to continue the war after the first one. I will confidently assert that that disproves the possibility of it being overkill. American soldiers faced no moral or ethical obligation to die so as to reduce Japanese casualties, and even there a strong argument exists that more Japanese would have died during an invasion. Additionally, more Japanese died during the fire bombing of Tokyo than from the two atomic bombs.
JECE (1534 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
I wouldn't be proud of the firebombing either.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Would you be proud of Sherman's March to the Sea?
Would a purely conventional conquest of Japan, with millions of Japanese casualties, both civilian and military, and a big chunk of the country under Soviet occupation, have been preferable?
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki arguably saved a million lives.

Back to Putin, I think stories like that of Stanislav Petrov are probably a good indicator that of all the nukes we and the Russians think we have, a small percentage would actually reach their targets or get fired at all. Malfunctions combined with human error or consciences would likely keep the death toll to less than we imagine it would be. The question is how many nuclear explosions in major population centers before the planet becomes unlivable and we all die a slow death.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@Schlieffen, I do not understand the point. Are you defending Nagasaki and Hiroshima because Japan and Germany started the war? Japan's bomings had nothong to do with destroying capabilty to enact war. It was a fear mongering tactic. Designed to pressure the Japanese into surrendering seeing the power of the US. It was not for Japan to say "oh, we haven't got as many workers, time to surrender"
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
I just can't see why you would try to defend the borderline genocide of two cities...
christinaFeggy (1822 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
This is a fun thread...

Oftentimes, difficult ethical questions like this arise because of mistakes made earlier. Would anybody like to open a debate about the relative lack of allied intervention in the early days of the Sino-Japanese war instead?
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
Even at a time of war. I am proud of my country (England). But I can even aknowledge when something is wrong. I am not blinded to it.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
@ ChristinaFeggy, yes, I would like to talk about that.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
I agree it saved lives but I don't agree that bombing 2 cities full of innocents is the right way to go about it.
Bonatogether (1179 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
It was probably the best of bad options - a conventional invasion, as mentioned would have been atrocious, and a split Japan could not possibly be better than the unified post-war Japan we know. Perhaps a case could be made that targeting civilians is that much morally worse than killing the much larger number of soldiers that would have perished, but for me, it's hard to justify a course of action that would lead to a worse result over the long term.
I've heard many conflicting reports over the time in between the two bombings--iirc there was some weird stuff going on in the Japanese high command. I suspect that the second bombing was a bit too early to be fully justified though
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
08 Oct 22 UTC
Bonatogether, I agree and you could not have said it better. I agree that in the long term it was right but regardless of intention I was just mentioning the bombings themselves.
If you admit that my position on this issue is correct, I will support you into Belgium. This is my final offer!
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
08 Oct 22 UTC
Feggy, that 2nd was too early tbh.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
08 Oct 22 UTC
I am expecring Belgium : )
No problem, ordering Smy S NTH-Bel right now!
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Oct 22 UTC
I blame the Japanese. If they have just been more foresighted, less institutionally dysfunctional and more self-assured, they would have had Semyonov tear up 100 miles or so of the railroad tracks in the retreat from Omsk in late 1919. The Bolsheviks were probably a decade away from being able to manufacture a 100 miles of railway ties, getting them logistically deployed to the middle of Siberia and organizing labor gangs to rebuilt the line. With 70,000 Japanese soldiers in Siberia and control of a secure railway line to the Pacific, they could have made Semyonov's Buryat Kingdom a sustainable reality as a Manchukuo-style client state along with the Bagd Khan's new Mongolia. Given a decade to prepare for the Red Army being able to seriously project power, my money would be on the Japanese to hold their new territories.

That would have provided the Empire of Japan with nearly unlimited natural resources and endless vistas to absorb their sociological nervous energies of adolescence and expanding population. The Japanese probably would have still carved off Manchuria as a logistical necessity but other than that they would have had enough to keep them busy for at least half a century. Plus the course of Soviet History would have been massively altered. It is fashionable at the moment to speak gravely of the Holodomor, but the Bolsheviks basically stripped the farms bare in Siberia and left multitudes to starve in order to keep their urban power bases from starving in 1919 and 1920. The existence of a Japanese protectorate under Semyonov's Buryat banner would have likely drawn a massive exodus to the East instead of the Green Army rebellions (at least in western Siberia).

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116 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Feb 23 UTC
Europa coming
This is an new Europa! With 4 excuses and extend never!this will allow fluent playing and no worry about an drop out!please come in and enjoy the game!
0 replies
David Hood (976 D)
23 Feb 23 UTC
North American Diplomacy Championship - May 2023
Registration for Dixiecon 37/Dipcon 52 is now up and running. The event will be held in Chapel Hill NC. Last weekend of May - all registration and booking details are now available at, including options to stay in the dorm (tournament location) or in local hotels. Register today! This event will include a face-to-face tournament for the variant Ancient Mediterranean, in addition to the normal Dip tournament and Team Tournament.
0 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
12 Feb 23 UTC
To the East Indies we go!
Thanks to the hard work of @tobi1, David E. Cohen's 'East Indies' variant is open for playtesting!
24 replies
Synarus (938 D)
16 Feb 23 UTC
Empire City Variant: The Battle for New York
Has anyone ever played this variant? It looks cool. (pg. 13)
3 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
08 Feb 23 UTC
Message at top of page
Never seen a message at the top of the page. Is this a new addition?
19 replies
Squashywand0 (998 D)
12 Feb 23 UTC
Armistice Diplomacy Alpha 3 Sign ups open!
ADA3 (Armistice Diplomacy Alpha 3) sign ups are officially open for all to join! Armistice diplomacy is a 22 player variant set in 1919 with a vast many nations---all with different sizes, strengths, and weaknesses. Make sure to join up soon, cause the spots will go fast! The community is really a blast, and the ui is just as good as you would expect from any other site.
0 replies
bigTVBganggang (1272 D)
07 Feb 23 UTC
Custom Variant
Has there been any progress on resuming allowing people to add custom variants, and if so, what is that process?
4 replies
Nova42_ (1141 D)
01 Feb 23 UTC
diplomacy ranks?
What are all the different ranks and how do you get them?
4 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
05 Feb 23 UTC
Do any of you play political rp minecraft or some other game?
I joined a political roleplay minecraft server recently where we build nations both physically in the game and on a custom map that looks similar to a diplomacy board. I've had a bit of fun making redstone farms and such to increase our economy, claim more land, and even make alliances with other nations. Does anyone else here have experience with minecraft political rp specifically or perhaps some other online multiplayer game?
2 replies
Xenon Radon (2112 D)
03 Feb 23 UTC
How does game limit work?
Currently I can't join public games. It said, "Due to game limits you cannot join games."
However, when I click into "game limits" to check the details, it told me "=> No game limits apply".
Yet I still can't join games. I wonder how does this limit actually work, or is it a bug?
2 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
03 Oct 22 UTC
We need something to resurrect the forums. Any ideas?
Cars, politics, sports or even Jesus if it comes to it. We need to talk about something. It hurts to see the Winning thread dying. Maybe it is time to replace it with something completely new...
93 replies
han-shahanshah (1671 D)
22 Jan 23 UTC
Advertising: a public press ER game
gameID=54632, 30 spots left!
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
16 Jan 23 UTC
Classic - With a custom start, No messaging, Anon, PPSC

Three spots left!
2 replies
David Hood (976 D)
19 Jan 23 UTC
January 2023 Deadline News from DBN
Latest episode of Deadline News from DBN was just released - featuring an interview with new NADF President Zachary Moore, a panel discussion about what is hot or not in the Diplomacy hobby, and headlines from around the World of Diplomacy. Panelists include Floridaman (Douglas Rintoul), Christopher Ward, and Tommy "Tombstone" Anderson.
0 replies
Qapoleon (1000 D)
19 Nov 22 UTC
Variant Cataloging
I've been trying to keep track of variants made. Recently Stephen Agar came back on the scene and I am helping him amass variants over the past 20 years or so of his inactivity. I've made a google spreadsheet that contains the ones he's cataloged on his various websites and added a bunch that I knew of. I've also made a form to submit variants to be cataloged.
12 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Nov 22 UTC
To my German friends on here...
...wasting time on the internet today...and came upon a Uniper announcement about gas-to-oil switching at a power station and saw reference the German Federal Government's policy around "Ersatzkraftwerkebereithaltungsgesetz".
11 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
27 Dec 22 UTC
Who is your favourite LOTR character and why?
For LOTR fans.
24 replies
JECE (1534 D)
12 Dec 22 UTC
New Diplomacy tactic?
"North Korean cyber spies deploy new tactic: tricking foreign experts into writing research for them"
5 replies
David Hood (976 D)
09 Dec 22 UTC
December 2022 Deadline News is out!
Deadline Episode for December just released on the Diplomacy Broadcast Network - this month we interview NADF President Siobhan Nolen, talk to Meta team member Noam Brown about their Cicero bot (which plays Diplomacy well enough to have won Blitzcon !), and report on all the other headlines from around the World of Diplomacy.
0 replies
postsbest02 (1000 D X)
09 Dec 22 UTC
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4 replies
Minihugo (797 D)
20 Nov 22 UTC
Post a variant?
Hey guys! Im wondering is I can suggest a variant to be added to the site? and if so how?
13 replies
Tulkas (2491 D)
02 Dec 22 UTC
African gunboat without Canaries
Join this African variant: Game ID:54319
If you join this game, please, accept this rule:
Canary Islands territory is IMPASSABLE.
6 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
25 Aug 22 UTC
Best map variants ever made
Which maps variants are best designed in your opinion. Not necessarily your favorites. I’m thinking those that give fun and interesting gameplay for all players, but you can use your own criteria.
26 replies
Paddy (1156 D)
28 Nov 22 UTC
Phase Swap?
In the "Create a New Game" tab, when you select the "custom phase length" option, a new drop-down menu appears: "Time Until Phase Swap." It has options ranging from "No phase switch" to 6 hours. I can't find any documentation on what this does. Does anyone know? Does it make retreats and builds shorter than movement turns? Any help would be appreciated!
1 reply
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Nov 22 UTC
Artificial Intelligence for Diplomacy has arrived
Check out the author list as well...
14 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
17 Nov 22 UTC
vDip Discord Server?
Why isn't there one? It seems like every other large or small forum or group has its own Discord server.
11 replies
David Hood (976 D)
18 Nov 22 UTC
November 2022 Deadline News is out!
Latest edition of Deadline News is out, from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network. Lots of hobbyist interviews from World Dipcon, a discussion with Ed Sullivan about his experiences arguing a case at the US Supreme Court, and headlines from around the World of Diplomacy.
0 replies
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