A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Synapse (814 D)
10 Aug 14 UTC
More than 1 way chats
In face to face diplomacy not only can you step outside with a single person, but you can hold multiple conferences between 3,4 even 5 players.
33 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
10 Aug 14 UTC
hello webdip developers
I would like to get in touch with other webdip developers. The dev forum is inactive, so I'm hoping to get in touch with other developers here.
6 replies
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
RE: Obama's Response to ISIS and the Refugees
There are 40,000 - 50,000 minority refugees, a majority of them Christian, fleeing for their lives from ISIS. And what is ISIS doing to these men, women and children. They are beheading the children and women and hanging the men. They are closing in these people.

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Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
You're exactly right Cyrus, I certainly don't condone ISIS, or Hamas who continue to fire these rockets. I think what they (Hamas) are doing is understandable, but futile and damaging for their own people. I think what ISIS is doing is deplorable. That doesn't give anybody the right to start massacring civilians which is what Israel is doing, and this is a stance that is supported by the UN, and the U.S. at the moment, who agree that Israel has bombed schools and hospitals that were not legitimate military targets.
KingCyrus (1258 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Glad we cleared that up ;) I think DEFIANT may have been reading more into what you were saying than you meant.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Defiant, I know we're talking via PM but for the benefit of the thread:

Who are the fucking terrorists, seriously? I have my doubts sometimes.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
yes we arein pm, and uk is not sending chemical weapons to syria, you saw that, and i sent you the other about the HUB, it is russia and egypt, you have to read the whole story and look at what both sides are saying. BTW, have faith in your own country would you.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Funny how we're still selling weapons to Russia too despite sanctions against them over Ukraine.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
Why should I have faith in my own country? Shear blind patriotism?

My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
no not shear blind patriotism, but you don't even believe the truth about your country, you only believe what you want to believe right or wrong. I have given you proof to every one of your so called unbiased articles and you still don't want to believe it even when it is in the same article that you sent.
didigoose (1532 D)
09 Aug 14 UTC
"Hitler had the capability to be a fantastic leader" - what kind of bullshit is this? What do you define as fantastic leader? A fantastic leader is not only able to lead people. He leads them into a more positive future, and he never had the capability for that.

Hitler was clearly a strong leader but mainly a marketing expert and seducer in first place. He could lead but he used the wrong measures to do so. He used fear and hate to make the country "strong". Unfortunatly it also cost the country a fortune already before the war. The german reich didn't have money anymore when they started to attack their neighbours.

Or Look at german technology a thing people tend to say ways hitlers achievement.
Germany was well ahead of everybody in many tech fields but not because hitler was so great. He made the best scientists leave the countries. The advantage they had during the war was built up in big parts long before hitler took over. You don't invent a jetplane and rocket from ground up in 10 years. Because of hitler germany suffered one of the most terrible defeats in history, has a ruined reputation, lost a huge amount of the intellectual elite, was bombed to the ground. How can one call hitler then a capable fantastic leader?

As to israel. Bombing civilians isn't a good solution. The Hamas is clearly a terrible organisation. They are using palestine civilians as shield and they bring terror to israel.

BUT the HAMAS is NOT palestine!

Whenever Israel kills a palestine kid they are able to recruit more extremists that hate israel. This completly over the top attack from israel might be somehow understandable, as i can see how they are threatend daily, but it's not the right countermeasuer as it's just creates hate.

The problem between palestine and israel will not be solved on the battlefield. Israel will take a way a small short term victory, but will make extremism stronger on both sides.

You can't beat idelogistic extremists with brute force against civilians.
krellin (1031 D)
09 Aug 14 UTC
Just curious - why is this discussion here? I was scolded by JMO for putting up a non-Dip thread? :{
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
09 Aug 14 UTC
Our fearless leader, during all of this, is now on his way to Martha's Vineyard. Maybe he can be briefed on Iraq Isreal/Hamas in between bike rides and ice cream cones.
It's a double standard, krellin. JMO is determined to drive you and me away by making us meet standards on both sites that he doesn't make others meet.
krellin (1031 D)
09 Aug 14 UTC
BUT the HAMAS is NOT palestine!

Bullshit. Hamas is certainly unhindered by the Palestinian people. The Palestinians do not call out for the ned of Hamas. They do not call out for Hamas to stop their violence.

What the heck is the mattr with all you people that bury your silly little heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge reality. The Palestinian people **fully** back Hamas and *fully* support the notion of the *elimination* of Israel.

For crying out loud, even left-leaning media outlets like PBS have aired shows in the past talking about th indoctrination of Palestinian kids and their attitudes towards Israelis as **sub-human** we've never read about THOSE attitudes in history books before.

Seriously....get your head out the sand.
krellin (1031 D)
09 Aug 14 UTC
"" BUT the HAMAS is NOT palestine! ""

I forgot the quotes above --- that is not MY statement, but was a quote of a previous post.
Synapse (814 D)
09 Aug 14 UTC
You're not right krellin
Krellin, on this we disagree. The Palestinian people are no more responsible for Hamas than the Irish were for the IRA. They are under duress and keeping their heads down so *they* aren't killed by Hamas. Just because you don't turn in gang members in Harlem doesn't mean you agree with them or are one of them. It means you are afraid for your life. That's about the best parallel I can think of.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
09 Aug 14 UTC

Palestinians voted Hamas their central gov't.
Less than 50% of the people voted for Hamas. That's what the numbers in that article show. So you condemn more than half the people for less than half of them supporting Hamas.
Darkarus (929 D)
10 Aug 14 UTC
Also they voted for Hamas because Hamas could bring results and Fata could not. And as the US that was our bad for not helping Fata after Arafat died because unlike Hamas Fata is willing to compromise and talk peace.
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
10 Aug 14 UTC
Hi its THELEGION I got banned. T_T
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Aug 14 UTC
"Less than 50% of the people voted for Hamas. That's what the numbers in that article show. So you condemn more than half the people for less than half of them supporting Hamas."
Oh please, since world war 2, 6 times has the elected president recieved less than 50% of the vote, and in Canada the last time a party received more than 50% of the vote was 1958. Hamas won the election because the voters voted for Hamas.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
10 Aug 14 UTC
fasces is right and even in the United States we have had a minority of voters vote in a President, it is possible through the electoral college and the United States is responsible for what she does and the people too. That is why it is a country. If the leader is making decisions or taking actions that the country as a whole doesn't like, there are always avenues to remove the president or leader, impeachment, maybe the palestine people should remove Hamas then and bring in a more stable leader or party, but they won't and unfortunately their bloodshed will continue because of Hamas.
Hamas are bullies. Attempting to remove them from.power legitimately would result in yet another violent conflict between the people of Palestine.
Theodosius (1000 D)
11 Aug 14 UTC
Any port in a storm. People under duress flock to the strongest leadership around, even one they hate.

Sure, after being bombed to rubble, lots of Palestinians want to be martyrs, but most still would just like to be able to live their lives without interference and raise their families in peace. Same as most everyone else.

83 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
11 Aug 14 UTC
So should I make one of my famous honest topic threads hmm?
Pretty please? :D covered with melted chocolate topped with nuts and banana slices with a cherry on want icecream now.
0 replies
pjman (661 D)
07 Aug 14 UTC
Opinioniated favorite variants
Hello all! I'm not familiar with all these variants compared to what are on Webdiplomacy. I'm looking to play some games but I'm not sure which ones are really good and which ones are not so much fun. So what's popular variant wise?
22 replies
Windir (1570 D)
05 Aug 14 UTC
"Save" and "Ready" buttons aren't working. What's wrong?
I was able to successfully fill in orders for one game of mine, but the save and ready buttons aren't working on another. Here's a link: gameID=19797
18 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
07 Aug 14 UTC
Multiple Cancelings?
So... I was in a game of Rinacemento that had not yet started. Not enough people joined. So it canceled. And canceled. And canceled. And canceled. I have NINE messages saying it canceled, BUT, I was NOT refunded 9 times! Not to mention, it still shows up in my games... which is annoying.... I WANT MY REFUND!
5 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
06 Aug 14 UTC
Perpetual Diplomacy
Is there a variant of Diplomacy that is designed to be a perpetual game? In other words, players are free to come and go as they please, but the motivation is to be the biggest player on the board, not to "win".
19 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
06 Aug 14 UTC
Glossary update
I am working on a WebDip glossary here:
Feel free to suggest additions and/or changes..
6 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
05 Aug 14 UTC
Glossary of Terms
I'm working of a Glossary for WebDip here:
Help me gather terms and definitions.
26 replies
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
27 Jul 14 UTC
Diplomacy on the Radio
I'm listening to an episode of the radio program "This American Life" about Diplomacy. Featuring the same guy who recently wrote the Diplomacy article on Grantland. Not sure if it's the current episode or a repeat, but I figured I'd mention it here for those interested. Should be available on podcast now or soon.
1 reply
jimbursch (0 D)
04 Aug 14 UTC
dev for vdip and/or webdip

I'm a php/mysql developer interested in contributing to WebDip and/or vDip.
10 replies
yaaks (1157 D)
03 Aug 14 UTC
Ftf Games
I'm trying to organize a ftf game in the Los Angeles area. Anyone interested?
4 replies
Oli, thank you for the color-blindness interface.
I have protonapia and this is awesome. That plus labeling the countries speaking global and the interactive map males it so much better and less confusing... Even on the phone (interactive doesn't let me interact but still shows what I ordered using the drop down).
14 replies
Fischfix (976 D)
09 Jul 14 UTC
Admins please Review Chat

Guys, i really enjoy this game but from time to time people are really unpolite in what they say in the chat. i hope some admins will look into this chat and take actions against cursing and inappropriate comments by slavic nations.
290 replies
daviidnavidad (920 D)
01 Aug 14 UTC
Noob question
Sorry to be a pain but what is gunboat
12 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Joining running games to compensate missed turns is not easy ...
... if there are so few games around to join.

I'd like to take over some country and compensate for some missed turns happily – i just can't find any game to join that are ...
11 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
31 Jul 14 UTC
Russian northern opening.
I have been known to order the Saint Petersburg fleet to Finland.
12 replies
New game: Call Me a Dirty So-n-So: YCHTT edition.
All the usual a-holes are welcome to join. I'll create it after 10 total people sign up. Modern Dip (unless there is an even better variant), WTA, Full Press, phase 24-48 hours, points negotiable, non-anon.
51 replies
qznc (1237 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Draft: North Sea Wars Strategy
I wrote a short review-strategy-guide draft on the North Sea Wars variant:

Feedback welcome! :)
1 reply
krellin (1031 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Testing 1...2...3...

Hmmm...Sandra Fluke said she couldn't afford the $3000/year to buy birth control (Good LORD does that chick like to f***...) but has managed to give her own Congressional campaign $100,000. Uhhhh..yeah. (By the way, birth control is like under $10/month for normal human beings...)
42 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
28 Jul 14 UTC
New default Pot-Type WTA....
As the subject suggests.
To gather a bit more feedback about this issue I changed the default from PPSC to WTA and made a big announcement about this on the gamecreation-page.
This will last for the next few month and we will see if the games get better, worse, or if nobody cares.
59 replies
krellin (1031 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Who is this....
...Oli? Is he knew here?

Ahhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I crack me up...
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Jul 14 UTC
Classic map. Wta. 36hrs phase. Full communication. Anon. Passworded. 40pt buy in.

15 replies
So I guess the new nazi modding policies have resulted in my staying over here now.
Their loss is your gain? Time will tell.
37 replies
Mod multis
No offense to anyone but im curious why mods are allowed to have multi accounts to test games. In this case, cant the average player have multiple accounts to experience the game played from different POVs as well?
8 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
13 Aug 13 UTC
The Amazing Team Tournament
Tourney season continues with a tournament with teams! Details below:
291 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
15 Apr 14 UTC
The King is Dead - Spring 14
I'll be making another King is Dead game in the upcoming weeks, and I would like some input on what variant we should play, and who is interested in playing. Returning players may get preference on my discretion, but I want at least a few newbies.
44 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
20 Jul 14 UTC
Regarding the InteractiveMap-OrderInterface-

This is incredible. When did this feature happen?? Whoever made this, you have my thanks 1000000000 times. Makes entering moves on a cellular device infinitely easier. I just wanna say thanks!! So.... Thank you, creator of this.
2 replies
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
15 Jul 14 UTC
Is this metagaming?
Recently, I was playing an anon gunboat game. I submitted my orders in advance. Next time I connected, the deadline was 5 minutes away, and the player I was fighting with had not submitted orders yet: he was going NMR. Is taking advantage of the (likely) NMR ok, or is it considered metagaming?
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