A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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RoxArt (1732 D)
06 Feb 13 UTC
live game anyone?
anyone up?
2 replies
Triskelli (735 D)
01 Feb 13 UTC
New Variant under development!
Give opinions and feedback at
4 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
03 Dec 12 UTC
Viking Diplomacy has 26 SCs for Victory Conditons, TOO FEW!
26 of 87 SCs on Viking Map --> 26/87 = 0.29885...
18 of 34 SCs on Standard Map -> 18/34 = 0.52941...
31 replies
General Cool (978 D)
02 Feb 13 UTC
Messed up variant?
So, out of four times playing the Classic Chaos variant, I have been Marseilles in three of them. What's up with that?
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
04 Feb 13 UTC
Lets try Live Imperial II
Do you have the time?
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
02 Jan 13 UTC
Contract NON-Anon Gunboat VI
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
44 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Feb 13 UTC
Game of Thrones themed map?
I know we're doing a Lord of the Rings variant(I'm in a game on the lab vdip site) but how about a Game of Thrones map? That'd be pretty slick, could even make it into two different variants, one with only Westeros which would be more like Classic variant and one with the lands beyond the narrow sea which would be more like modern dip 2 or even imperial dip 2
10 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
17 Jan 13 UTC
Which era most deserves a variant that doesn't yet have one here?
Self-explanatory title. Personally, I think a "Colonization of North America" map might be interesting, with colonial England, France, Spain, Portugal, along with Native American empires and powers, like the Aztecs, Incans, Narragansetts, Pequots, &c. So far as I know, there's nothing like that up yet. What else would you like to see? Maybe we'll get some good ideas.
59 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
Succession EOG
Congrats to Decima a good win. A couple things I wanted to talk about including why everyone voted Draw so early and also how to form stalemates. gameID=11133
Jimbozig (1179 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
I will contribute this evening.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
Anyway, I don't have a huge amount to say about the game play. This was my first time on this map (although second to end) and I quite liked the map - very chaotic. I found some good peaceful neighbours early on and went with that, England got big but got beat back. I opted to stab VEN when I ran out of expansion path. This was a bad choice. I also think that I let Poland get out of hand and ultimately probably played a hand in making his win easier.

On another note, can I ask why every player in this game except Decima and myself voted draw after only a couple of years of gameplay? I do not particularily remember NMRs or anything. This follows a trend on this website that I really dislike, where people appear to give up on games and vote draw way prematurely. This brings me to my second point.

As of 1714 or so, there was still a very easy stalemate that Spain, Turkey and myself (Austria) could have made. We could have made it without risk, even, as Polish fleets were still away. However, Turkey kept his fleets bunched in the east AND kept the ionian sea blocked. As such, we did not have anywhere close to the fleet power to set anything up. This wasn't what cost us, though, as Turkey's inability to set and hold a line at Ukraine did.

I felt that from the moment I clicked draw that the other players were completely apathetic. Like they wanted to draw way earlier and by this point they didn't care. To me, if I cannot win a game I try to play to the end and make a stalemate to prevent a win with the minimum number of players.

Is this not how others play the game?

The players in this game were tactically strong and demonstrated this throughout the game. So, why did everyone sit idly by while Poland took the win?

I can go in and show the lines we could have had, but I would prefer to start a discussion before I spend my time if nobody cares.
G-Man (2466 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
I'm finishing up (hopefully) my first game in this variant now. I just wanted to say I notice many of the things Jimbozig brings up about draws and that I also try to play each game to the end and make a stalemate to prevent a win with the minimum number of players. And I do not understand players who prefer a 'survive' to a draw in any circumstance, as I have seen before here. To me, a survive is the same as an elimination is the same as a loss.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
I think the players in my game wanted to draw, we were not in-fighting. But we didn't attack the line like we needed to.
G-Man (2466 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
Understood. Perhaps there was one player who was afraid of being eliminated if they changed the dynamics that were going on by attacking the line? I guess we'll see.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
I’m rather happy about the outcome :-)

It’s been a very regular game: 10 players, no RR restrictions, only 1NMR during the whole game. That was surprising.

In the early game I bet on a partnership with Austria. It seemed to me the most reasonable choice for the mid game. If we manage to keep enemies out of the Silesian area, we will be able to develop well. The other option was Prussia, but if I let Prussia grow, they will build armies right on my back then or before... So I immediately started sending signals of friendship to Austria.
I’ve been astonished about how well we’ve been able to match our orders. The defeat of Prussia and the early containment of England were amazing. I remember I thought: “I’d like to shake the hand of this mind reader”.

Then the events in the mid-game turned to my favor: and I’ve been able to bend the defenses of Sweden, Russia, England, Turkey and ultimately Austria. This said, I recognize the campaign over Sweden, 1706-1711, as my greatest achievement during the game.
Because of the early game assistance I wasn’t keen to attack Austria, thing that I started doing after 1714, when, given the circumstances, I thought that the path to the solo was hard…but possible.

I didn’t find Turkey’s defense tactics irresistible. I managed to push him out for hundreds miles during the timespan 1711-1718. In this case, luck definitely helped me during the 1711 crucial move.

As long as we fought on, I recognized England as a skilled player, but in retrospect those 2 fleets weren’t supposed to sail for the Grand Tour in Italy.

For what it’s worth, I didn’t manage to take any SC from Spain, which is a point in his favor, but even in the case of Spain, the fleets had to take part in action. If you keep fleets in the harbors just for the fear of losing SCs (Tunis and Naples), you reduce the chances of preventing the solo.

“To me, a survive is the same as an elimination is the same as a loss.“
I agree with this sentence, only because it was a WTA game. Winner Takes All, hence, STN, Survivor Takes Nothing. These acronyms should guide the players’ actions, and the hidden one, STN, is usually underrated.
Because of this, I may understand Jimbozig’s disappointment: WTA calls for stopping the solo at all costs. Some efforts have been spent in this, not all though.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
I do not disagree with anything that has been written here but I wonder about this sentence :

"WTA calls for stopping the solo at all costs."

Indeed, if I am correct, in a WTA game, the drawing players get no point at all, do they ?
As a consequence, as far as points are concerned, it doesn't change anything to draw or to survive (DTN : Drawers Take Nothing) which makes me think that I understand that a player prefers a Survived than a Defeated result.

Any thought ?
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
@Retillion- Drawing gives all remaining players an equal share in the points. If it is a 10 player game, and you draw 5-way, then each player doubles the points they get. if however, someone wins and the other 4 get a survive, only the winner gets points. so in WTA, A draw is much preferred to a survive. a draw is not a defeat.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
@ butterhead and @ everyone that believes like him:

It seems to me that you are wrong !

Please check this page where you can search games :
When you select "Finished games" and "Winner-takes-all", you find games.

When you view them, you can see that the Drawing players have won NOTHING !
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
Really? than why does it say when you draw(PPSC OR WTA) "Congratulations, you have drawn with your rivals and won (insert point number here) points"
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
for example, a game of mine that was drawn a couple days ago(and was WTA)
"You have drawn with your rivals, and survived! You win 18 D, an equal share of the pot!"
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
for reference:
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
1° Please look at this drawn PPSC game that has been finished on January 27 :

You can clearly see, for example, that the first player has won: 8 DPoints. 8 is in green.

2° Please look at this drawn WTA game that has been finished 2 days ago :

At the same place, you can see, for example, on the line of the first player : Drawn Bet: 11 DPoints. 11 is in red. That player has not won anything.

By the way, I have never received a message that says something like :
"Congratulations, you have drawn with your rivals and won (insert point number here) points".

@ butterhead, are you talking about this game :

To me, it looks like you have lost your bet which was 20 DPoints and thay you haven't won any point.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
I think the red text is a programming oversight. You do win the same amount of points by drawing in WTA as you would if you drew in PPSC.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
If any of you is so sure about that question, why don't 2 players create now a 2-player WTA game with a nice bet, let's say 50 or 100 DPoints and then they will draw right away ? That would barely take you 2 minutes.
-> At least we would all know finally for sure how this thing works.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
butterhead, Decima Legio, Captainmeme, anyone else, please prove me that I am wrong.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
Unfortunately, 2-player games have a 1 point bet, always. However, we can still test the system - note that I am now on 340 D, having joined the game.

Password: test
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
Are you joining?
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
Captainmeme, thank you very much for your gesture :)
I will not join that game because I believe (maybe I am wrong but please understand that I think that I know) that this game will cost 1 DPoint to the players who will play it and I do not want to lose 1 DPoint like this.
If any other player wants to do it, I will appreciate it very much.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
Okay - anyone else online who doesn't mind losing one point if I'm wrong? (Although I'm pretty certain I'm not wrong).
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
Retillion, seriously?

I don't feel like I have to prove something.
If the link to the house rules in not enough I can tell you that thousands of Vdip users have experienced draws in WTA games. Me included. I can guarantee that the pot is equally divided among the drawing countries.
As Captainmeme said, it's just a programming oversight.
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
@Retillion- no, not that game. the game I posted my message from was a more recent game. The draw is the same as in PPSC.
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
And to prove it, I have joined captainmeme's game. note that the pot is 2. we will now draw the game. we will both receive a point back(an equal share of the pot).
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
Okay, before the game is drawn, Butterhead and I have 84 and 340 D respectively.
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
And what do you know! 85 and 341!!!
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
Decima Legio, yes, seriously : I have played one WTA game on webdiplomacy (I know that maybe it is different here) and none of the players got any points !

My try for a "proof" would simply be refuted by what ?

- By people telling me that "it's just a programming oversight". Ha ! Ha ! Is that a serious argument ?
- Your personal guarantee ? What if I tell you that I guarantee you that I kow better than you the answer to this question ? Not very convincing, is it ?

You don't feel like you have to prove something. Why not ? Shouldn't we all be looking for the truth ?
-> Why wouldn't you join Captainmeme's game ? This would end the discussion.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
31 Jan 13 UTC
Again, we wrote simultaneously !

Thank you very much Captainmeme and butterhead : you were right and I am glad that I have learned something :)
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
Oh and for future reference it's the same over on webdiplomacy. if there was a game where nobody received points in a draw it was a bug in that particular game.
Randomizer (1388 D)
31 Jan 13 UTC
I went for draw early to convince England not to attack me as we worked our way through Italy and France. In hindsight I should have shifted fleets earlier to the Atlantic to stop Poland, but I tend to hold back after being stabbed too many times when an ally sees a chance to get a solo. I did have that happen to me here

when England attacked me as I was pushing back Italy. He cancelled his draw when he had a chance to get my unprotected SCs.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
02 Feb 13 UTC
This thread was a waste, unfortunately.

30 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
30 Jan 13 UTC
Join this Modern Diplomacy game!
I gave this game a 2-day start time by accident. We need six more people!
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
26 Jan 13 UTC
World Game only needs a few more players

Several good countries still available... Don't let it expire -- join now!
16 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 13 UTC
sitter needed!
i need a sitter for the first ten days of february...anyone want to sit my games meanwhile?
im mostly well positioned :)
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
23 Jan 13 UTC
New Fog game
1 reply
Imagonnalose (992 D)
16 Jan 13 UTC
Crowded Game interest
Hey guys, just looking around to see if there is any interest in a crowded variant game? I want it to be a tactical nightmare so it will be gunboat. But I would prefer it to be a fairly classy match. Since I can't claim to have the best RR in the world, I'd prefer you to at least match my RR. PM any interest. The game will be password protected.
11 replies
Strauss (863 D)
23 Jan 13 UTC
Fall America, 1 days, 12 hours /phase
Still need 3 players -> gameID=12105

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Jan 13 UTC
Fog of War?
Anyone interested in a classic Fog of War game? Join in!
2 replies
iLLuM (1569 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
Ambition & Empire Variant

The special thing: There are neutrals and each major power has influence points to order the neutrals around.
5 replies
equator (1514 D)
20 Jan 13 UTC
what about music
examples of epic music I like to hear when playing dip:
O Fortuna-Carl Off
Duel of the Fates-John William
O Varium Fortune-Corvus Corax
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
19 Jan 13 UTC
Whoever is Mali in H. Rider Haggard's Prize
You are a SOB for saving on a retreat phase for 7 days
I can't believe I joined this game I didn't notice the phase was 7 days, what a jerk. And worst part is there's no diplomacy because messages are disabled, if anyone else from the game reads this, attack Mali
9 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
Variant Possibility Question
I'm unfamiliar with coding, but I had a question. Would it be possible to have a variant with an "elective SC?" That is, a number of players vote on which power gains control of an unconquerable SC that can't be built in? Ideally, the list of electors would be limited and there'd be a way to determine how many votes they get, but right now, I'm curious about the general case. Thanks!
4 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
18 Jan 13 UTC
game needs players
1 reply
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
Most Admired Historical Figure
Another topic I'm sure most people here will have strong opinions about. Have at it!
60 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
11 Jan 13 UTC
3 replies
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Ultra High Unit Games/Variants
Derp-Summary message for long dumb post.
3 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 13 UTC
WWIV description
recently playing some WWIV games i noticed that the variant description is not sufficient, as it does not tell anything abou IST, PAN, and EGY and also doesnt tell you that fllet cant move into territories that are bordered by this arctic territory, eg YUK and is not optimal that you have to send units to these territories to find out what the rules there are...and asking in the public chat might give away plans...
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Jan 13 UTC
need 2 more for anon Aussie game
0 replies
airborne (970 D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
If I attempt to date a Jewish girl at college...will I burst into flames?
I ask this because my rural peers have firmly stated this will happen to me if I do...
10 replies
I'm Back!
Who wants to play a nice classic game?
15 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
10 Jan 13 UTC
Betelgeuse : EoG thread
10 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Jan 13 UTC
New game, player left before the first turn, need a fill in, modern dip 2
First turn hasn't happened yet, modern dip 2 Spain left the game, need a fill in
1 reply
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