A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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mapleleaf (1155 D X)
17 Apr 16 UTC
Now urgent message in Mod mailbox
Its become time sensitive, unfortunately
1 reply
Flame (1073 D)
15 Apr 16 UTC
SC Diagramme
Dear Sirs!
If somebody noticed in WebDiplomacy scripts package we got script called Graph. I tried to finish it but I can't cope with all this and it does not work correctly. I do not understand what are the percentages painted in gray color? Someone is working on this? I've added on my site. You can take a look here:
0 replies
Porphyry (1014 D)
11 Apr 16 UTC
Can't find my own game in search
I created a game (United States of Africa) but no matter the search settings I use, I can't find it by searching games or looking through new games. The only way to get to it is through the home page. Is that normal?

5 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
New 3 Person Variant, Thoughts?
Here is the current mock up of a 3-player variant I created, Triduum. Y'all are smarter than me about this stuff so discuss it or something, if you don't mind.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
I accidentally a link:
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
Also, I know the fonts look bad. I'll change them during development, but this is much faster to edit on the fly
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
One more thing: The dark blue things are rivers. They are not provinces themselves but show that all of the provinces in the game are coastal. Both fleets and armies can cross over rives, say, from Grau to Blanc and Grau to Rouge
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
08 Apr 16 UTC
Interesting map, nice balance and opportunities in gameplay.
d-ice (1969 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
Look interesting. My only concern is the low number of SC's. This may make the game vulnerable to
d-ice (1969 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
... vulnerable to one player early outgrowing the other two and thereby leave little room for diplomatic comebacks by the other two.

Let's say one power gains 2-3 SC's by the first two years and the other two fail to coordinate and thus gets only one each at best (seems viable) -then the game will soon be over (Maybe it's not a bad thing, but it's one that should be considered)

(sorry for accidentally posting unfinished replies)

ingebot (1922 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
I must say, whatever this variant may be, "interesting" is not one of its qualities. Just being honest here
Mercy (2131 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
I think Red is at a slight disadvantage.
By the way: I personally think we already have a very good 3-player map, namely Treaty of Verdun, but no good 4-player map...
Red is at a disadvantage, but overall I think it is quite nice.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
It's a small map that I'm using to work on my coding/developing skills. If this is successful, my goal is to create a perfectly (or at least close to) symmetric 4 player map. Also, @everyone that says red is at a disadvantage... Would you mind elaborating? They are closer to the top two centers than green and blue are to the bottom two.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
08 Apr 16 UTC
Thank you all for taking the time to look!
tantrumizer (1557 D)
09 Apr 16 UTC
Mercy, I think Atlantic Colonies is a great 4 player map. Nicely balanced, hard to stalemate. It is my favourite variant here actually.
Mercy (2131 D)
09 Apr 16 UTC
I forgot about that map. Indeed, it's a good one. The only downside I see is that it sometimes costs effort to see things well.
@Ninjanrd: It's because in three steps, Hoshi can only be reached by blue; Byeol only by green; Xing only by red and blue; Daw only by red and green. So blue and green have a center for three while red must potentially fight for his. Also, blue can just try to go to Bay do Ola and green to Bay iz Zdravstvuyte, and if it bounces, they can always go to their guaranteed center in two years.
But honestly, I think the map plays too slow. In a gunboat, it likely costs two years before anyone can build something.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
09 Apr 16 UTC
@Mercy how would you suggest making the gameplay faster?
Fang Zhang (919 D)
10 Apr 16 UTC
Change the three line connecting prism and three home centers to three bridges. Meanwhile let the players choose their innitial type of units. Guess it would be greater fun.
Nice try!

15 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
31 Mar 16 UTC
Well I've just quit Facebook
good riddance.
38 replies
peterlund (1080 D)
03 Apr 16 UTC
NMR: off?
What does "NMR: off" mean? What effect does setting NMR=0 have on a game?
3 replies
peterlund (1080 D)
03 Apr 16 UTC
Max. turns?
How is the number of turns counted? How many turn are there on a year: 2, 3, 5 or does it vary between 2 and 5 depending on if there are retreats and builds? I hope it does not vary since I want to specify "end after build 1908".
1 reply
taylor4 (936 D)
29 Mar 16 UTC
Where's the EU check-in vis a vis Slowness of vDip website of late
Previously, vDip website requested check-in at sign on - required by European Union, Oli said. Altho all objected we complied. Wouldn't you agree that this website is overloaded or too slow to process recently & that if the Mods agree, we jettison Forum? Hands up who'll use the [phew!] other Diplomacy gaming forums. (& don't those non-vDip specific inquiries belong on 'zine sites & the 'zine's successors' sites: Diplomacy World &c., &c.?
7 replies
Sendric (2060 D)
30 Mar 16 UTC
NWO: The Qi Awakens
The 2016 New World Order play-by-email game now officially has a name, The Qi Awakens. This game will be hosted on Redscape here:

You do not need to have a username to play, but you will need to provide your email address. Please let me know if you are interested in playing. There are still some spots available.
0 replies
New variant idea
What if we had a 1v1 variant where it was North America vs. South America? Sort of like the Cold War where it is NATO vs USSR, but North America vs South America. Thoughts?
11 replies
Please answer if you know
I was looking at my HOF, and I have these things next to each opponent I had in a game. They are "Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch"

Can someone please tell me what these mean?
0 replies
Rhinos (1501 D)
17 Mar 16 UTC
Crazy Variant Idea
I was browsing the available variants, and one that caught my eye was the "Chaos" variant, where all players control one supply center in the classic map. Then, I though, "What if this same principle were applied to another variant?"

Does anyone think that a chaos variant would be interesting on the World Diplomacy IX, Fall of the American Empire, or Modern Diplomacy II variant maps?
3 replies
Snake IV (1154 D)
16 Mar 16 UTC
Mexico stinks in Gobble-Earth
Mexico is the biggest weakness in the balance of Gobble-Earth, with constantly poor preformance. Why is this and what can be done?
12 replies
VDip Points?
How are the VDip points calculated?
6 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
14 Mar 16 UTC
World cup 2012 - over at Webdip
A compilation of that epic match for your pleasure:
2 replies
Devonian (1887 D)
20 Jun 15 UTC
1v1 Ladder tournament
I am considering starting a 1v1 ladder tournament and would like to see who would be interested.
150 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Mar 16 UTC
Sengoku, Rise of Shogun
Looking for players to join!
1 reply
BobMcSurly (955 D)
07 Mar 16 UTC
Average turns
In the list of variants, does average turns refer to years, seasons, or does it include retreats and builds?
2 replies
Flame (1073 D)
03 Mar 16 UTC
For Russian Speaking players!
For Russian Speaking players! Please visit us:
Hope Oli don't mind it. Thanks.
9 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
03 Mar 16 UTC
Orders not loading on iPad IOS 9.2.1
My work is a pain in the butt... (read on)
7 replies
Strider (1604 D)
29 Feb 16 UTC
do D point mean anything?
Rather philosophical but if I drop 100 D in a game and loose is it the same factor of V points.
22 replies
hanglikeahorse (943 D)
02 Mar 16 UTC
New variants
How does one create a new variant?
1 reply
outofbounds (1049 D)
25 Feb 16 UTC
Ajudication of moves
Question: If I attacked Kiel from Munich, and Kiel attacked me in return at Munich with Support, should another of my opponent's armies be able to then retreat to Kiel after those moves? That doesn't feel right to me...
3 replies
Maucat (1834 D)
25 Feb 16 UTC
Games crashed
What happens to a crashed game?
1 reply
Imagonnalose (992 D)
23 Feb 16 UTC
I'm trying out Lepanto. I'd like someone to join me if you'd like. Anyone can join. Thanks!

3 replies
Mikey99 (1441 D)
22 Feb 16 UTC
New players needed for -
... some Greek diplomacy - "Iliadillic" Age of Pericles variant.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
24 Feb 16 UTC
Replacement needed
Imperial Dip , Strong Britain.
PM me and I will get the mod to switch us out.
2 replies
fraushai (1136 D)
23 Feb 16 UTC
Italy vs Austria

If anyone would want to try
1 reply
brainbomb (662 D)
19 Feb 16 UTC
Put my Masters in Fine art to use.
Make me a mod. I teach Art, draw maps and make maps for RPGS.
6 replies
Matthew (1000 D)
21 Feb 16 UTC
I've been working on a Diplomacy variant since 2012. It has characteristics similar to Ambition and Empire, Payola, and 1648. However, it has several distinct mechanics borrowed from other games. The description of the variant is at If you're interested please shoot me an email at
Thank you.
3 replies
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