A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anarchy in the UK
How come the neutrals in Anarchy in the UK are green?
2 replies
Variants page
Whenever I want to look at the variants, it takes a long time to load the variants page. Does anybody else have this problem?
2 replies
Flame (1073 D)
06 Feb 20 UTC
ChessPolitik Variant
How do you like it? I found a variant which is very interesting...
5 replies
Swede03 (1517 D)
05 Feb 20 UTC
Webdip is down
Is this happening to you guys too? Also, I would like to know how to get back in or else get some sort of emergency pause. I've been trying periodically all morning and its not working
1 reply
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
05 Feb 20 UTC
Accidentally muted a thread
I accidentally muted a thread. Does anyone know how to unmute a thread?
2 replies
Elipticon (736 D)
29 Jan 20 UTC
Congratulations to Agnaar
Agnaar recently won the game Kill Lithuania and also Scotland (gameID=39135) and this nearly doubled their score, and also putting Agnaar in first place.

26 replies
Frozen Dog (1472 D)
17 Jan 20 UTC
Grief for a sad loss
So annoyed at myself for missing a third turn, but man, this new NMR system is tough.

Lost a 73 supply faction today. :'(
17 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
24 Jan 20 UTC
Petition to change a power's name
I propose changing the name of the power named Alborian in Mars to "Alboria" - it just seems more consistent with the others.
1 reply
Macca573 (1517 D)
23 Jan 20 UTC
Game Limits?
I'm trying to join this game, and it's telling me I can't join because of "game limits".
10 replies
Macca573 (1517 D)
25 Nov 19 UTC
Balance in Economy
There is a variant called Classic - Economic
6 replies
Flame (1073 D)
10 Oct 19 UTC
14th Century Mongolian Empire NEW TEST
Some bugs are already fixed but we need more testitng. Please join just to move units and discuss the errors.
7 replies
Flame (1073 D)
24 Apr 19 UTC
This variant was installed several years ago. But I didn't remember who developed it. variant got several bugs. Who will fix it and give us a final release of a map? ;-)
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
24 Apr 19 UTC
It was developed by kaner and guaroz (as you can see on the map-picture).
Flame (1073 D)
24 Apr 19 UTC
Thus, kaner is welcomed!!! ;-)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Apr 19 UTC
Wow, that's a blast from the past! The project was abandoned when Guaroz quit, but if you like I can try to recall what I can of the rules for you.
Flame (1073 D)
24 Apr 19 UTC
@kaner406 - I have set the access rights for you in the Lab.
what is it? I have never seen a map design like that before.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Apr 19 UTC
It's basically taking the Lepanto (2-player) variant and turning it into a 6-player death match.

Supply Centres occur in 4 locations - Planets, Admiral Ships, Orbital Space Centres and the Galaxy Centre

There are Fleets and Armies (scouts and battleships). Fleets can move 2 hexes, but can't occupy planets. Only Fleets can move through Space Junk. Only Fleets can occupy Orbital Space Centres. Fleets and Armies can occupy the Galaxy Centre.

There are wormholes scattered throughout the board, these are represented by the Purple dot-lines. Fleets and Armies can use the wormholes (making J47 adjacent to J54 - for instance). They also join "underneath" the galaxy from the outer zone in the middle of each sector, J5 is adjacent to J42 - which is easy to see as you just follow the Hex-line to the hex on the other end of the map.

Each faction has two Admiral Ships. These are stationary, and ownership of these is represented underneath the map (in the squares A1-A12, which correspond to the Hex numbers). Admiral Ships can support as per a Fleet or Army. But they cannot move and are considered stationary. and cannot retreat. If an Admiral Ship is conquered then they conquering power becomes the owner of that Admiral Ship and the previous rules apply (ie. they can't then move the Admiral Ship). An Admiral Ship cannot be voluntarily disbanded.

The winner is the player who first controls 7 Admiral Ships - NOT by SC count.

Players start scattered across the board - Armies starting on Planets, and Fleets on the other Hexes. So Kakaememas would start with the following:
6 SCs - A11, A12, G34, H13, E11, H24 (meaning a shortfall of 4 SCs to begin with)
2 Admiral Ships - A11, A12
6 Armies - G34, H13, E11, H24, D17, D18
4 Fleets - G33, G35, F28, F29


I'm fairly certain those were the rules. As I remember them anyway.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Apr 19 UTC
@ Flame - I think it just needs programming for the Admiral Ships to function and a largemap to be made. I'd love to do more to develop this one, but I simply don't have the time at the moment to do this. I'm more than happy for someone else to pick up and run with finishing it off though.
Flame (1073 D)
25 Apr 19 UTC
Thank you for the variant rules.
Flame (1073 D)
22 Jan 20 UTC
3 years ago (threee!!!!) we tried to finish this variant. I am ready to continue! Who else?

9 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
05 Jan 20 UTC
Changes to the Reliability System
The Reliability System has been updated now to address the issues introduced with the missed turn schema some months ago.
11 replies
Flame (1073 D)
20 Jan 20 UTC
Lepanto 6X variant
Hi! We are about to continue variant development after 3-years delay!

Who wants to join?
2 replies
Seinwave (1010 D)
17 Jan 20 UTC
Territory is a supply center on the smallmap, isn't on the big map.
Am I going crazy? I'm looking at the Africa variant at As far as I can tell, on the smallmap, the Uganda territory is marked as a supply center, while it isn't on the bigmap.
2 replies
Flame (1073 D)
17 Jan 20 UTC
Territory graph
Here we got a "Territory graph module" which can be seen after the game finished.

The problem is that I can understand how to make it work with variants where we got additional powers (neutrals, upc, etc). With variants in which all powers are playable all is good. Please help... cause it's our common work to do WD better!
3 replies
alifeee (1229 D)
15 Jan 20 UTC
Not able to choose SoS scoring
When I create a game, I can only choose from WTA and PPSC. Here ( it says that SoS scoring is available and PPSC was discontinued. This doesn't seem the case. How can I choose SoS for my game?
4 replies
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
06 Jan 20 UTC
War in 2020
I would like to point out that there is a variant called War in 2020 that has existed since at least 2011. That is all
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
31 Dec 19 UTC
Happy 2020!
10 solid years at vDip! Love you all (dirty rotten backstabbers).
6 replies
Tom Wzx (973 D)
11 Jan 20 UTC
South America 5 player version
Does anyone know if there are any good stalemate lines on this map
1 reply
blackadder32 (1000 D)
07 Jan 20 UTC
Looking for a 1600 game
Hello, I’m new here and have been out of pbem Diplomacy for awhile but I would love to get in on the next game of the 1600 variant here. Is there a way I can sign up for a game starting in the future? How does it work around here?

Thanks for any help.
2 replies
MagicalSand (1966 D)
29 Dec 19 UTC
How do points work?
I am confused on points. I know that there is 2 types. The points that allow you to play x amount of games. And the points that show how good of a player you are. How does the whole bet thing work?
6 replies
Chumbles (1380 D)
24 Dec 19 UTC
Happy Xmas
Best wishes for the new year and a happy holiday to all; I believe Amby will shortly be arising as Santa follows the course of the new day
2 replies
erikip107 (2584 D)
19 Dec 19 UTC
Rating question
Hi! New to forums and fairly new to this game, I was wondering how the rating system works. I understand generally that we gain points for draws and solos, and lose them for defeats and survivals, but how is it determined how much we gain or lose?
7 replies
MagicalSand (1966 D)
26 Nov 19 UTC
Lose less points when you replace a player?
Should we really lose as many points when let's say. You replace a player who is in a decent position. Only to upon entering the game automatically start in a terrible position. And then lose 20 points in a game you had 0 chance of surviving in. Should you really lose those 20 points? What If you lost less points when replacing a player to make it less damaging when you start in terrible positions. What you guys think?
9 replies
ingebot (1922 D)
01 Dec 19 UTC
The IST province in modern Europe
It appears that there are two IST provinces (Istria and Istanbul). For Istria, that doesn't look like Italy's modern borders, especially as it removes Slovenia's existing coast in today's world.
15 replies
ingebot (1922 D)
03 Dec 19 UTC
My games
What happened to "my games" on the homepage?
2 replies
Lei Saarlainen (1137 D)
03 Dec 19 UTC
transform option in europa renovatio
i want to know if this rule implemented and if yes how to do it ?
1 reply
Macca573 (1517 D)
23 Nov 19 UTC
Improving Fog Of War
Fog of war applies to a few maps, classic, 1998, and such; but it seems like a simple add in. How hard would it be to get FoW as a setting rather than variant property? I would think there are many maps and games I would like to try with it, but it's only on a few things. There are also some variants like Rat Wars, that can only be done in FoW. Just wondering if this was a possibility?
10 replies
No one is taking over CDed nations.
No one is taking over civil disordered nations.
22 replies
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