A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Bonatogether (1179 D)
21 Aug 20 UTC
Replacement needed by Sunday
I'm in an anon Pirates game (so I can't link it here) and I have to be out of town from Sunday to Tuesday. It's early in the game and I would feel bad extending so early, so if anyone could PM me, I can switch it over to you temporarily. Thanks!
2 replies
umbletheheep (1023 D)
22 Aug 20 UTC
Cold War Strategy Resources
The Briefing is has stepped in to satisfy the much needed drought of Cold War articles. Go to for articles on openings and midgame strategy along with an interview with bsiper and myself.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Aug 20 UTC
Need replacement
Some things have come up which renders me unable to play. As such, I require a replacement for this game- gameID=44844 . It's a decent position. DM me for more info.
1 reply
Caustic (827 D)
20 Aug 20 UTC
I want a donation badge
Wasn't there a way to make a donate to vdip? I believe long ago I seen donation badge icons next to ppls name's. I want one. How do i donate?
6 replies
Need a country switch
Due to my upcoming schedule (busy), I won’t be able to consistently enter orders, and I don’t want to CD out of this game. If anyone wants a very solid position in a Modern Europe map, PM me. (It’s anon so I won’t link it here)
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Anon (?? D)
15 Aug 20 UTC
Looking to be replaced in a game
Due to limited time, i need to leave this game, so i need someone to replace me., i'm lithuania.
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David Hood (976 D)
15 Aug 20 UTC
Newest edition of Deadline News from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network
Here we go:
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Miletius (1000 D)
05 Aug 20 UTC
Middle Eastern Map
Is there a map variant in vDiplomacy that is centred in the Middle East?
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Pally (996 D)
07 Aug 20 UTC
What's the best way to make a sandbox game with a variant here?
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Flame (1073 D)
07 Aug 20 UTC
How to post as Anon?
How to post in this forum anonimously?
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Melior (800 D)
06 Aug 20 UTC
Where is the correct place to contact Oli for a variant?
I have created smallmap and smallmapnames files and the next step in the variant creation process appears to be to contact Oli and have him set up the DevTools. Is the correct place to request a variant? It has been three days since I have e-mailed him. Is this a normal amount of time to wait?
1 reply
december16 (1214 D)
04 Aug 20 UTC
Public Press Logs
Is there a way of exporting all of the public press messages from a single game into an external document, or perhaps concatenating them into a single web page?

Thanks in advance :)
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Anon (?? D)
04 Aug 20 UTC
I know I shouldn't be posting comment on ongoing anonymous game, but I couldn't hold myself on publicly noting that all the top 16 powers on 'Quarantinovatio' got at least one build this year!
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Bonatogether (1179 D)
03 Aug 20 UTC
Losing vpoints for a match I did well in?
So I'm in a Modern Europe game, and I did pretty well - coming in 2cd place in terms of centers ( ). But my Vpoints went down, from 1253 to 1229. I'm not sure why this is, and if someone could explain why that happened I would really appreciate it.

If it matters, I CDed out and was returned the spot using the country switch tool by a very generous guy.
4 replies
vPoints system
How does this work exactly?

Can someone please explain/give the code.
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Cornlord (1000 D)
02 Aug 20 UTC
Private Messages
I'm curious to whether there's a feature that allows players to see if private messages are taking place, and between who (but not the actual contents of the messages). Sort of how in face-to-face Diplomacy, one can usually see people heading off into a separate room for a private discussion.

This isn't really a request, but a query.
2 replies
New Game page Error
I've been having this issue for the past day and I don't see any other posts about it, so I'm thinking it might just be me.
Whenever I go to check out the "New Games" page I get the following:
Error triggered: Not-paused game process-time values incorrectly set..
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Flame (1073 D)
30 Jul 20 UTC
Homepage improvement...
What do you think?
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David Hood (976 D)
18 Jul 20 UTC
New Diplomacy Hobby news broadcast
Here's the link to the first edition of our monthly Dip newscast:
13 replies
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
20 Jul 20 UTC
Diplomacy and Survivor
Since learning about Diplomacy, I've always felt that the social aspect of the game is incredibly similar to that in the reality TV show, Survivor. I'm curious, has anybody here ever genuinely considered going on the show/ auditioned to be on it?
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Variant Development
How do I add rules?
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nikhil (1415 D)
21 Jul 20 UTC
New maps
What's the process to create a new vDip map?
1 reply
the_majesty (1383 D)
18 Jul 20 UTC
In the absence of Oli, is there any way to go about getting access to DevTools? I've sent them a few messages over the past few weeks but had no response.
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quidire (924 D)
16 Jul 20 UTC
Europa Renovatio
Just sharing with the group that there's a new ER game with choose-your-power and press enabled. Come join!
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Anon (?? D)
15 Jul 20 UTC
Need a mod. gameID=44643
I started a game of Imperial variant, and made it anonymous and no press, so that all diplomacy could be conducted on discord. the game has begun and I am struggling to identify players. can someone help me? i think i need a mod, and dont know how to summon one.
1 reply
idk how to design maps
I have a map idea that i want to be put into Badfrog's game "Conspiracy" but the problem is i have no idea how to do anything past the drawing & colouring of the map. Can anyone help?
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umbletheheep (1023 D)
10 Jul 20 UTC
Richard Sharp's Game of Diplomacy
The latest issue of the Briefing highlights a review of Richard Sharp's Game of Diplomacy:

Be sure to subscribe to the Briefing for more weekly updates:
0 replies
bsiper (1281 D)
07 May 20 UTC
Variant Dev Thread: New York
Hello, does anyone want to join the first playtest of the New York variant?
Comment here if you want in, and I'll PM the password!
37 replies
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
27 Jun 20 UTC
Tiger King themed game
Hi folks - started a new game that I'm keen to get people's thoughts on...
Anon (?? D)
27 Jun 20 UTC
So I've already created a game at, but its gunboat and if people think press would work better with the concept, I'll create another one.

Played on a Divided States board where players are randomly allocated it is like a normal game BUT needs a little blessing from above (the Mods) to allocate bonus vDip points at the end if any of the named players achieve their special goal:

Oklahoma (The Tiger King) - survive the game holding OKC and ARD (I think the location of the GW Zoo borders both of these territories on the Divided States map) AND also own TAM in Florida so you successfully take over Carole Baskins' Big Cat Rescue. Bonus points if at some stage during the game you successfully own Los Angeles (so you can burn down Rick Kirkham's studio)
Florida (Carole Baskins) - same in reverse,survive the game holding TAM in Florida (Big Cat Rescue) and take over OKC and ARD (the GW Zoo)
Nevada (Jeff Lowe) - survive the game holding Las Vegas (LV) and take over OKC and ARD (the GW Zoo)
South Carolina (Doc Antle) - survive the game holding MYR (Myrtle Beach Safari) and take over TAM (Big Cat Rescue). Bonus points if you manage to somehow sleep with at least 3 players of the opposite sex in the game
California (Rick Kirkham) - yeah I know Rick is from Oklahoma City, but that is Joe's country to play, so as he was a Hollywood producer I'm giving him California. His points conditions is to ensure Los Angeles (the studio) never falls to Joe, he survives the game and he or another Tiger King playing player eliminates Joe from the board

Open to other ideas that are in keeping with the show's theme.

Who's with me? Any mods open to allocating bonus points if any of the conditions are met?
Late suggestion: If Joe Exotic/Tiger King/Oklahoma takes Washington DC (his Presidential run) he also gets bonus points at the end.

Maybe this game would work best as unrated so other players can jump in and assist with where things go, knowing that only players who are playing the Tiger King sub-game get special Mod points at the end.
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
30 Jun 20 UTC
I went to sign up but was sad to see it was gunboat. This game cries out for some sort of press (public or full) presumably all in full and glorious character.
DaveSpermbank (1026 D)
01 Jul 20 UTC
if ur going to do 50 player variant, it has to be no excused nmrs. i'm not playing through 100 rounds of nrming before the first moves go!
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
01 Jul 20 UTC
I think you're right Scuba. I set up the game, then realised typing the forum message that press would be better. Happy to start another game if there's enough interest.

Also as its a bit of fun, maybe it needs to be unrated. That would also help with Dave's suggestion about nmr's.

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DaveSpermbank (1026 D)
30 Jun 20 UTC
How do I add a new variant?
I have a new idea for a variant, and i would like to submit it. What are the requirements, etc? Thanks!
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