A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Lord Saviour (1407 D)
23 Mar 23 UTC
What is going on?!
Is anyone else going a bit mad looking at the state of the world? France on the verge of another revolution et cetera.
55 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
30 Mar 23 UTC
New Variant: Twilight of the Classical World: Comments Wanted
This eight-player variant is set in an uncommon era, between the fall of Rome and the rise of Islam, toward the end of that period, in 609, during the Heraclian revolt against Emperor Phocas. I welcome comments or criticism. Variant rules are on the map. Check out the variant at
11 replies
Live game
Anyone interested in a live 1v1 match today?
1 reply
MagicalSand (1822 D)
12 Mar 23 UTC
Has anyone ever played diplomacy in school?
I know I myself was ever able to, but some relatives did when they were in school. But perhaps some of the older players here played diplomacy in their history classes. I'm curious if anyone here has and if they have any cool stories to go with it? And maybe it's still used as a learning tool today yet even.
8 replies
ubercacher16 (2114 D)
29 Mar 23 UTC
Extended Turns
Is there a way to see how many turns you have caused to extend?
2 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
11 Mar 23 UTC
Manifesto posting thread
"I guess the benefit of having the thread system and no forum here is that no one will bother to use it for their manifestos :P" ---Fake Al

Hear me, weirdos, malcontents and conspiracy theorists of vDip, your failure to post rambling disjointed manifestos has been noticed and commented upon.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
11 Mar 23 UTC
Manifestos will be judged on length with scores adjusted for spelling and syntax. No additional points will be forthcoming to reward incoherence or esoteric focuses, but we all know that they are key for good manifesto composing.
ubercacher16 (2114 D)
11 Mar 23 UTC
I approve this message

Classic bad

Alright bye
Fake Al (1747 D)
11 Mar 23 UTC
It’s quite honor to have inspired such a thread. Now, take your shitposts back to the winning thread, gopher.
Fake Al (1747 D)
11 Mar 23 UTC
Also, am I correct in assume that worse spelling and syntax will result in higher scores?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
11 Mar 23 UTC
The Anti-Gravity Monifesto:

Gravity is a force that holds us down and limits our potential. We demand the development of anti-gravity technology, so we can soar freely through the skies.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
11 Mar 23 UTC
Yeah mon'
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
11 Mar 23 UTC
A loooong time ago, my (then) 4 year old son told me "Its called grabity because it grabs you down to the ground."
Fake Al (1747 D)
11 Mar 23 UTC
Lemme tell you something that grinds my gears. It's people that believe in flat earth. What a plainly braindead and lazy conspiracy theory. I mean it's so easy to realize Earth isn't flat. I'm pretty sure people figured it out before the pyramids were built. All you gotta do is like go outside and see that there's a horizon that sharply cuts off. Maybe people just do it to be annoying. You see, hollow earth is clearly the superior conspiracy theory. I won't go into the whole hole entrance to Agartha into Antarctica thing. But, if you tell me Earth isn't hollow, let me just ask you this. How far have you dug?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 Mar 23 UTC
The natural order of things: I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, German to my horse and English to my enemies.
It is more glorious to win than to draw.
It is more glorious to draw than to survive.
It is more glorious to survive than be defeated.
But most of all... I play to have fun.
Fake Al (1747 D)
27 Mar 23 UTC
It is more glorious to be defeated than to NMR.
Mittag (1396 D)
27 Mar 23 UTC
It is more glorious to be defeated than to survive.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
27 Mar 23 UTC
It is more glorious to win than to draw.
It is more glorious to draw than to be defeated.
Surviving does not exist - your people have lost and you are defeated.
But worst of all is to NMR/CD.

But let's be real - the real sin here is people who play a game called DIPLOMACY and refuse to talk! Or who refuse to entertain new viewpoints! Like, Jesus, it's in the damn name!
JECE (1534 D)
27 Mar 23 UTC
"Surviving does not exist"

"the real sin here is people who play a game called DIPLOMACY and . . . refuse to entertain new viewpoints"

The irony! ;-)
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
27 Mar 23 UTC
I refer you to the official Diplomacy rules.

"As soon as one Great Power controls 18 supply centers, it is considered to have gained control of Europe. The player representing that Great Power is the winner.

However, players can end the game by agreement before a winner is determined. In this case, all players who still have pieces on the board share equally in a draw."

The rules are very clear. There are victors (solo), a draw, and losers (defeated). Survived is an invention of a scoring system that has no real basis in the rules. If someone wins, it is obvious everyone else loses. There is no "best loser", or "worst loser". Just everyone else lost. It is the same reason that non-equal draws should not exist. They are not part of the rules and are at their core, a major change in the game of Diplomacy, leading it to a point where it would be hard to call it "Diplomacy", instead, being a "Diplomacy-based" game.

Even our own vDip site says "The goal of every game is to 'solo' the board, or hold the majority of the supply centers available. This is how you win in Diplomacy. However, it is very difficult to solo the board and thus most Diplomacy games do not end in a solo. That is why there are other positive results, such as draws. Depending on the scoring system of the game, a draw will distribute a certain number of points to each surviving player."

There is no mention of a survival in our rules, nor should there be. Sometimes in life, there are things that are simply correct. It is not irony to adhere to the correct rules and refuse to acknowledge false ones. Is it irony to refuse to entertain that 2+2=5 in the Base 10 math system? No, because it is simply wrong.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
27 Mar 23 UTC
And yes, I will die on this hill that "survival" is a bastardization of the game of Diplomacy and should not exist.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Mar 23 UTC
Gunboats should be classified as distinct if related game that I call "Tactics" rather than as a variant of "Diplomacy".
JECE (1534 D)
27 Mar 23 UTC
I completely agree with you, drano019, that draws should be shared equally and that draws that are not shared equally are a bastardization of Diplomacy. I see nothing in the rules, however, that precludes usage of a descriptor for describing Great Powers with pieces on the board at the moment that they lost the game. I have written long manifestos about this in defense of PPSC, since the scoring system is true to the rules given that the scoring system very clearly rewards the winner above all the losers.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
27 Mar 23 UTC
The whole term of "survive" stems from the unspeakable system which distributes points to those who have not won the game.
In a solo, all glory goes to the winner. In a draw, the glory is split between multiple people.

A survive indicates that all of the glory went to one person, indicating the game was successfully played (but not by you). A defeat, as defined by the site, makes no such guarantees. A defeat indicates that you could have lost to multiple opponents. Surely it less glorious to lose to multiple opponents than it is to lose to one opponent?
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
27 Mar 23 UTC
Finkel -

What does it matter how you lost? You lost. Plain and simple. It does not matter if you lose a championship game by one run, goal, or point, or by 10 runs, goals, or points, or by 50. The fact is, you lost. There is victory and there is defeat. Yes, one could argue it was a "better" game to have lost closely, but that is subjective. The only objective measure is that a loss is a loss. Making one loss "worth" more is subjective and a bastardization of the game which clearly lays out Solo-Draw-Lose in the rules.


Just because something is not written in the rules does not make it acceptable in the game. The rules state nothing about metagaming or cheating (in fact, there's old stories of how people tried to manipulate others in postal Dip games back in the day that would surely be out of bounds now) but we have collectively decided it's unacceptable.

My argument is that we should interpret the rules in the very obvious (to me) way they are written. There is a winner (solo), shared survivors (draw - and I wouldnt' call a draw a "victory" either, just merely living to continue the fight later), and losers (people who have been eliminated, or allowed a victor to emerge in a solo).

As GOD stated, the fact that you gain points when losing (allowing a solo) is absurd. Especially when you can HELP that person solo to gain points. How is that not a bastardization of the intent of the game? The rules clearly indicate you should try to win, and if that fails, ensure you draw. Nowhere in any rules is there any indication that trying to help someone win, or just being on the other side of the map from a solo, is a positive outcome that should net you praise (or points) in any way.
What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
28 Mar 23 UTC
I cannot support drano's and GOD's intolerance for other people's lifestyle choices.
JECE (1534 D)
28 Mar 23 UTC
drano019: I've already written manifestos about this many times. What isn't subjective is that players who only have a handful of supply centers are key to deciding how games end. Do you want such players, those who have no hope of winning and only a faint hope of dawing, deciding games at random? Surviving such positions is extremely difficult and it is a disservice to the game for players in difficult positions to just stop playing given that they have nothing meaningful to do. On a more subjective note, and I say this as somebody who is willing to play the same game for years in an effort to win, I find that equating 'defeats' and 'survives' turns even top players into big fluffy chickens who would rather draw seven ways than keep a game alive that isn't going exactly according to their initial win strategy.
JECE (1534 D)
28 Mar 23 UTC
"dawing" --> 'drawing'
@nobody in particular:
I feel like directly addressing other people's points defeats the purpose of posting manifestoes. That being said, I suggest we rank the following perversions (currently alphabetical):

Distinguishing between survive and defeat
vDip points
webDip points

There are no wrong answers, except for the ones that differ from my opinion.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
28 Mar 23 UTC
PPSC is a legitimate rule variation just as build anywhere or Fog of War.
JECE (1534 D)
28 Mar 23 UTC
SoS is the biggest perversion of all, I reckon! Manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto. Q. E. D.
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
28 Mar 23 UTC
Kind of odd to be calling variants a 'perversion' on *V* diplomacy.
JECE (1534 D)
28 Mar 23 UTC
I tried asking the new Bing, "Write me a manifesto."

It responded:
"I'm sorry but I cannot write a manifesto for you. Manifestos are usually written by individuals or groups to express their beliefs, ideas, and intentions. They are usually written with a specific purpose in mind and are often used to inspire or motivate others to take action. If you have a specific topic or idea in mind, I can help you research it and provide you with information that may be useful in writing your own manifesto. What topic would you like to explore?"
How does SoS scoring work again?
JECE (1534 D)
28 Mar 23 UTC
Goodness if I know! But draws are not shared equally. My sense is that you take a copy of the rules and feed it to a shredder, then take the shreds to a I Ching specialist who will throw the strands on the floor, and who will then chant out the Chinese name of each Great Power of Europe followed by the corresponding score of each Great Power in binary.

33 replies
MagicalSand (1822 D)
01 Mar 23 UTC
How do excused NMRs work?
So on a game I was playing in, it says something around the lines of "1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 1 turn(s)". So it leads me to believe that you get an excused NMR back after 5 turns, and wouldn't go into civil disorder.
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AJManso4 (2318 D)
15 Mar 23 UTC
Would it make sense that playing diplomacy is actually a healthy exercise for your brain?
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kestasjk (0 D)
13 Oct 22 UTC
webDip merge
Hey all, kestasjk from here.

I have a feeling this is going to get shot down straight away but that's totally fine; just want to lay out a long-term proposal for merging the code bases and see whether it's worth thinking about or if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
114 replies
anqilan456 (1000 D X)
22 Mar 23 UTC
NBA 2K23 players have noticed that Herschel
NBA 2K23 players have noticed that Herschel "Dr. Disrespect' Beahm has made an appearance as a surprise player in the game.Along with the other major 2022 game launches, NBA 2K23 is set to begin play on September 9 and despite not being out in the moment, fans have already seen the 2x champion in the game.If you want to learn more about NBA 2K23 MT, please visit
0 replies
anqilan456 (1000 D X)
22 Mar 23 UTC
Position within the Diablo 4's five classes

What they won't see is a wide variety of bodies, at least for each class. The Barbarian is strong and muscular for their position within the Diablo 4's five classes. The Sorcerer/Sorceress class looks strong enough to be able to lift books and wands, but they're not nearly as lean and athletic-looking like the Rogue.
If you want to learn more about Diablo 4 Gold,piease vist
0 replies
anqilan456 (1000 D X)
22 Mar 23 UTC
The art of scoring from a corner fut 23
The left stick is used to steer the ball. The right stick is used to increase the level. To score from corners, it's preferred to strike the corner in-swinging, using the correct mix of precision and power.
If you want to learn more about FIFA 23 Coins,please vist mmoexp
0 replies
Flame (1073 D)
20 Mar 23 UTC
Discord server for russian-speaking Diplomacy players
We start the Discord server for russian-speaking Diplomacy players here.
Join to get new friend and foes! ;)
1 reply
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
15 Mar 23 UTC
Game limit?
I am in 3 games and cannot join any others because of game limits. Can someone help me please?
10 replies
jason4747 (1633 D)
19 Mar 23 UTC
For Europa Renovatio players
I like how the colors are mostly reflected in the vDip game. Clearly related. Anyone know the backstory?
2 replies
HelloMyNameIsBob (1201 D)
18 Mar 23 UTC
I just realized A Modern Europe is just the HOI4 map with some small changes.
This is the variant:
And compare it to Europe in this:
1 reply
CBro27 (1436 D)
17 Mar 23 UTC
Simultaneous Solos
I’ve just realized that in the games where a solo requires less than 50% of the available SCs, two players could reach that mark at the same time. Does anyone know if this has ever happened on this site and what would happen if it does?
2 replies
Fake Al (1747 D)
03 Feb 23 UTC
South China Sea Variant
I put together a variant based on the South China Sea dispute.
The seven players fight over tiny islands that are hard to defend. I think games should be pretty chaotic. Anyone interested in trying it out?
19 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Mar 23 UTC
Clue the Movie Diplomacy?

Amby: "Gopher, why does everyone in that Youtube video look like in my mind's eye what an ideal Diplomacy player should look like?"
2 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 23 UTC
Anyone interested?
See below
31 replies
Flame (1073 D)
05 Nov 22 UTC
Forum avatars
We have got a new feature on
Avatars for users. Please check it out here:
11 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
04 Mar 23 UTC
South of Sahara: Variant in Development, Comments Wanted
Take a look:
7 replies
Yellojello (1000 D)
16 Feb 23 UTC
Hello everyone
hi guys i am new here.
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
04 Mar 23 UTC
Join it!
This is an new Europa! With 4 excuses and extend never!this will allow fluent playing and no worry about an drop out!please come in and enjoy the game!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
26 Feb 23 UTC
Country Switch in this map
Hi, I am Thailand on this map:
I am really busy these days, trying to find a new player to replace me.
I do not want it turns into an open position because I do not want Thailand to miss turns in this game. Is there an experienced player who wants to replace me?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
03 Oct 22 UTC
Putin & your Dip spidey senses
As Diplomacy players I think we’re particular attuned to seeing a geopolitical situation get out of control….
116 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Feb 23 UTC
Europa coming
This is an new Europa! With 4 excuses and extend never!this will allow fluent playing and no worry about an drop out!please come in and enjoy the game!
0 replies
David Hood (976 D)
23 Feb 23 UTC
North American Diplomacy Championship - May 2023
Registration for Dixiecon 37/Dipcon 52 is now up and running. The event will be held in Chapel Hill NC. Last weekend of May - all registration and booking details are now available at, including options to stay in the dorm (tournament location) or in local hotels. Register today! This event will include a face-to-face tournament for the variant Ancient Mediterranean, in addition to the normal Dip tournament and Team Tournament.
0 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
12 Feb 23 UTC
To the East Indies we go!
Thanks to the hard work of @tobi1, David E. Cohen's 'East Indies' variant is open for playtesting!
24 replies
Synarus (938 D)
16 Feb 23 UTC
Empire City Variant: The Battle for New York
Has anyone ever played this variant? It looks cool. (pg. 13)
3 replies
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