A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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pjman (661 D)
23 Feb 13 UTC
Ancient med
Please join here ☺gameID=12732
5 replies
pjman (661 D)
22 Feb 13 UTC
Anybody up for a classic game of diplomacy (5 minute phases)?
2 replies
Chapatis (925 D X)
23 Feb 13 UTC
Do you hate CD-ers? Join this wwIV game!
0 replies
korn (949 D)
20 Feb 13 UTC
Please fill out if you have the time

As part of a school project, I am taking data on the territories in diplomacy to create a thematic map (possibly). Please fill out if you have the time (no trolling please).
34 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
Shift Diplomacy - 6 Players Wanted!
Details inside:
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
I've always wanted to have a go at the Shift Variant of Diplomacy. In this variant, each country starts in another country's HSCs, but can only build in their proper HSCs, so it becomes a race back to your homes with your original units before you actually start trying to win for real.
This can be set up in 7 years (there may be a faster way, but I haven't found it yet) using a Classic board. I have all the orders that need to be entered for the first 7 years, and then we start playing properly.

Just a couple of rules:
1) For the first 7 years, you MUST enter the orders I tell you to - otherwise the game will have to be abandoned or restarted. These first years also need to go as quickly as possible, so please finalize your orders ASAP - triple checking them first, of course :D
2) I want this to be a reasonably high-quality game, so you must have played at least 100 phases and have an RR of 80+ to join. Exceptions can be made on the RR condition if you have a reasonable excuse for your RR being low, but the first condition is unnegotiable.
3) This will be Non-anon (as I will have to give orders for the first 7 years, thus revealing who I am) but both bet and whether it is PPSC or WTA will be put to a vote.

So, anyone up for it?
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
Sure, I am in. I use to know a way to shift, but I can't remember if it was more or less then 7 years
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
1) Captainmeme
2) Fasces349

Do you still have the order list for that?
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
I am in!

and couldn't the first one be discussed if you played a ton of games on webdip :p
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
im in
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
04 Nov 12 UTC
I'd be interested.

I'm assuming the first 7 years is to get your units into position to then 'begin' the shift variant game correct? Mind posting that order set if you have it figured out?
butterhead (1272 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
I'd play!
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
@God: It was a rather simple Turkey-Russa-England-France-Germany-Austria-Italy-Turkey loop, I'm not sure about the set up you were envisioning. Also how do you account for Russia having 4 units? Do you let the (turkey in my case) take all 4, or do you let Russia keep 1?
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
On the other hand we could start with the more hilarious
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
I'm in.
More details? expecially phase lenght & units' positions at year #7.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
wow, very nice link, fasces! :)
I'd be up for this -- if you're not full up yet.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
1) Captainmeme
2) Fasces
3) FD
4) GOD
5) Leif
6) Butterhead
7) Guaroz

Sorry Atlas... You just missed it :(

Anyhow, the starting positions will be:
Italy: F StP (SC), A Mos, A War, F Sev
Austria: F Lon, A Edi, A Lvp
Russia: F Bre, A Par, A Mar
England: F Nap, F Rom, A Ven
Turkey: F Kie, A Mun, A Ber
Germany: F Ank, A Con, A Smy
France: F Tri, A Vie, A Bud

This is taken from Shift-Left (I think) with slight changes to Austria and England to balance it a little.
Just realised it's going to take 8 years as the German fleet ends up in Con, not Ank, in Fall '07.
I'll post up the order list soon - I've got it in a JDip file so I can't just copy it straight out (I think). There probably is a faster way to do it but I haven't managed to find it yet. @Leif - you are correct, the 8 years are the time taken to get into the Shifted positions, before the game begins.
what happened in that webdip game lol
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
Okay, so three things are up for a vote between the players before we begin:
1) WTA or PPSC
2) Bet size
3) Phase length

My votes:
1) Either
2) 10-50 (preferably the lower end of the scale due to the variant not being hugely balanced)
3) 1 1/2 days per phase
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
@Fasces Nice link, btw :D
butterhead (1272 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
1) either
2) 10-20 preferred
3) 1 to 1 1/2 day phases(prefer 1 though)
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Nov 12 UTC
"what happened in that webdip game lol"
One of the players (Forget which one) posted in the forum about a special rules game where we would try to make the map looked as F'ed up as possible. This was the end result.
1) either
2) 10-20
3) 1 1/2 day phases
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
2) 10-20
3) any between 30 and 40 hours, except 36! :)
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
05 Nov 12 UTC
1) Either
2) Don't Care
3) 1 1/2 day phases +/1 1 hr... for Guaroz :)
fasces349 (1007 D)
05 Nov 12 UTC
I'm going to assume that Guaroz is joking
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
05 Nov 12 UTC
+/- not +/1

and I'm assuming he is too..
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Nov 12 UTC
Okay, I know not everyone's voted yet but two of the options have a majority already, and I'll make an executive decision to make it PPSC.
I'll PM you all the password when I have made the game - I won't be able to post instructions on orders until this afternoon but I want to make sure people have joined up by then.
It's PPSC, 15 point bet, 36 hrs/phase (Sorry Guaroz :D)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Nov 12 UTC
PMs sent. I can't remember whether I capitalized the first letter of the password so if the one I gave you doesn't work, try capitalizing the first letter.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
05 Nov 12 UTC
Lol no, I was not much joking: I really hate phase lengths that are a multiple of 12 hrs. But it's not an issue, of course! :D
@ Leif: thanks for your "+/-1" vote! :D :D
fasces349 (1007 D)
05 Nov 12 UTC
oh, my bad, lol
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Nov 12 UTC
I didn't get a PM....
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
05 Nov 12 UTC
so are the orders given in the game?
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Nov 12 UTC
Sorry Guaroz... I thought you were joking...
We're all finalising anyhow so the first eight year phases won't be multiples of twelve :D
@FD You must have got it, unless you're very good at guessing passwords...

First orders have been given on Global Chat, please enter them, double check them and then finalise (remember, if one order is wrong, we may have to start again...)
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Nov 12 UTC
fasces gave it to, CM
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
06 Nov 12 UTC
The message to you is present on my home page, so I'm not sure what happened...
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
14 Nov 12 UTC
I'm impressed CM. (Autumn, 1907) looks rather beautiful if I don't say so myself.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
17 Dec 12 UTC
I'd love to play the second round of the shift variant some day
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
17 Dec 12 UTC
I think Guaroz is going to run a Shift-Country game after this one - the rules are in the Global on Shift if you want to get involved. The next Shift will either run alongside it or after it, depending on how soon people want it to start.
Ben_Cretsinger (549 D X)
17 Dec 12 UTC
I am in
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
17 Dec 12 UTC
I'd play as well. I'll keep my eyes open on the forum
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 Feb 13 UTC
The game has ended!


Congratulations to those present in the final draw, and a big thanks to everyone else who played for sticking around for the entire thing (except Austria). EoGs are welcome, as are your impressions of the variant. I will be posting an analysis of the game as soon as I can.

GG all!
butterhead (1272 D)
21 Feb 13 UTC
I already told you my view of the game... Great concept, but certain... events... ruined it early imho, so for most of the game I just kinda went along with whatever...
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
21 Feb 13 UTC
It was indeed very funny, but all the NMRs were annoying...but i would love to play again!
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
23 Feb 13 UTC
EoG? OMG, I've never switched alliances more than once in a game. In this one, I (we) did it so many times that I can't even remember why! Worse than a square dance!...You changed partner(s) so often... I think I've been "allied and then enemy" at least twice with every player...
I think that this was the beauty of this variant: you can forget to end the game in the same alliance you started. Most part of the skill is good timing in switching them. You miss the right time only once and you're dead.
My impressions are more than positive. Really funny. Unfortunately I got no time to play full press games ATM, but I hope to play again a "Shift" any soon.
Thanks everybody for the nice game and a special thank to Captainmeme for his great idea.

40 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
18 Jul 12 UTC
Wanted!!! Investor Players of a high caliber
50 point buy in - manipulate the stock market as well as conquer the known world.
316 replies
Synapse (814 D)
17 Feb 13 UTC
WWII Test Games
Hi everyone,

I know we had some problems with the previous WWII test games but I've corrected those issues and the variant SHOULD be ready for release. I'm hosting a few test games at so please join and let me know what you think, thanks.
6 replies
xSMTx (847 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Sexism in Diplomacy
This has just always sorta been at the back of my mind, and maybe it's been answered before, but why do we always assume players are men? I'm just thinking that we often refer to countries as "he", when historically, countries tended to be referred to as female. "The Motherland", "The Mother Country" etc..
33 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 13 UTC
HoF symbols -> next to your name
An idea about how to display the HoF ranking next to the player's name, could be to include a little symbol (like the donator circle). I'm thinking buildings, but are buildings the best symbol?
60 replies
VanDy (992 D)
19 Feb 13 UTC
live game
anyone interested?
0 replies
Awesome2211 (789 D)
18 Feb 13 UTC
Live game
3 replies
Scotieboy9 (838 D)
18 Feb 13 UTC
classic chaos game
hey forum i have a game of classic chaos
Chaos is a game where every SC is owned by a seperate person
It takes alot of skill
The game needs 34 people so i need as many possible i already have 10
1 reply
pjman (661 D)
10 Feb 13 UTC
Quick games
How come no body wants to play a quick game?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Feb 13 UTC
Enlightenment & Succession variant.

In the game at, France has managed to build in Eire, even though this is not listed as a 'build anywhere' variant. Confusing if not plain wrong. Help please; this spoils an otherwise good variant.
1 reply
Chapatis (925 D X)
17 Feb 13 UTC
Fast Modern Diplo game starting in 2 hours- we just need 2 more people to join!
0 replies
I have found this site, and it looks like a nice place to play. Would anyone be interested in a game? I hope the settings meet people's requirements? Let us see if I am worthy of my namesake.
7 replies
Awesome2211 (789 D)
15 Feb 13 UTC
Leaving games
How do you leave games
7 replies
Scotieboy9 (838 D)
13 Feb 13 UTC
game of classic-chaos with achilles27
hey guys i am starting up a game of chaos and whoever wants to join go ahead.Now im not one to post on the forum so i dont know many of you but a friend of mine achilles27 knows you better than i redo.achilles will be in the game also. Read the response for more info
5 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Feb 13 UTC
Bellatrix : EOG thread
1 reply
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Blind Dip 0.2, DO NOT REPLY, pm interest instead
I'd be willing to GM a 'blind diplomacy' game similar to one that flopped due to CD about 6 months back.

PM me with your interest (to keep the game anonymous) and I will accept the first 7 players with RR > 90%. Rules forthcoming...
16 replies
Betterthanshane (982 D)
13 Feb 13 UTC
Need help with diplomacy!
I'm not quite sure how this website works, I need some help from someone. I'm used to the board game version. Thanks.
2 replies
leadpencils (772 D)
12 Feb 13 UTC
1on1 live
want to play a live game, please join only if willing to finish the game within an hour, password is live, title is 1on1 live
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 Feb 13 UTC
Lonely Goose
Man, so after finally battling to get back on Webdip, it's wont I am exiled to Vdiplomacy... :'(

Guys...hold me...start a game with me and play with me.
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Feb 13 UTC
Replacements needed! gameID=12198
We need 2 replacements (Oceania and Inca) for a WWIV gunboat.

The game has not started yet. 24 hrs until first phase progresses.
0 replies
Awesome2211 (789 D)
11 Feb 13 UTC
The quest of mordor
We need 7 more people in this game so join?
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Feb 13 UTC
China, land of confused children......discuss
So a friend of mine is having a birthday on Tuesday. On Sunday, it will be Chinese New Year. What must life be like for Chinese kids with birthdays over the last few weeks? I must admit my suspicion of any calender that yields a number of birthdays per year via a random stochastic process.
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Feb 13 UTC
Colonial Game - 2 needed, 31 hours left
2 needed, 31 hours left

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Feb 13 UTC
Live Gunboat Games Advertized Here
For all you who want to play but webdip is too slow.
3 replies
Synapse (814 D)
27 Jan 13 UTC
WWII Variant (preview)***
Hi I'm working on a new variant for WWII, please let me know how the map is. Also I don't have any idea of php so please can you tell me how to 'run' diplomacy to test it out? Or can I just submit it to the mods?
41 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Feb 13 UTC
Australia, land of pussies.....discuss
Australia has now implemented a national policy barring children in public schools from having candles as part of birthday celebrations because of the germ spreading associated with blowing out said candles. Beyond the fascistic nanny state aspect of a Federal Government taking an interest in such matters at all, can any right thinking person take seriously a country that would empower such authorities?
29 replies
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