A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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pjman (661 D)
23 Feb 13 UTC
Ancient med
Please join here ☺gameID=12732
5 replies
pjman (661 D)
22 Feb 13 UTC
Anybody up for a classic game of diplomacy (5 minute phases)?
2 replies
Chapatis (925 D X)
23 Feb 13 UTC
Do you hate CD-ers? Join this wwIV game!
0 replies
korn (949 D)
20 Feb 13 UTC
Please fill out if you have the time

As part of a school project, I am taking data on the territories in diplomacy to create a thematic map (possibly). Please fill out if you have the time (no trolling please).
34 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 12 UTC
Shift Diplomacy - 6 Players Wanted!
Details inside:
40 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
18 Jul 12 UTC
Wanted!!! Investor Players of a high caliber
50 point buy in - manipulate the stock market as well as conquer the known world.
316 replies
Synapse (814 D)
17 Feb 13 UTC
WWII Test Games
Hi everyone,

I know we had some problems with the previous WWII test games but I've corrected those issues and the variant SHOULD be ready for release. I'm hosting a few test games at so please join and let me know what you think, thanks.
6 replies
xSMTx (847 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Sexism in Diplomacy
This has just always sorta been at the back of my mind, and maybe it's been answered before, but why do we always assume players are men? I'm just thinking that we often refer to countries as "he", when historically, countries tended to be referred to as female. "The Motherland", "The Mother Country" etc..
Tyran (1361 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
I don't think it's sexist. It's just that most players are male and assume everyone and everything else is male
Hollywood (1423 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Welcome to the Internet
ezpickins (1659 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
fatherland anyone?
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
@ezpickins, That's only for Deutschland, though, right?.

As for the thread topic, I think it's just tradition to use he for situations like this. Boats are women, game players are men. I'm sure chess magazines use he, too, when they're talking about hypothetical games. It's sexist, but convenient alternatives are all clunky or ambiguous, unless you know the person's gender for sure.
celticfox (1152 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Probably because 95% of the players on here are men.
Alcuin (1454 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
I believe the Swedish national anthem is "Sverige, Sverige Vaterland"
Hollywood (1423 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Diplomacy is all about history, not herstory
Halt (2077 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Isn't Germany as fatherland as well?
steephie22 (933 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
"Diplomacy is all about history, not herstory"

I'll try to remember that one :P
For now you get a +1
equator (1514 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
I'd fall in love with a girl dip player
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
And then you'd ruin it by stabbing her in the back over two SCs. :D
fasces349 (1007 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
on this site its impossible to know who is a guy and who is a girl, but I am willing to be that somewhere between 80 and 95% are guys.

On the other hand, back when I played on facebook diplomacy, since you know the name of your opponents (their facebook name) you could tell if they were a boy or a girl and the few times I played girls I did use the female pronouns.
xSMTx (847 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
@Hollywood that was fantastic! Problem solved.

But I guess I'm just wondering if we actually know who's male and who's female? I mean, it's been a while since I made my account, but I don't recall filling out a gender box when creating it.
Also, I just called the thread "Sexism in Diplomacy" to draw attention to it... Creative naming haha
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
It's a shame we can't add polls to these threads. There are lots of things I'd like to survey people on, least of all gender... Anyone good at coding? We got +1s, polls can't be terribly hard. I wonder what would happen if I tried to insert a polldaddy poll...
Samhain (728 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
@Alcuin I just wanted to correct the Swedish national anthem. It's Du gamla du fria not Sverige, Sverige Vaterland the last part would be faderland in Swedish. Du gamle du fria is translates to You old, you Free.
Alcuin (1454 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
@Samhain - fair enough, my knowledge of Swedish and Sweden came from a text book belonging to my father and published in the 1920s. I don't know if it even said Sverige Sverige Vaterland was the national anthem now that I think about it. Sorry.
Myself538 (1018 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
The reason he or him is used because it's rude to call some one an "It" and the majority of players on the site are most likely guys. I prefer to refer to a player as them, or some other non-gender pronoun, so no one is to be offended.
butterhead (1272 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
At one point we had 3 confirmed(people who announced that they were) females. at least 2 of those 3 have stopped playing or are only on occasionally. So unless there are more that just have not disclosed their gender, we have 1 female who may still be active on the site... so it's just easier to say "he" when referring to another player :P
steephie22 (933 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
Who's that female then? :P
DEFIANT (1311 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
I think women would make excellent dip players, they are good at stabbing(in the back), devising devious plans to conqueor, I know for a fact because I am married. ;)
steephie22 (933 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
So is it a good marriage? :P
DEFIANT (1311 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
depends which one you ask, husband or wife ;) yes it is, but she taught me alot about diplomacy?
Samhain (728 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
@Alcuin no worries! Time to get a new book, and no there has never been a Sverige, Sverige vaterland as anthem. And to join the main debate I have played Diplomacy with two female friends. And obe of them have been in the top three every time we have played.
celticfox (1152 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
I'm female and I party semi regularly on this site. I'm much more active on the other WebDiplomacy site.
celticfox (1152 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
Party = play silly autocorrect
LakersFan (1373 D)
11 Jan 13 UTC
The problem stems from a lack of a term that is gender neutral for referring to people in third person. I believe Nordic language was the last to use a non-specific (Thon, if my memory serves correctly ), but it is obviously cumbersome.

"Behave Thonself! "
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
16 Jan 13 UTC
They and them are widely accepted as gender neutral. Snooty english teachers will say that they can't pertain to singular people and only to groups, but they are incorrect, because language can be used however you like.
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Jan 13 UTC
@Steephie- She answered your question for you. haha.
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
16 Jan 13 UTC
@Buggy Virus, Temple weight staplered magnet tape. Pens bear red green a with George Washington. Pamphlet transgendered warbling yodel swingset Mongolia.

I think there are limits to how language can be "properly" used, although I do think "they" and "them" are correct for gender neutral singular third person. I mean, Shakespeare used it: I think by definition, anything Shakespeare did is grammatically correct...
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
05 Feb 13 UTC
Well the reason it technically is not grammatically correct is because during the beginning of the women's movement English parliament passed a bill to make them and they an incorrect word grammatically, as to keep it from being used in legal papers so "He, and Him" would stay the default. And now have doomed us to people saying him/her is correct, when they is fine.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
05 Feb 13 UTC
In Old English 'mann' meant 'person'. This term was then accompanied by other distinct forms which marked differences in gender: 'wer' (adult man); 'wif' (adult woman); 'wæpman' (adult male person); 'wifman' (adult female person)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
05 Feb 13 UTC
I believe it was an act of parliament around 1850 that declared that words that imported to the masculine gender should be deemed to be taken to include females. Hence the generic 'man' - ie. mankind
Buggy Virus (1287 D)
21 Feb 13 UTC
Yes, which to some isn't appropriate, to others is a big issue. The biggest point is though, 1800s English Parliment shouldn't be in charge of language.

33 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 13 UTC
HoF symbols -> next to your name
An idea about how to display the HoF ranking next to the player's name, could be to include a little symbol (like the donator circle). I'm thinking buildings, but are buildings the best symbol?
60 replies
VanDy (992 D)
19 Feb 13 UTC
live game
anyone interested?
0 replies
Awesome2211 (789 D)
18 Feb 13 UTC
Live game
3 replies
Scotieboy9 (838 D)
18 Feb 13 UTC
classic chaos game
hey forum i have a game of classic chaos
Chaos is a game where every SC is owned by a seperate person
It takes alot of skill
The game needs 34 people so i need as many possible i already have 10
1 reply
pjman (661 D)
10 Feb 13 UTC
Quick games
How come no body wants to play a quick game?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Feb 13 UTC
Enlightenment & Succession variant.

In the game at, France has managed to build in Eire, even though this is not listed as a 'build anywhere' variant. Confusing if not plain wrong. Help please; this spoils an otherwise good variant.
1 reply
Chapatis (925 D X)
17 Feb 13 UTC
Fast Modern Diplo game starting in 2 hours- we just need 2 more people to join!
0 replies
I have found this site, and it looks like a nice place to play. Would anyone be interested in a game? I hope the settings meet people's requirements? Let us see if I am worthy of my namesake.
7 replies
Awesome2211 (789 D)
15 Feb 13 UTC
Leaving games
How do you leave games
7 replies
Scotieboy9 (838 D)
13 Feb 13 UTC
game of classic-chaos with achilles27
hey guys i am starting up a game of chaos and whoever wants to join go ahead.Now im not one to post on the forum so i dont know many of you but a friend of mine achilles27 knows you better than i redo.achilles will be in the game also. Read the response for more info
5 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
13 Feb 13 UTC
Bellatrix : EOG thread
1 reply
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
14 Jan 13 UTC
Blind Dip 0.2, DO NOT REPLY, pm interest instead
I'd be willing to GM a 'blind diplomacy' game similar to one that flopped due to CD about 6 months back.

PM me with your interest (to keep the game anonymous) and I will accept the first 7 players with RR > 90%. Rules forthcoming...
16 replies
Betterthanshane (982 D)
13 Feb 13 UTC
Need help with diplomacy!
I'm not quite sure how this website works, I need some help from someone. I'm used to the board game version. Thanks.
2 replies
leadpencils (772 D)
12 Feb 13 UTC
1on1 live
want to play a live game, please join only if willing to finish the game within an hour, password is live, title is 1on1 live
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 Feb 13 UTC
Lonely Goose
Man, so after finally battling to get back on Webdip, it's wont I am exiled to Vdiplomacy... :'(

Guys...hold me...start a game with me and play with me.
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Feb 13 UTC
Replacements needed! gameID=12198
We need 2 replacements (Oceania and Inca) for a WWIV gunboat.

The game has not started yet. 24 hrs until first phase progresses.
0 replies
Awesome2211 (789 D)
11 Feb 13 UTC
The quest of mordor
We need 7 more people in this game so join?
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Feb 13 UTC
China, land of confused children......discuss
So a friend of mine is having a birthday on Tuesday. On Sunday, it will be Chinese New Year. What must life be like for Chinese kids with birthdays over the last few weeks? I must admit my suspicion of any calender that yields a number of birthdays per year via a random stochastic process.
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Feb 13 UTC
Colonial Game - 2 needed, 31 hours left
2 needed, 31 hours left

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Feb 13 UTC
Live Gunboat Games Advertized Here
For all you who want to play but webdip is too slow.
3 replies
Synapse (814 D)
27 Jan 13 UTC
WWII Variant (preview)***
Hi I'm working on a new variant for WWII, please let me know how the map is. Also I don't have any idea of php so please can you tell me how to 'run' diplomacy to test it out? Or can I just submit it to the mods?
41 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Feb 13 UTC
Australia, land of pussies.....discuss
Australia has now implemented a national policy barring children in public schools from having candles as part of birthday celebrations because of the germ spreading associated with blowing out said candles. Beyond the fascistic nanny state aspect of a Federal Government taking an interest in such matters at all, can any right thinking person take seriously a country that would empower such authorities?
29 replies
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