Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 02 AM Thu 22 Feb 24 UTC
I should be studying
1 day /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1952, Finished
World War II, No messaging, Anon, Unranked
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend the first 5 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
JGLikesStratGames 1626 -> 1626 Drawn (41 SC) 72% 90% 0
Synarus 1036 -> 1036 Drawn (33 SC) 37% 90% 0
folie 1742 -> 1742 Defeated 78% 20% 0
Lurens1 951 -> 951 Defeated 32% 20% 0
rrrr77 1200 -> 1200 Defeated 47% 20% 0
dxzhengwei 986 -> 986 CD 34% 0% 0

JGLikesStratGames (Drawn / 41SCs / 1626->1626) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Synarus (Drawn / 33 SC ) 80% 50% -30% 0% 0 0
folie (Defeated) 43% 100% 57% 30% 0 0
Lurens1 (Defeated) 83% 100% 17% 50% 0 0
rrrr77 (Defeated) 73% 100% 27% 50% 0 0
dxzhengwei (CD) 81% 100% 19% 50% 0 0

Synarus (Drawn / 33SCs / 1036->1036) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
JGLikesStratGames (Drawn / 41 SC ) 20% 50% 30% 0% 0 0
folie (Defeated) 16% 100% 84% 30% 0 0
Lurens1 (Defeated) 55% 100% 45% 50% 0 0
rrrr77 (Defeated) 41% 100% 59% 50% 0 0
dxzhengwei (CD) 53% 100% 47% 50% 0 0

folie (Defeated / 0SCs / 1742->1742) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
JGLikesStratGames (Drawn / 41 SC ) 57% 0% -57% 30% 0 0
Synarus (Drawn / 33 SC ) 84% 0% -84% 30% 0 0
Lurens1 (Defeated) 86% 0% -86% 0% 0 0
rrrr77 (Defeated) 78% 0% -78% 0% 0 0
dxzhengwei (CD) 85% 100% 15% 12% 0 0

Lurens1 (Defeated / 0SCs / 951->951) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
JGLikesStratGames (Drawn / 41 SC ) 17% 0% -17% 50% 0 0
Synarus (Drawn / 33 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 50% 0 0
folie (Defeated) 14% 0% -14% 0% 0 0
rrrr77 (Defeated) 36% 0% -36% 0% 0 0
dxzhengwei (CD) 48% 100% 52% 20% 0 0

rrrr77 (Defeated / 0SCs / 1200->1200) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
JGLikesStratGames (Drawn / 41 SC ) 27% 0% -27% 50% 0 0
Synarus (Drawn / 33 SC ) 59% 0% -59% 50% 0 0
folie (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 0% 0 0
Lurens1 (Defeated) 64% 0% -64% 0% 0 0
dxzhengwei (CD) 62% 100% 38% 20% 0 0

dxzhengwei (CD / 0SCs / 986->986) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
JGLikesStratGames (Drawn / 41 SC ) 19% 0% -19% 50% 0 0
Synarus (Drawn / 33 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 50% 0 0
folie (Defeated) 15% 0% -15% 12% 0 0
Lurens1 (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 20% 0 0
rrrr77 (Defeated) 38% 0% -38% 20% 0 0
