Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for lordofthememes (465 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
34841 Leisurely 1v1-3 ClassicGvR Won 8 1008
34855 War ain't civil! Empire1on1 Survived -5 1003
34638 Amazonas Again SouthAmerica5 Defeated -20 983
34945 Duoel Duo Resigned -7 976
34941 Duo - Battle Duo Survived -7 969
34949 Duoel of the Ages Duo Survived -7 962
34897 C'mon, let's get on with it! TreatyOfVerdun Survived -10 952
34325 Első játék ClassicEconomic Defeated -21 931
34581 Play fast and gentle 2 Balkans1860 Defeated -21 910
34511 Cheap Edwardian Edwardian Defeated -25 885
34713 Kaiserreich Edwardian Won 273 1158
34415 JUST FOR FUN-5 Colonial1885 Survived 9 1167
35015 Apart AnarchyInTheUK Survived -33 1134
35017 Fog of War I ClassicFog Survived -16 1118
35198 Duoble Truoble Duo Survived -8 1110
34748 Into the Deep ClassicOctopus Defeated -18 1092
35237 ljn ClassicFGA Survived -18 1074
34586 Hapsburg AustrianSuccession Defeated -16 1058
35325 Frosty II ColdWar Survived -3 1055
35334 guowen zhang's shadow AnarchyInTheUK Won 33 1088
35309 Emeny Duo Ahead!! Duo Survived -8 1080
34563 War of Austrian Succession gunboat AustrianSuccession Defeated -4 1076
35201 Go West! ManifestDestiny Drawn 15 1091
35022 För ze Kaiser! Edwardian Defeated -32 1059
35303 Don't turn around ClassicFog Drawn 14 1073
34570 Gunboat Global World Defeated -27 1046
34993 Crowding In ClassicCrowded Survived 3 1049
34905 The Emperor’s Old Clothes Imperial2 Defeated -7 1042
35554 NATO vs USSR ColdWar Survived -8 1034
34810 Marvin The Martian Mars Survived -30 1004
34840 America Rising Empire4 Defeated 7 1011
33821 1000 megawats of fun WWIV_V6 Defeated -11 1000
35332 The Spice Must Flow SpiceIslands Survived -17 983
35596 Duocumented Battle Duo Survived -4 979
35601 Duomsday Duo Survived -4 975
35331 March of the Eagles Baron1900 Defeated -15 960
35216 war in england CelticBritain Defeated -32 928
35359 Colonial Gunboat 4 Colonial1885 Survived -10 918
35637 Strategic Duoplomacy Duo Survived -3 915
35340 A Dance of Empires Canton Survived -6 909
35496 Don't turn around - 3 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 19 928
35447 Econ 101 ClassicEconomic Defeated -22 906
35491 Public Fog-2 ClassicFog Defeated -10 896
35730 Its a Duoosie! Duo Survived -3 893
35212 Know thy Enemy, Again KnownWorld_901 Defeated -2 891
35628 vikings vs celtics round 2 DarkAges Won 249 1140
35993 Cold Duel-4 ColdWar Survived -3 1137
35502 Modern World War Modern2 Defeated -31 1106
35630 axis vs allies YoungstownWWII Survived -27 1079
36109 Blueiing The Grey Empire1on1 Won 7 1086
35879 Only 1v1 game available Duo Survived -10 1076
35652 Probabilities... Colonial1885 Defeated -22 1054
35890 Don't turn around - 7 (but it's the 4th Crusade) Crusades1201 Survived -23 1031
35642 Double Time ClassicLayered Drawn 57 1088
36268 Thedialecticsofhistory ColdWar Won 5 1093
36329 Something sum... ColdWar Won 7 1100
35577 Imperial Gunboat-2 Imperial2 Defeated -5 1095
35870 On a cloudy day V ClassicFog Survived 17 1112
34637 Embassy Cable GobbleEarth Defeated -1 1111
35547 Pity Party YoungstownWWII Survived -9 1102
36373 Join me plz TreatyOfVerdun Survived -7 1095
36292 Each Dawn I Conquer AncMed Survived -21 1074
36122 FREEDOM!!!!!! CelticBritain Defeated -37 1037
36431 A Million Freemen! Empire1on1 Defeated -5 1032
36502 Kissinger Would be Proud? ColdWar Survived -5 1027
36521 Launching the nukes doesn't work ColdWar Won 6 1033
36273 Mars...Cuz why not? Mars Survived -15 1018
36362 Age of Pericles! AgeOfPericles Survived -34 984
36307 foggy 92 ClassicFog Defeated -33 951
36272 Return of the Bastard TenSixtySix_V3 Won 37 988
36294 The Great Game (not really) Colonial Drawn 22 1010
36777 Coldest War ColdWar Won 8 1018
36790 Civil War-68 Empire1on1 Won 7 1025
36299 Peg Legs Pirates Survived -9 1016
36462 Youngstown - Redux YoungstownRedux Defeated -22 994
35182 Darwin's Dilemma WWIV_V6 Defeated -14 980
36356 The Italian Job Machiavelli Defeated -19 961
36253 Fantasy Land FantasyWorld Defeated -32 929
36838 battle of the three kings ClassicIER Survived -17 912
36789 Pentagon (GRIFT) ClassicVS Defeated -24 888
36839 rome sweet rome AncMed Defeated -4 884
36628 Stinky fingers Zeus5 Defeated -25 859
36512 Wombats Anonymous MateAgainstMate Defeated -18 841
36992 Not ClassicEvT Survived -6 835
36963 France TreatyOfVerdun Survived -11 824
36255 Colonial 1885-5 Colonial1885 Survived -8 816
36737 Lisica Classic Defeated -7 809
37171 Douque Duo Won 9 818
36945 Foggy Europe ClassicFog Defeated -26 792
37192 The cheaper forgotten trade NorthSeaWars Defeated -15 777
37372 Nukes: An Abomination ColdWar Survived -4 773
36970 A New Century Baron1900 Survived 5 778
37437 Europewar ClassicGvI Won 10 788
37134 Spicy Bois Classic Survived -17 771
37456 Fool of a Took ColdWar Survived -5 766
36849 Europe 1939-3 Europe1939 Defeated -20 746
37469 War is Cold ColdWar Survived -6 740
33781 Divided States of 'Murica Divided_States Defeated -10 730
33790 The Trump Effect Divided_States Defeated -18 712
37262 G’Day MateAgainstMate Survived 42 754
36932 On a cloudy day VIII ClassicFog Defeated -13 741
37156 Slippery Nipples GreatLakes Defeated -13 728
36338 The Quest for the Holy Grail Haven Defeated 1 729
37689 (GvF) ClassicVS Survived -2 727
37726 (GvF)-2 ClassicVS Survived -2 725
35242 Fast Fifty State (again) Divided_States Defeated -6 719
37006 Economic-5 ClassicEconomic Defeated -13 706
37248 Cowboys and Injuns ManifestDestiny Survived -23 683
36192 Imperial-3 Imperial2 Defeated 2 685
36448 Steppe Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -20 665
33789 American Gunboat -2 Divided_States Defeated -5 660
37160 Italian Shoes Continuum Rinascimento Defeated 0 660
37277 Beep Beep I'm a Jeep GobbleEarth Defeated -22 638
37495 Global War YoungstownWWII Survived -7 631
37617 Conquer Iceland ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -13 618
37659 GB Florence ClassicFlorence Defeated -20 598
37720 Censorship ClassicGreyPress Drawn 32 630
38099 The final gambit ColdWar Won 11 641
37327 Swimming Trout from Axa AncMed Survived -4 637
38186 The last hope ColdWar Survived -5 632
36688 Let’s do this KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 616
37825 Money, that's what I want ClassicEconomic Defeated -20 596
37479 Play it up Abstraction3 Drawn 67 663
37927 Crusader Crusades1201 Survived 5 668
38034 No chat just fun 41 Classic1880 Defeated -10 658
37418 The Escape KnownWorld_901 Defeated -19 639
37821 Youngstown WW2-2 YoungstownWWII Defeated -12 627
38397 Classic - Build anywhere BuildAnywhere Defeated -16 611
38471 Wagons and Galleons ManifestDestiny Won 235 846
38622 Theraputic Eunuch from Punic PunicWars Survived -244 602
38130 Fair Fight Colonial1885 Defeated -12 590
38209 This is your territory...? This is my territory ClassicAnkaraCrescent Resigned -10 580
38461 Stay woke AtlanticColonies Survived 0 580
38926 play-2 ClassicGvR Survived -4 576
40214 Strategic error Zeus5 Resigned -8 568
38292 WWII Global Boogaloo WorldAtWar1937 0 568
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States -25 543
40153 Rinascimento Oct19 Rinascimento 0 543
40194 Event Horizon YoungstownWWII Defeated -13 530
40500 Teams without chatting Classic Survived 15 545
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated 16 561
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States -30 531
39415 A gentleman's pace - ready builds and retreats! Europa_Renovatio -6 525
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio -20 505
45127 Cold war-92 ColdWar Survived -1 504
45385 Yupyup Empire1on1 Survived -4 500
40323 Modi Maharajah Defeated 0 500
42627 Terra Imperium Imperial2 Defeated -8 492
45608 Russ reconnects with his homeland Germany1648 -11 481
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated -11 470
45218 Ottoman Bismark Colonial1885 Defeated 9 479
46467 We live in a diplomacy Classic -14 465
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 465