Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Tulkas (2491 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
39100 Punic wars always PunicWars Won 79 1079
39156 My enemy is making a mistake TreatyOfVerdun Survived -7 1072
39215 Two duo Duo Drawn 0 1072
39217 Two duo 2 Duo Defeated -6 1066
39167 Punic wars always 2 PunicWars Survived -24 1042
38598 Calica CelticBritain Drawn 64 1106
39094 Brown sugar SouthAmerica5 Defeated -31 1075
39172 By The Sea - Open to All AncMed Survived -9 1066
39216 Eureka GreekDip Survived -28 1038
39193 Cowboys and Injuns-2 ManifestDestiny Defeated -21 1017
39241 Coffee and More Africa Won 341 1358
38949 A game of Europe 1939 - 1 Europe1939 Defeated -22 1336
39706 Not this daisho Sengoku5 Defeated -2 1334
39295 Green button V ClassicFog Drawn 37 1371
39109 Fog of War-23 ClassicFog Survived -20 1351
39144 No chat just fun 50 - WTA Classic1897 Drawn 37 1388
39720 Classical gunboat-2 Classic Drawn 24 1412
39457 Malcka KnownWorld_901 Defeated -41 1371
39850 More Coffee and More Africa Drawn 52 1423
39688 Mediterranean AncMed Drawn 12 1435
39652 Das Kriegenspiele I Germany1648 Survived -6 1429
38933 Finest_Gunboat1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 20 1449
40350 Interesting bidding GreekDip Survived -34 1415
40127 JoeHoe :-) DutchRevolt Drawn 14 1429
40324 Gunboat spice SpiceIslands Drawn 20 1449
40246 Super fun hit Europe1939 Drawn 41 1490
40133 This variant is popular... ClassicCroatia Drawn 15 1505
40527 More Coffee and More More Africa Drawn 21 1526
40649 Not this daisho II Sengoku5 Survived -42 1484
40669 World Dipcon Bangkok 2021 SpiceIslands Survived 8 1492
39664 JoJo KnownWorld_901 Survived -31 1461
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio Survived 0 1461
41122 Menrood Cold War ColdWar Drawn 0 1461
40889 More Coffee and More... Diamonds! Africa Drawn 25 1486
41130 Menrood Punic wars PunicWars Survived -35 1451
40606 A modern Gunboat Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -38 1413
41236 Menrood South America SouthAmerica4 Drawn 5 1418
41324 (EFRA) menrood ClassicVS Drawn 0 1418
38844 Globalisation WWIV_V6 Drawn 176 1594
41146 More Coffee and More... Ivory! Africa Drawn 14 1608
41549 Lawrence the Menrood ClassicEvT Won 3 1611
41556 Frank de la jungla ClassicFGvsRT Won 2 1613
40793 Inherency KnownWorld_901 Defeated -52 1561
41604 Frank de la jungla 2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 3 1564
41148 Going Dutch-2 DutchRevolt Drawn 14 1578
41776 Cold warrior ColdWar Won 3 1581
40617 European Disunion-2 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 97 1678
41341 WWII gunboat! Stab away all day! YoungstownWWII Survived -38 1640
41059 Thanks giving game Empire4 Drawn 62 1702
41478 More Coffee and More... Gold!!! Africa Won 189 1891
42446 Nagashino Sengoku6 Survived -45 1846
38797 Silent Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1846
41267 Europe 1939 Gunboat! Europe1939 Defeated -49 1797
41353 Make war, not love. MongolianEmpire Drawn 32 1829
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Survived 0 1829
41340 1937 Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -50 1779
43237 Scottish Gunboat Scottish_Clan_Wars Won 101 1880
43041 More Coffee and More... Wisdom!!! Africa Drawn 3 1883
43879 1937 Gunboat!-3 WorldAtWar1937 -52 1831
43942 13th century lockdown MongolianEmpire Defeated -63 1768
44901 Rat-2 RatWars Won 46 1814
43216 More Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 10 1824
44526 Antecolumbia KnownWorld_901 Drawn 46 1870
44783 More Coffee and More... Fate! Africa Defeated -27 1843
45685 England AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 4 1847
45158 Gunboat Fall of America! 104 Empire4 Drawn 13 1860
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1860
45960 Manifest Speedboat ManifestDestiny Drawn 4 1864
45131 World of Gunboat YoungstownRedux Defeated -54 1810
45952 Speedboat Africana Africa Drawn 12 1822
45936 Viking Speedboat Viking Survived -42 1780
45758 Come Join 3 WWII Drawn 7 1787
45543 Civilisation Excoriation WesternWorld_901 Won 96 1883
46425 Three Kingdoms in Western Europe TenSixtySix Won 22 1905
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated 0 1905
46368 Das U-boat YoungstownWWII Drawn 9 1914
46823 Gunboat Africa! 1010 Africa Drawn 1 1915
46802 Something Different - 22 MongolianEmpire Defeated -57 1858
46531 Modern Gumboat Modern2 Defeated -43 1815
46454 DEUS VULT-8 FirstCrusade Won 71 1886
47178 Thea 1600 Europe1600 Survived -42 1844
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 1844
47417 Fall of America Gunboat 2021 Empire4 Defeated -49 1795
47935 UK 2033 AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 12 1807
48020 Fall of America gunboat Empire4 Defeated -53 1754
45393 Imperial II Imperial2 Drawn 48 1802
44413 ME-2 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 54 1856
48277 The Battle for the New World Empire4 Drawn 10 1866
47749 Modern Gumboat MMXXI Modern2 Drawn 55 1921
46359 WWWoww WWIV Defeated -58 1863
48846 Tribeboat CelticBritain Drawn 18 1881
48728 More Coffee and More... Again Africa Survived -31 1850
48933 Moderna gunnboat Modern2 Survived -37 1813
49422 Land of the Free Empire4 Won 171 1984
49584 My Island Home-4 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -44 1940
50142 G'dayboat MateAgainstMate Drawn 10 1950
49952 AC-6 AmericanConflict Defeated -39 1911
49006 Rise of an Empire KnownWorld_901 Defeated -48 1863
47431 Gunboat - World diplomacy World Drawn 55 1918
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven Drawn 41 1959
48915 Canton A Hont Tin Roof Canton Survived -43 1916
50035 The Silent Majority KnownWorld_901 Drawn 42 1958
50400 Abberant Boat 2 AberrationV Survived -24 1934
50687 Here I go again on my own WWII Defeated -41 1893
50651 2 day classic Classic Drawn 16 1909
41200 DSA Divided_States Defeated -48 1861
51230 Youngstown gunboat-10 YoungstownRedux Won 43 1904
51383 Jo Jo Choo Choo CelticBritain Drawn 24 1928
50691 Just a gunboat Modern2 Survived -61 1867
50168 Lsß A_Modern_Europe Defeated -59 1808
51305 Alternative History AberrationV Drawn 43 1851
51356 Home of the Brave II Empire4 Won 180 2031
51628 Youngstown Gunboat -3 YoungstownRedux Survived -50 1981
49570 36-4-All Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1981
51639 More Coffee and more Cocoa Africa Drawn 32 2013
51768 Maddern Gunboat Modern2 Drawn 26 2039
52073 1885 Gunboat-9 Colonial1885 Drawn 26 2065
52431 Home of the Brave III Empire4 Drawn 38 2103
52178 Known World Gunboat-4 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 34 2137
52723 WTA modern gunboat Modern2 Drawn 39 2176
51802 Colonization-2 Imperial2 Drawn 28 2204
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated 0 2204
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio -55 2149
52311 Parma A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 2149
53470 North American Gunboat Showdown-2 ManifestDestiny Won 25 2174
53482 Caribbean Gunboat-4 Karibik Drawn 8 2182
53626 Gunboat Ready Up Classic1898Fog Survived 0 2182
53475 Maddern Gunboat II Modern2 Survived -70 2112
53707 Home of the Brave V Empire4 Drawn 24 2136
53560 1885 Gunboat-12 Colonial1885 Drawn 15 2151
54265 Mediterranean Gunboat AncMed Drawn 3 2154
54410 Greek Gunboat-2 GreekDip Survived -34 2120
54309 Warrisome America Empire4 Drawn 33 2153
54319 More Coffee and more... Beskar Africa -51 2102
53422 Known World Gunboat-6 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 2102
53481 Imperial Gunboat-7 Imperial2 Defeated -59 2043
54370 Youngstown Gunboat -10 YoungstownRedux Won 36 2079
54720 Youngstown Gunboat -11 YoungstownRedux Defeated -59 2020
54999 Home of the Brave VI Empire4 Defeated -47 1973
54900 Gunboat 1496 Abstraction3 Drawn 8 1981
55633 Cvevapcici Balkans1860 Drawn 11 1992
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -9 1983
55177 Known World Gunboat-7 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 44 2027
55453 Modern Europe Gunboat-2 A_Modern_Europe Survived 110 2137
55983 Home of the Brave VII Empire4 Defeated -56 2081
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Drawn 60 2141
56328 Hail Zanthia Haven Drawn 57 2198
57160 Europe 2023 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 63 2261
57858 Maddern Gunboat IV Modern2 Drawn 12 2273
57743 Home of the Brave VIII Empire4 Won 173 2446
58096 Sahara the first SouthSahara Defeated -28 2418
57912 Youngstown Redux No Talk YoungstownRedux Defeated -72 2346
58416 Figure it out ManifestDestiny Won 13 2359
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio Drawn 49 2408
58234 HO HO HO 4 AberrationV Defeated -69 2339
58524 Asia Gunboat EastIndies Defeated -68 2271
58082 Playing through all the variants #9: Modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Won 297 2568
59317 Modern-3 Modern2 Drawn 2 2570
58525 Is this world any better? World10 Defeated -79 2491